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FDLP Promotional Materials PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, December 04, 2008
Last Updated on Monday, January 05, 2009

The U.S. Government Printing Office provides promotional materials at no charge to Federal Depository Libraries to increase public awareness of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

The promotional items are appropriate for use in events such training classes; workshops; local, state, and regional meetings, and anniversary celebrations. Libraries may also order products associated with  the "Easy As FDL" marketing plan which is designed to empower FDLs to raise awareness of the services they provide.

The products available not only promote the mission of the FDLP, but some items, such as the Constitution booklet and the American Government booklet, educate and inform the public about our Federal government using primary information.

Quantities ordered should be considered carefully so that we can continue to offer these materials. There is a limit (usually 25) on some items to ensure that we have enough materials in stock for all libraries in the program.

Depository status of the ordering library will be verified before shipment. To place an order please log in and view the products available.

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