Bicentennical Home
Commemorative Items
- Library of Congress

From significant developments in human knowledge over the past century to the relationship between the rule of law and the spread of democracy; from the Great Congressional triumvirate of Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster to the historical context of poetry; from preserving and securing collections to national libraries of the world and bibliographic control in the new millennium...all of these subjects have been a part of the rich mosaic of Bicentennial symposia.

The Bicentennial symposia are available as cybercasts on the Library's Web site. Take a look at the descriptions of past symposia, and if the topic and speakers intrigue you, watch the cyber version!



-About the Bicentennial
-Commemorative Items
-Local Legacies
-Special Programs
-Gifts to the Nation
-America's Library
-Frontiers of the Mind in the Twenty-First Century
-Informing the Congress and the Nation
-Democracy and the Rule of Law
-Poetry and the American People
-National Libraries of the World
-To Preserve and Protect
-Bibliographic Controls in the New Millennium
-Library Home