Essays 2001 Book Cover

Foreword by Henry H. Shelton
Innocent Packets? Applying Navigational Regimes from the
Law of the Sea Convention by Analogy to the Realm of Cyberspace
Steven M. Barney  
Not with Impunity: Assessing U.S. Policy for Retaliating to a
Chemical or Biological Attack
Harry W. Conley  
Huntington Revisited: Is Conservative Realism Still Essential for the Military Ethic?
Kathleen A. Mahoney-Norris  
Broken Promises: The United States, China, and Nuclear Nonproliferation
Nathaniel H. Sledge, Jr.  
The 20th Annual Competition

The Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) is a major component of the National Defense University (NDU), which operates under the supervision of the President of NDU. It conducts strategic studies for the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and unified commanders in chief; supports national strategic components of NDU academic programs; and provides outreach to other governmental agencies and the broader national security community.

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First printing, September 2001.

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