Letter of Map Change (LOMC)

Revalidation and Re-Issuance Process

When a new or revised Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) panel becomes effective, it automatically supersedes previously issued LOMCs for the area covered by that panel, including Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs), Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-Fs), and Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) that have been issued for property(ies) on the revised FIRM or DFIRM panel. LOMCs are documents issued by FEMA that revise or amend the flood hazard information shown on the FIRM or DFIRM without requiring the FIRM or DFIRM to be physically revised and republished.

LOMC Revalidation Process and Products

In recognizing that some LOMCs may still be valid even though the flood hazard information on the FIRM has been revised, FEMA has established an automatic process for revalidating LOMCs. This automatic process to revalidate LOMCs includes a detailed comparison of the Base (1-percent-annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) shown on the new or revised FIRM or DFIRM and the lowest adjacent grade or lowest lot elevation of previously issued LOMCs. The determinations for those structures or lots that are above the new or modified BFE or are located in areas of the community that are not affected by updated flood hazard information are revalidated through a formal determination letter—called a LOMC Revalidation, or LOMC-VALID, letter—that FEMA issues to community officials immediately preceding the effective date of the new or revised FIRM or DFIRM. FEMA also mails the LOMC-VALID letter, which is effective on the day following the effective date, to the community's map repository to be kept on file. For additional information on the LOMC revalidation process, interested parties are encouraged to read Subsection 1.15 (Revalidation Processing) of FEMA’s Document Control Procedures Manual.

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For Information on LOMC Subscription Service

The LOMC-VALID letter also is included in the LOMC CD product distributed to subscribers to the LOMC Subscription Service. For additional information on the LOMC Subscription Service, interested parties are encouraged to read Volume 3, Section 3.2.6 of FEMA’s Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, dated April 2003.

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For Questions on Revalidation Process and To Order Copies of Letters

If you have questions about revalidation process or LOMC-VALID letters, please call the FEMA Map Assistance Center, toll free, at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627). To obtain a copy of a specific LOMC-VALID letter, contact the map repository for the community in which the property is located or send a written request to the address listed below. A fee will be charged for all letters obtained.

FEMA Project Library
3601 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22304-6425
Phone: (703) 960-8800
Fax: (703) 751-7391

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LOMCs That Are Not Revalidated

LOMCs that have been issued for multiple lots or structures where the determination for one or more of the lots or structures have changed cannot be revalidated through the automatic process described above. Further, on occasion, LOMCs are inadvertently left out of the revalidation process. To request that FEMA review a LOMC that has not been included in a LOMC-VALID letter, please submit the following:

FEMA will then review the case file and issue a new letter reflecting its determination. All requests should be sent to the following address for processing:

FEMA Depot
3601 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22304-6425
Phone: (703) 960-8800
Fax: (703) 960-9125

To expedite processing, please address your request to the attention of the following processing specialists:

Attention: LOMA DEPOT (Use for LOMAs, LOMR-Fs, Conditional Letters of Map Revision-Based on Fill, and Conditional Letters of Map Amendment)

Attention: LOMR DEPOT (Use for Letters of Map Revision and Conditional Letters of Map Revision)

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For More Information

For more information or additional assistance:

The documents cited above and other useful FEMA, National Flood Insurance Program, and Map Mod resources are now located in the FEMA Library. For other resources, please search the FEMA Library.

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Last Modified: Friday, 25-Jan-2008 15:30:15 EST