"Table with row headers in column A, and column headers in rows 14 through 15. ",,,,,, SHP-1. PARENTS AND CHILDREN IN STAY-AT-HOME PARENT FAMILY GROUPS: 1994 TO PRESENT,,,,,, Numbers in thousands. Family groups with children include those families ,,,,,, that maintain their own household (family households with own children); those,,,,,, that live in the home of a relative (related subfamilies); and those that live ,,,,,, in the home of a nonrelative (unrelated subfamilies). Stay-at-home family groups ,,,,,, are married-couple family groups with children under 15 where one parent is in the ,,,,,, labor force all of the previous year and their spouse is out of the labor force ,,,,,, for the entire year with the reason 'taking care of home and family.' ,,,,,, Only married couples with children under 15 are included.,,,,,, ,,,,,, (Numbers in thousands.),,,,,, ,,,,,, ,Married-Couple Family Groups,,,Children Under 15,, Years,Total Married-Couple Family Groups with Children Under 15,Stay-at-home Mothers,Stay-at-home Fathers,Total Children Under 15 in Married-Couple Family Groups,Children under 15 with Stay-at-home Mothers,Children under 15 with Stay-at-home Fathers 2007,"23,507","5,563",165,"41,559","11,193",303, 2006,"23,232","5,646",159,"41,259","11,372",283, 2005,"23,305","5,584",142,"41,111","11,224",247, 2004,"23,160","5,571",147,"41,409","11,205",268, 2003,"23,209","5,388",98,"41,654","11,028",175, 2002,"23,339","5,206",106,"41,802","10,573",189, 2001,"22,922","4,934",81,"41,862","10,194",148, 2000,"22,953","4,785",93,"41,860","10,087",180, 1999,"22,754","4,731",71,"41,003","9,796",143, 1998,"22,881","4,555",90,"41,038","9,432",196, 1997,"22,779","4,617",71,"40,798","9,788",140, 1996,"22,808","4,633",49,"40,739","9,693",115, 1995,"22,973","4,440",64,"41,008","9,106",125, 1994,"22,951","4,539",76,"40,979","9,372",160, ,,,,,,, Footnote:,,,,,,, NA Not available,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, " Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, March and ",,,,,,,,,,,, "Annual Social and Economic Supplements, 2007 and earlier.",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION contact:,,,,,,,,,,,, Fertility and Family Statistics Branch,,,,,,,,,,,, 301-763-2416,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, Internet Release Date: July 2008,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,