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Edible Wild Plants

Allaire, Denise. Cuisinons nos plantes sauvages. Québec, Éditions de l'Aurore, c1977. 178 p.

Angier, Bradford. Free for the eating. Harrisburg, PA, Stackpole Books, [1966]. 191 p.

Angier, Bradford. Feasting free on wild edibles; a one-volume edition of Free for the eating and More free-for-the eating wild foods. Harrisburg, PA, Stackpole Books, [1972, c1969]. 285 p.
   TX823.A48 1972

Beatty, Bill. [Wild plant cookbook] Bill & Bev Beatty's wild plant cookbook. Happy Camp, CA, Naturegraph Publishers, c1987. 174 p.
   TX823.B423 1987
   Illustrations by Bev Beatty.

Beedell, Suzanne Mollie. Pick, cook and brew. London, Pelham, 1973. 224 p.
   TX823.B43 1973b

Belt, Thomas Edwin. Wild plants for winemaking. Andover, Amateur Winemaker, 1974. 87 p.

Boisvert, Clotilde. La cuisine des plantes sauvages. Paris, New York, Dargaud, c1984. 302 p.
   TX823.B59 1984

Candela Bettelli, Enza. Andar per boschi. Milano, Il castello, [1977?] 223 p.

Carlberg, Birgitta. Vilda växter : användning förr och nu. Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand, 1980. 177 p.
   TT157.C25 1980

Croisier, Annie. La cueillette : 10 mois de l'année Paris, Retz, 1979. 191 p.

Crowhurst, Adrienne. The weed cookbook. New York, Lancer Books, 1972. 190 p.

Dow, Elaine. Pages from a weed woman's journal of common wild plants : their histories and uses in flower arrangement, cooking, dyeing, landscaping, and drying : with recipes. Topsfield, MA (P.O. Box 224, Topsfield 01983), Historical Presentations, c1991. 183 p.
   QK98.4.A1D69 1991
   Illustrated by David Workman.

Duff, Gail. The countryside cookbook : recipes & remedies. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1982. 191 p.
   TX823.D78 1982
   Illustrated by Linda Garland, with line illustrations by Roger Garland.

Eating on the wild side : the pharmacologic, ecologic, and social implications of using noncultigens. Edited by Nina L. Etkin. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, c1994. 305 p.
   GN476.73.E27 1994

En me promenant dans la vallée des champs. Commission Nature plein air ; sous la direction de Gisèle Arseneault ; [membres collaborateurs, Louise Monette Bernard et al. ; illustrations, Nicole Boisvert]. [Toronto] : Guides du Canada ; [Montréal] : Guides catholiques du Canada, Secteur français, 1983. 121 p.
   TX823.E53 1983

Freethy, Ron. From agar to zenry : a book of plant uses, names, and folklore. Dover, NH, Tanager Books, 1985. 152 p.
   QK98.4.G7F74 1985
   Illustrated by Carole Pugh.

Freitus, Joe. Wild preserves : illustrated recipes for over 100 natural jams and jellies. Boston, Stone Wall Press, c1977. 192 p.

Freitus, Joe. The natural world cookbook : complete gourmet meals from wild edibles. Washington, DC, Stone Wall Press ; Brattleboro, VT, distributed by the S. Greene Press, c1980. 283 p.
   Illustrated by Salli Haberman.
   Cover photo by Randy Hill ; edited and designed by Pamela B. Haran.

Gearing, Catherine. A field guide to wilderness living. Nashville, TN, Southern Pub. Association, 1973. 222 p.
   Cover painting and illustrations by Wayne Barber.

Genders, Roy. Edible wild plants : a guide to natural foods. New York, Van der Marck Editions, c1988. 208 p.
   QK98.5.A1G46 1988

Gibbons, Euell. Stalking the good life; my love affair with nature. New York, D. McKay Co., 1971. 247 p.
   Illustrated by Freda Gibbons.

Harris, Ben Charles. Eat the weeds. New Canaan, CT, Keats Pub., 1995. 254 p.
   QK98.5.A1H37 1995
   Foreword by Rosemary Gladstar.

Harris, Ben Charles. Eat the weeds. Barre, MA, Barre Publishers, 1968 c1969. 223 p.
   QK98.5.H3 1969

Heiss, Erich. Wildgemüse und Wildfrüchte : eine wertvolle Ergänzung und Aufwertung unserer heutigen Nahrung : Salate, Gemüse, Früchte, Gewürze, Heiltee, Haustee aus der freien Natur : zahlreiche Ratschläge für eine gesunde Lebensführung nach neuen Erkenntnissen und eigenen Erfahrungen. München, Herp, [1980?] 335 p.
   QK98.5.A1H44 1980

Henderson, Robert K. The neighborhood forager : finding and preparing delicious wild foods anywhere. White River Junction, VT, Chelsea Green Pub., 2000. 226 p.
   TX823.H423 2000

Hitchcock, Susan Tyler. Gather ye wild things : a forager's year. Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1995. 182 p.
   QK98.5.A1H57 1995
   Illustrations by G.B. McIntosh.

Hsieh, Jung-hua. Shih yung yeh hua. chuan wen Hsieh Jung-hua ; p`eng tiao Lin Ch`un-chiang. T`ai-pei : Tu chia ch`u pan she, Min kuo 80 [1991] (1995 printing) 120 p.
   QK98.5.A1H75 1991

Ingmanson, Inger. Kan man äta sån't? : en bok om ätliga växter. teckningar av Kajsa Sjödin. Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1978. 311 p.

Kluger, Marilyn. The wild flavor : [delectable wild foods to be found in field and forest and cooked in country kitchens]. Los Angeles, J.P. Tarcher ; Boston, Distributed by Houghton Mifflin, 1984. 285 p.
   [TX823.K47 1984]
   Illustrated by Mary Azarian.

Krause, Steven A. [In search of the wild dewberry] Drinks from the wilds. Mechanicsburg, PA, Stackpole Books, 1996. 276 p.
   TX815.K7 1996
   Botanical drawings and descriptions by Robert W. Freckman.

Krochmal, Connie and Arnold Krochmal. A naturalist's guide to cooking with wild plants. New York, Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co. 1975, c1974. 336 p.
   TX823.K75 1975

Lánská, Dagmar. Plané rostliny v kuchni. Praha, Aventinum, 1990. 159 p.
   TX823.L36 1990

Lyle, Katie Letcher. The wild berry book : romance, recipes & remedies. Minocqua, WI, NorthWord Press, c1994. 160 p.
   QK98.5.A1L94 1994
   Illustrations by Laurie Anderson Caple.

March, Kathryn G. and Andrew L. March. The wild plant companion : a fresh understanding of herbal food and medicine. Bailey, CO, Meridian Hill Publications, c1986. 166 p.
   TX823.M274 1986

McCraken, Derwood. Mother Nature's recipe book. Willits, CA, Oliver Press, 1975. 151 p.

Michael, Pamela. All good things around us : a cookbook and guide to wild plants and herbs. New York, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1980. 240 p.
   QK98.5.A1M52 1980
   Illustrated by Christabel King.

Nicholson, Delaine. From field & forest : the guide to making wild jelly. Key Largo, FL, TerraNovaNet, c1996. 64 p.
   TX612.J4N53 1996

Nyerges, Christopher. Guide to wild foods and useful plants. Chicago, IL, Chicago Review Press, c1999. 237 p.
   QK98.5.A1N94 1999
   Foreword by Ed Begley, Jr.

Nyerges, Christopher. Urban wilderness : a guidebook to resourceful city living. Culver City, CA, Peace Press, c1979. 224 p.
   Illustrated by Janice Fryling.

Ó Céirín, Cyril and Kit Ó Céirín Wild and free : cooking from nature. Dublin, O'Brien Press, 1978. 158 p.
   Illustrations by Cyril Ó Céirín.

Ozollapa, Skaidr te. Vesel gas dz veszinas noslpumi. R ga, Alberts XII, c1997. 326 p.
   TX741.O96 1997

Runyon, Linda. Lawn food cook book : groceries in the backyard. Glens Falls, NY (Upper Sherman Ave., RD 3, Box 194, Glens Falls 12801), Williams Graphic Arts, c1985. 46 p.
   TX837.R92 1985
   Drawings by Linda Runyon.

Russell, Helen Ross. Foraging for dinner : collecting and cooking wild foods. Nashville, T. Nelson, 1975. 255 p.
   Illustrations by Doris Shilladay Ross and smoke prints by Robert S. Russell.

Saury, Bianca. Se nourrir, se guérir aux plantes sauvages. Bianca et Alain Saury ; préf. du dr Jean Valuet ; gouaches d'Alain Saury ; introd. d'Albert Delaval. [Paris] : Tchou, c1977. 267 p.

Sherwood, Martha A. Collecting roots & herbs for fun & profit. Chicago, Produced by Greatlakes Living Press of WauRegan, IL, for Contemporary Books, c1978. 282 p.
   SB107.S43 1978
   Illustrated by Nancy J. Schneider.

Silverman, Maida. A city herbal : a guide to the lore, legend and usefulness of 34 plants that grow wild in the city. New York, Knopf, distributed by Random House, 1977. 181 p.
   QK83.S58 1977
   Written and illustrated by Maida Silverman.

Sykes, Tim and Barbara Sykes. The Forager's second cookbook of wild plants. Houston, TX (PO Box 692110, Houston 77269-2110), Forager Pub., c1995. 83 p.
   TX823.S993 1995

Thoreau, Henry David. Wild fruits : Thoreau's rediscovered last manuscript. Edited and introduced by Bradley P. Dean. New York, W.W. Norton, 1999. 409 p.
   QK98.5.T48 1999
   Illustrations by Abigail Rorer.

Tobin, Jack P. A taste of the wild; cooking with the good things from nature's garden, with recipes by Jack Tobin. Kansas City, MO, Hallmark Cards, 1974. 48 p.
   Illustrated by Merrily Johnson.

Vickers, Peggy. The free food cook book. Chatsworth, CA, Major Books, c1975. 192 p.

Vincent, Paul. Le jardin du Bon Dieu : le livre des légumes et des épices sauvages. Paris, Editions France-Empire, c1984. 239 p.
   QK98.5.A1V56 1984

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