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A Message from the Director

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A Message from the Director

On the pages which follow, I am pleased to present this annual summary of the work done by a small, but vital Federal agency intimately linked to America's overall defense preparedness. You will also get to know a sample few of the nearly 10,500 outstanding men and women who, as uncompensated volunteers, comprise Local and District Appeal Boards. Since 1940, the Selective Service System has helped all Americans provide for the common defense by establishing, refining, operating, and keeping ready the means to conduct a military draft. Today, there is no draft, but with the continuing registration program for men turning 18, Selective Service is America's low cost manpower insurance policy for the all-volunteer military.

Preserving this unique capability is very important to national security, but the Selective Service System is doing more. In an era of government downsizing and reduced budgets, we, the men and women of this Agency, cannot merely dwell on a proud past; we must demonstrate that America benefits from the Agency's work each and every day. So, in the spirit of the National Performance Review, we closely examined our mission, programs and infrastructure in FY 1996.

Without denigrating any of our statutory responsibilities, and with strong Administration support, we have enthusiastically embarked on a new initiative called "Service to America." The idea is simple, but profound. The registration program affecting 1.9 million men who register each year will serve a dual function in American society. From now on, as an integral part of the acknowledgment process, we are encouraging every new registrant to Serve America today. In close cooperation with the Department of Defense and the Corporation for National Service, we are informing America's young men about opportunities open to them in the U.S. Armed Forces and AmeriCorps.

This ancillary contribution is meaningful, appropriate, and reinvigorating. As a clearinghouse for "Service to America," this Agency proudly continues to fulfill its time-honored purpose in an additional way. We historically focused the attention of young men on meeting society's wartime needs, and now we also remind them about service opportunities in peacetime. Thus, the Selective Service System remains ready for tomorrow's crisis, while it serves today's needs.

Gil Coronado


Last Updated May 4, 2009
©2009 Selective Service System