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GPO's OPAL Implementation PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Last Updated on Thursday, December 11, 2008

Online FDLP training is available for Federal Depository Library participants via OPAL (Online Programming for All Libraries), an interactive Web-based meeting and conferencing service.

The educational sessions may be live or prerecorded. The live events are held in the GPO OPAL room or the OPAL auditorium and allow participants to interact via voice-over-IP, text chatting, and synchronized browsing. In addition, most OPAL sessions are archived to allow those unable to attend a live event to replay the recording at their convenience.

Presenters include GPO staff, and, beginning in 2008, members of the depository library community. Topics may include FDLP products and services and all aspects of depository library operations and management.


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