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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  April 9, 2002 202-225-2605  
Rep. Rick Larsen’s Request for EA-6B Navy Prowler Maintenance Granted
$35 million allotted to replace wing center section inner panels

Washington, D.C. - In response to Rep. Rick Larsen’s (WA-02) request for additional funding for Navy Prowlers (EA-6Bs), Larsen was told by Secretary of the Navy Gordon England that $35 million would be used to replace EA-6B wing center sections.

“This isn’t just about improving our aircraft, this is about protecting our men and women in the military.  Military readiness is a top priority for me,” said Larsen.  

In a briefing paper Larsen prepared for other Members of Congress Larsen explained, “The Navy’s EA-6B Prowler aircraft is the only airborne radar jamming system available to protect Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force aircraft.”  

Stated Larsen, “We cannot win the global war on terrorism without replacing the wing centers.  The Prowlers are a go-no-go criterion; that is, if they don’t fly, we won’t attack.”

He added, “Some great automobiles were made in the seventies but I wouldn’t trust driving my family in a 1970 Chevy without some upkeep.  We entrust Prowlers with our nation’s security and they need upkeep as well.”

Gordon thanked Larsen for his “concern for the readiness condition of the EA-6B aircraft” and explained that the President’s Supplemental Request to Continue the Global War on Terrorism includes $35 million for Prowler maintenance.

Larsen joined colleagues Joseph Pitts (R - Penn.) and Mark Kirk (R - Ill.) in January to submit a written request to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to include additional funding to accelerate the replacement of the EA-6B wing center section inboard panels in any FY 2002 defense supplemental appropriations request submitted to Congress.  

The three explained to Rumsfeld, “Prowlers are playing a vital role in jamming Al Qaeda and Taliban mobile communication. The ongoing military campaign in Afghanistan requires that Congress address immediately the Navy’s need for accelerated replacement of the wing center section inboard panels.”

Larsen, Pitts and Kirk are members of the Electronic Warfare Working Group.

The EA-6B Prowler was designed in the late 1960s and produced between Fiscal Years 1970 and 1989.  122 EA-6B aircraft remain in inventory, and they are the only dedicated tactical platform performing Electronic Attack.  The type of aluminum used in production of the wing center section inner panels prior to 1975 was subject to embrittlement and fatigue at different rates than the rest of the aircraft.  Presently, eight aircraft are grounded and it is anticipated that an additional twelve will be grounded by the middle of next year.


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