Congressman Sander Levin

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  The Congressional Connector
Week of March 3 - 7, 2008
Lawmakers Hold Hearing on China’s Human Rights Record in Advance of Olympic Games

On February 27, the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) held a high-profile hearing on the impact of the 2008 Olympic Games on human rights in China.  The CECC was created by Congress with the legislative mandate to monitor human rights and the development of the rule of law in China.  Rep. Levin chaired the hearing, which featured testimony from experts on China as well as human rights advocates.  The 2008 summer Olympics will take place in Beijing this August.

When China was petitioning the Olympic Committee to select Beijing as the site of the 2008 Olympics, it pledged to make improvement in human rights, freedom of the press, and environmental quality.  Witnesses at the CECC hearing presented evidence that China is not meeting its commitments. 

In his statement, Rep. Levin said, “China does not want to be labeled as a gross violator of human rights.  And yet it makes its determination to eliminate dissent painfully clear to the world.  Thousands of prisoners of conscience languish in jail cells across China.  Just in the last few weeks, China has detained individuals who have mentioned the Olympics when speaking out for human rights.” 

To view all the testimony from the hearing, click here

House Votes to End Oil Industry’s Tax Breaks, Invest in Renewable Energy

On February 27, the House of Representatives voted 236 to 132 to adopt legislation [H.R. 5351] to provide tax incentives for renewable energy, super-efficient appliances, green buildings, and  and E85 fuel pumps.  Over time, these incentives will create jobs and help consumers and businesses save billions of dollars on energy bills.  The measure also repeals $18 billion in unnecessary tax subsidies for multinational oil and gas companies.

Speaking in favor of the bill, Rep. Levin said, “At a time when a single oil company is reporting annual earnings of more than twice the ten year cost of this bill, it is absurd to argue that the oil and gas industry needs to be subsidized by the American taxpayer.  By rolling back just a portion of the tax breaks for big oil, we can make enormous strides toward solving this nation’s energy challenges and lowering consumer energy costs.”

For additional information, click here.

The Week Ahead

On Wednesday, the House is expected to take up the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity [H.R. 1424].  This bipartisan bill is designed to end discrimination against patients seeking treatment for mental illnesses.  The House will also consider the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act [H.R. 2857], which would increase the number of AmeriCorps volunteers to 100,000, putting 25,000 additional volunteers into our communities.  The House may also debate legislation relating to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. 
