Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., Representing the Peple of the Second District of Illinois
United States Capitol Building


For Immediate Release: Thursday, July 14, 2005
Contact: Frank Watkins, 202-225-0773

"This bill provides the means to significantly improve the many U.S. Army Corps of Engineer projects on the South Side and south suburbs," Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. said today following passage of H.R.2864, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is a federal entity that provides for the planning, construction, and operation of water resource facilities, primarily for flood damage reduction, navigation, and environmental purposes. WRDA authorizes their activities.

Today WRDA passed the house by a vote of 406 to 14. The Senate is expected to take up their version of WRDA later this year. These two bills will then go to a House-Senate Conference Committee to reconcile differences. After those differences are reconciled and WRDA passes both chambers again, it will go on to the President for his signature.

Rep. Jackson secured three projects that will greatly improve Illinois' 2nd Congressional District including:

*Language that will authorize the use of federal funds for the repair and rehabilitation of Promontory Point only if the original limestone step design is preserved. The Point has been a significant concern to the Hyde Park community for many years, and this language will be a major victory in preserving the Point. Now that this language has been inserted into the bill on the House side, it is up to the Senate to ensure its inclusion in its version of the bill;

*Language that will ensure the continued work on the Thornton Reservoir section of the "Deep Tunnel" project located in Chicago's south suburbs. The completion of this project is essential to the improvement of flood control in the 2nd Congressional district;

*And language that will allow for the updating of the flood plain maps affecting the Little Calumet River area. Updating these maps to reflect the improvement due to projects such as the Deep Tunnel project will help decrease the high flood insurance rates paid by homeowners in this community.

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