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MarineFisheries Review

Inside front cover

An Assessment of Fishery Yields from the East China Sea Ecosystem
by W. Z. Chen, Y. Z. Zheng, Y. Q. Chen, and C. P. Mathews

Stocking, Enhancement, and Mariculture of Penaeus orientalis and other
Species in Shanghai and Zhejiang Provinces, China

by J. Xu, M. Xia, X. Ning, and C. P. Mathews

A Brief History of Bycatch Management Measures
for Eastern Bering Sea Groundfish Fisheries

by David Witherell and Clarence Pautzke

Assessment of the Distribution and Abundance of Coastal Sharks
in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Eastern Seaboard, 1995 and 1996

by Mark Grace and Terry Henwood

Untrawlable Bottom in Shrimp Statistical Zones of the Northwest Gulf of Mexico
by Jason Link

Annual Index and List of Papers

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