U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Department of Commerce News

          EMBARGOED UNTIL: 10 A.M. EDT, JULY 1, 1997 (TUESDAY)

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Arlene Saluter

         Three in Ten Households Were Maintained by Women in 1996

  There were 29.2 million households maintained by women with no husband 
present in 1996, according to tabulations released today by the Commerce 
Department's Census Bureau.  The report, "Household and Family Characteristics:
March 1996 (Update)," P20-495, provides 1996 data on the demographic 
characteristics of our nation's households and families by race and Hispanic 

  Highlights include:

   - Married couples with their own children under age 18
     accounted for 25 percent of all households.

   - The average number of people per household was 2.65.

   - Thirty-two percent of all family groups with children were
     single-parent situations.

   - People living alone made up 25 percent of all households.

  These new tabulations are available on the Internet at
http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/hh-fam.html. A paper copy of 
the tables (PPL-66) may be obtained from the Census Bureau's Public 
Information Office.

  Data are from the March 1996 Current Population Survey.  As in all surveys, 
the data are subject to sampling variability and other sources of error.
The Census Bureau--pre-eminent collector and provider of timely, relevant, and 
quality data about the people and economy of the United States.  In over 100 
surveys annually and 20 censuses a decade, evolving from the first census in 
1790, the Census Bureau provides official information about America's people, 
businesses, industries and institutions.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Public Information Office

Last Revised: April 10, 2001 at 10:50:45 AM

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