June 18, 2007

Iran’s Influence Extends to our Hemisphere

I recently became an original cosponsor of a Congressional resolution that highlights my concern of the growing influence of Iran in Latin America and the increase of terrorist activities in the region.  H Res 435 raises awareness of the emerging national security threats as a result of relationships between the leaders of Iran and regimes in the Western Hemisphere like Venezuela.  As a co-Chair of the Iran Working Group, I am committed to stopping the influence of this radical and dangerous regime, especially close to home.

This resolution expresses support for the people of Iran and Venezuela as they strive for freedom, respect for human rights and civil liberties.  It also recommends to the President that he create more mechanisms for joint country terror operations and inter-regional information sharing.  I strongly believe we must take proactive steps to limit the reach of the Iranian regime and radical Islamic terrorism.


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