
Roles and Responsibilities

The Grantee is the State government, and in some instances, an Indian tribe, to which the Public Assistance grant is awarded.

The grantee is accountable for the use of the funds provided by FEMA and is responsible for providing the grantee portion of the non-federal share of the grant amount. The grantee is also responsible for notifying the subgrantee (applicant) that funds are available and for disbursing those funds to the subgrantees. The State must use methods and procedures for payment that minimize the time between the transfer of funds and disbursement by the State in accordance with Federal cash management requirements.

The grantee is also responsible for providing technical advice and assistance to eligible applicants, ensuring that all potential applicants are aware of the available assistance programs, providing support for damage assessment operations, and submitting the necessary paperwork for grant awards.


Last Modified: Wednesday, 23-Aug-2006 11:13:45 EDT