addition to Local Legacies, other
Bicentennial programs involved citizens across the nation in recognizing
not only the Library of Congress but all libraries and the
role they play in community life.
Laureate Robert Pinsky's Favorite Poem Project recorded Americans
from all walks of life, including President and Mrs. Clinton, reading
their favorite poems.
of a national photography contest were announced in June 1999; their
photographs are pictorial representations of how reading affects
daily lives in profound ways.
of Congress staff undertook a rich variety of projects to commemorate
the Bicentennial.
libraries also joined in the Bicentennial celebration! A working
group of the Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC)
developed an online
toolkit with activities and information for their individual
organizations. You can find ways to celebrate federal libraries
and the Library of Congress Bicentennial year, get tips on how to
plan library programs, access a chronology of federal libraries
and information centers, and obtain a sample press release and letterhead.