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  For Immediate Release Contact: Kimberly Johnston  
  September 28, 2006 202-225-2605  
Larsen Works to Ensure Competitiveness of
U.S.-Grown Specialty Crops

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) announced today the introduction of new legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives to assist U.S.-grown specialty crops.  The Equitable Agriculture Today for a Healthy America Act (H.R. 6193) would ensure an increased abundance and affordability in the supply of specialty crops for both national and international markets, and enhanced competitiveness for U.S.-grown specialty crops.  Specialty crops - fruits, vegetables, nursery products and tree nuts - are a vital component of Washington state agriculture, accounting for nearly half of all agriculture production.  Larsen is an original co-sponsor of the Act.

“Congress must increase the federal focus on making specialty crops more competitive.  Specialty crops comprise fifty percent of our nation’s agricultural production, but they only receive about 2% of all federal spending on agriculture,” Larsen said.

He continued, “As the agriculture industry grows and changes, we must give farmers the tools they need to add value to their products and we must promote ways for our agriculture producers to benefit from increased export opportunities. This legislation is a critical step forward in increasing the supply and competitiveness of U.S. grown specialty crops.  ”

This legislation would have direct benefits to specialty crop growers throughout the second district. 

“Potato and other specialty crop growers believe the policies furthered by this legislation and championed by Rep. Larsen are critical to the future health of Washington agriculture.  This bill takes the right approach by focusing on research and programs that enhance our ability to be competitive in the global marketplace,” said Darrin Morrison, a Potato Grower and a Commissioner of the Washington State Potato Commission.

Henry Bierlink, Executive Director of the Washington Red Raspberry Commission said, “Berry growers across the nation strongly support the Equitable Agriculture Today for a Healthy America Act.  This bill is an opportunity for Congress to better serve both specialty crop growers and consumers.  It is an opportunity that should not be missed.”

 Among other provisions, the bill would:

• Increase the competitiveness of specialty crops by expanding the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, which provides block grants to help find innovative ways to make specialty crops more competitive.  Further, it would increase funding for the Market Access Program (MAP) and Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops.  These programs help specialty crop growers open up new markets and break down barriers to entry in foreign countries

• Expand nutrition programs utilizing specialty crops by expanding the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program and increasing opportunities for specialty crops to gain access to military and public school feeding programs.

• Increase specialty crop research by establishing a new competitive grants program to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of specialty crop producers in the world marketplace and establish a Specialty Crops Economic and Policy Research Institute to study economic and policy issues that affect the competitiveness of specialty crops.

Washington’s agriculture industry accounts for a fifth of the state’s annual gross product and employs 173,000 people. The state ranks first in the nation in its production of apples, pears, sweet cherries, carrots, and red raspberries.  Washington ranks third in the production of specialty crops.  Rep. Larsen is the only member of the House Agriculture Committee from Washington state. 



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