The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

National Church Arson Task Force

Church Threat Assessment Guide Cover


The burning of churches is a particularly heinous crime because those who would attack our churches seek to strike at our most fundamental liberties and sources of personal support. Historically, churches have served as places of sanctuary, centers of the community, and symbols of freedom. The National Church Arson Task Force is committed to fully applying our investigative resources to determine the cause of those fires and arrest and prosecute those responsible for the arsons.

One aspect of this commitment is the dissemination of the Church Threat Assessment guide. It contains valuable information on the steps that may be taken to prevent fires at churches, the steps to follow after an incident has occurred, the toll free telephone number, 1-888-ATF-FIRE, and the telephone numbers of ATF and FBI offices for providing authorities information about any acts of violence, or threats of violence, directed at churches nationwide.

We must all work together to solve and prevent these despicable crimes. With your continued assistance and support, and your cooperation in applying the recommendations contained within this booklet, churches and congregations will be better protected from this type of violence.

James E. Johnson
Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury
Deval L. Patrick
Assistant Attorney General
for Civil Rights
John W. Magaw
Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms
Louis Freeh
Federal Bureau
of Investigation


The following is a guide to assessing church vulnerability to arson and bombing attacks. It should not be considered all inclusive. Your local Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) office, FBI office, fire, police or sheriff's department should be con-tacted for additional guidance concerning a specific plan for your church.

Area Of Vulnerability

Affirmative Actions To Reduce Vulnerability

  1. Install perimeter floodlights outside the building.

    Criminals can conceal their presence and activity from witnesses at night. Adequate lighting that illuminates all points of entry (doors, windows, skylights, etc.) discour-ages them. Interior lights in areas visible through exterior windows should be left on during all hours of darkness. Exterior lights should have protective screens over them to prevent vandalism. All lights should be checked weekly for serviceability. Rela-tively inexpensive motion activated and/or timing equipment may be purchased to automatically turn lights on and off.

  2. Install an adequate fire and burglar alarm system.

    Alarms should be installed by reputable local companies that can service and pro-perly maintain the equipment. Please note that some municipalities or police depart-ments have enacted burglar alarm standards and will not respond to false alarms by inferior systems that frequently cause false alarms. Check with your local police or sheriff's department.

  3. Solid wood or sheet metal faced doors provide extra integrity that a hollow core wooden door cannot. Metal security grates or screens that cover the entire door and frame also provide added security.

    A steel door frame that properly fits the door is as important as the construction of the door.

    With the proper foundation of a sufficient door and frame, the most obvious consider-ation, door locks, can be addressed. Long throw dead bolts of hardened steel are excellent deterrents to forced entry. Many standard locks are easy to pick or break open. Do remember that exits must remain operable for fire and life safety reasons.

  4. Install burglar-proof bars on screens, and large roof vents to prohibit access through them. However, it should be noted that aesthetic or fire safety considerations often preclude their use. If bars are used, they should be operable from interior and not limit exit or evacuation of building. Local ordinances should be researched BEFORE costly security renovations are undertaken.

    Windows are common points of entry for criminals, regardless of their height from the ground. Burglars can open unlocked windows, break glass and unlock locked windows, saw through metal or wooden frames, or pry entire window frames from exterior walls.

  5. Heavy shrubs and vines should be kept low to the ground to reduce their potential to conceal criminals or incendiary or explosive devices. Large trees or vines should be removed to prevent criminals from climbing to upper windows, large vents, or onto the roof.

  6. Participate in formal Neighborhood Watch type programs organized by local authorities.

  7. Meet with your neighbors and security personnel assigned to your neighboring businesses. Explain your situation and ask them to keep an eye on your church.

  8. Educate personnel on methods to deal with telephoned threats and conducting bomb searches. Develop a written protocol for threats and keep it posted.

  9. Document any strange or threatening phone calls. Talk with the phone company about tracing your lines or installing Caller ID to identify your callers if you are receiv-ing threats.

  10. If a suspicious package or letter is received, immediately call your local police or sheriff's department. Do not touch or manipulate the object in any manner. Be alert for letters or packages that display an excessive amount of postage, contain grease stains, or have unfamiliar or missing return addresses. (See the "SUSPECT LETTER AND PACKAGE INDICATORS " page)

  11. Keep the handling of threatening correspondence, once identified, to an absolute minimum. Place envelopes, letters or the packages in clear plastic bags and do not compress the bag. Store them in another location until they can be turned over to law enforcement.

  12. On a rotating basis, have a member of the congregation, who is at least 18 years of age, check on the church daily. Evaluate the need for a security guard for nights and weekends.

  13. Obtain as detailed a physical description as possible of any suspicious person(s) noticed in or around your facility, including a description of vehicles and license numbers. (Refer to enclosed worksheet, "Suspect Description")

  14. Duplicate all documents, computer disks, and records that are stored at the church. Complete a comprehensive inventory of all furniture and equipment, to include serial numbers and value. Evaluate insurance coverage frequently.

  15. Remove all potential fire hazards from the church grounds, such as trash, lawn clippings and debris. Store all combustible materials in a locked room, shed, etc.


    A. DO NOT allow watch persons to sleep inside the church

    B. The carrying of firearms, nightsticks, mace, or any type of weapon while conducting surveillance or participating in church watch programs should not be permitted.

    C. DO NOT approach a suspicious person, challenge anyone, or otherwise place yourself in jeopardy. If a suspicious situation is found, report it to the nearest law enforcement agency. Take detailed, legible notes of the activity, which may be used later for court or police purposes.

    D. DO NOT pursue vehicle or suspects.

    E. Remember, you do not possess police powers and you are liable as an individual for civil and criminal charges should you exceed your authority. The key is to OBSERVE and REPORT.

    F. DO NOT allow anyone to check on the church after having consumed alcohol. Do not allow anyone to stand watch and consume alcohol.

    G. If possible, conduct the watch patrol in pairs.

    H. Conduct watches in a random fashion and not in an observable pattern.


    It is a crime if your place of worship is defaced or vandalized. Also, should any of the members of your congregation be threatened or intimidated by an individual or group obstructing their free exercise of religious beliefs, immediately contact local law enforce-ment authorities and the nearest FBI office. All of the above incidents are serious matters which the FBI can and will investigate under Federal Civil Rights Statutes.


    Please realize that a perfect security system does not exist and that some of these recommendations may or may not be practical for a place of worship. However, these suggestions can reduce the potential for an arson, bombing, vandalism or burglary at your church. Many of the listed security measures are quite expensive and may be be-yond the means of many churches. Local police crime prevention sections are excellent sources for security evaluations and suggestions. Also, local fire departments can pro-vide on-site fire safety and arson prevention inspections. They will assist you in prioritiz-ing your needs within your budget constraints.

    We realize these recommendations are not all inclusive. We welcome your ideas for improving this assessment and also the descriptions of any measures you have taken, not contained within this guide, that should be shared with other congregations. Please contact the Task Force through our Toll Free number, 1-888-ATF-FIRE, to provide this information.

    Through the Clearinghouse for Arson Prevention Resources, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is making available an assortment of arson prevention brochures and pamphlets. Technical assistance on the development of arson watch teams is also available. Requests for arson prevention workshops, as well as for on-site safety inspections of houses of worship can be made through the Clearinghouse. If you are interested in arson prevention information, please contact the Clearinghouse toll-free by dialing 1-888-603-3100. FEMA has also added a special section to its World Wide Web site ( in support of the National Arson Prevention Initiative.

    Warning! Suspect Letter and Package Indicators

    Suspect Description card


       ATF National Arson Hotline                           Toll Free 1-888-ATF-FIRE
         (Operational 24 Hours A Day)
       ATF National Bomb HOTLINE                            Toll Free 1-888-ATF-BOMB
         (Operational 24 Hours A Day)
       Clearinghouse For Arson Prevention Resources         Toll Free 1-888-603-3100


      Atlanta Field Division:                                      404-331-6526
      Atlanta, GA. (Arson II Group)                                404-331-6436  
      Macon, GA.                                                   912-474-0477
      Savannah, GA.                                                912-652-4251
      Baltimore Field Division:                                    410-962-0897 
      Baltimore, MD. (Group I)                                     410-962-4115
      Hyattsville, MD.                                             301-436-8313
      Wilmington, DE.                                              302-573-6102
      Birmingham Field Division:                                   205-731-1205   
      Birmingham, AL.                                              205-731-1111    
      Gulfport, MS.                                                601-863-4871
      Huntsville, AL.                                              205-539-0623
      Jackson, MS.                                                 601-965-4205
      Mobile, AL.                                                  334-441-5338
      Montgomery, AL.                                              333-223-7507
      Oxford, MS.                                                  601-234-3751
      Boston Field Division:                                       617-565-7042
      Boston (Group I/Arson)                                       617-565-7050
      Burlington (Willston,VT.)                                    802-463-3238
      Hartford, CT.                                                203-240-3185
      New Haven, CT.                                               203-773-2060
      Portland, ME.                                                207-780-3324
      Boston Field Division:                                       617-565-7042
      Concord, NH.                                                 603-225-1547
      Providence, RI.                                              401-528-4366
      Springfield, MA.                                             413-785-0007
      Worchester, MA.                                              508-793-0240
      Charlotte Field Division:                                    704-344-6125 
      Charlotte, NC. (Group I)                                     704-344-6126
      Charlotte, NC. (Group II)                                    704-344-6119
      Charleston, SC.                                              803-727-4275
      Columbia, SC.                                                803-765-5723   
      Fayetteville, NC.                                            910-483-3030
      Greenville, SC.                                              864-232-3221
      Greensboro, NC.                                              910-547-4224
      Raleigh, NC.                                                 919-856-4366
      Wilmington, NC.                                              910-343-4936    
      Cleveland Field Division:                                    216-522-7210   
      Cincinnati, OH.                                              513-684-3354
      Cleveland, OH.                                               216-522-308O/3786
      Columbus, OH.                                                614-469-6717
      Toledo, OH.                                                  419-259-7520 
      Youngstown, OH.                                              216-747-8285
      Chicago Field Division:                                      312-353-6935
      Chicago, IL. (Arson Group)                                   312-886-5441
      Oakbrook, IL.                                                708-268-0986/1274
      Springfield, IL.                                             217-492-4273
      Merrillville, IN.                                            219-791-0702
      Dallas Field Division:                                       214-767-2250
      Dallas, TX. (Arson Group)                                    214-767-0530
      Fort Worth, TX.                                              817-334-2771
      Lubbock, TX.                                                 806-798-1030
      Oklahoma, TX.                                                405-297-5060
      Tyler, TX.                                                   903-592-3927
      Tulsa, OK.                                                   918-581-7731
      Detroit Field Division:                                      313-393-6019
      Detroit, MI. (Arson Group)                                   313-393-6036
      Flint, MI.                                                   810-766-5010
      Grand Rapids, MI.                                            616-456-2566
      Houston Field Division:                                      713-449-2073
      Austin, TX.                                                  512-349-4545
      Beaumont, TX.                                                409-835-0062
      Corpus Christi, TX.                                          512-888-3392
      El Paso, TX.                                                 915-534-6449
      Houston, TX (Arson Group)                                    713-449-2093  
      McAllen, TX.                                                 210-687-5207
      San Antonio, TX.                                             210-805-2727
      Waco, TX.                                                    817-741-9900    
      Kansas City Field Division:                                  816-421-3440
      Colorado Springs, CO.                                        719-473-0166   
      Des Moines, IA.                                              515-284-4372
      Denver, CO. (Arson/Explosives Group)                         303-866-1173
      Kansas City, MO. (Arson Group)                               816-421-3231
      Omaha, NE.                                                   402-221-3651 
      Springfield, MO.                                             417-864-4707 
      Wichita, KS.                                                 316-269-6229
      Los Angeles Field Division:                                  213-894-4812
      Los Angeles, CA. (Arson Group)                               213-894-4840
      Long Beach, CA.                                              310-980-3434
      Riverside, CA.                                               909-276-6031
      San Diego, CA.                                               619-557-6663  
      Van Nuys, CA.                                                818-756-4350
      Louisville Field Division:                                   502-582-5211
      Ashland, KY.                                                 606-329-8092
      Bowling Green, KY.                                           502-781-7090
      Ft. Wayne, IN.                                               219-424-4440
      Indianapolis, IN.                                            317-226-7464
      Lexington, KY.                                               606-233-2771
      Louisville, KY. (Field Office)                               502-582-5213        
      Miami Field Division:                                        305-597-4800   
      Jacksonville, FL.                                            904-232-2228
      Ft. Lauderdale, FL.                                          954-356-7369 
      Ft. Myers, FL.                                               813-334-8086 
      Miami Field Division (Continued):                            305-597-4800   
      Hato Rey San Juan, PR.                                       809-766-5084
      Miami, FL.                                                   305-597-4778/4807
      Orlando, FL.                                                 407-648-6136
      Pensacola, FL.                                               904-435-8485
      St. Croix, VI.                                               809-692-9435 
      St. Thomas, VI.                                              809-774-5757 
      Tallahassee, FL.                                             904-942-9660
      Tampa, FL.                                                   813-228-2184  
      West Palm Beach, FL.                                         407-835-8878   
      Nashville Field Division:                                    615-781-5364 
      Chattanooga, TN.                                             423-855-6422
      Knoxville, TN.                                               423-545-4505
      Memphis, TN.                                                 901-766-2904
      New Orleans Field Divison:                                   504-589-2350
      Baton Rouge, LA.                                             504-389-0485
      Little Rock, AR.                                             501-324-6181
      New Orleans, LA. (Arson Group)                               504-589-2314/2563
      Shreveport, LA.                                              318-676-3301
      New York Field Division:                                     212-264-4658
      Albany, NY.                                                  518-431-4182
      Buffalo, NY.                                                 716-551-4041
      Melville, NY.                                                516-694-8372
      New York (Arson Group)                                       718-896-6400
      Newark, NJ. (Arson Group)                                    201-357-4070
      Rochester, NY.                                               716-262-2110
      Syracuse, NY.                                                315-448-0889
      Philadelphia Field Division:                                 215-597-7266
      Atlantic City, NJ.                                           609-625-2228
      Camden, NJ.                                                  609-968-4884 
      Harrisburg, PA.                                              717-782-3884
      Philadelphia, PA. (Arson Group)                              215-597-9080
      Pittburgh, PA. (Arson Group)                                 412-644-2911
      Reading, PA.                                                 610-320-5222        
      Trenton, NJ.                                                 609-989-2155
      Wheeling, WV.                                                304-232-4170 
      Phoenix Field Division:                                      602-640-2840
      Albuquerque, NM.                                             505-766-2271   
      Phoenix, AR.(Field Office)                                   602-640-205
      Tucson, AR.                                                  520-670-4725/4882
      San Francisco Field Division:                                415-744-7001
      Bakersfield, CA.                                             805-861-4420
      Fresno, CA.                                                  209-487-5393
      Las Vegas, NV.                                               702-388-6584
      Reno, NV.                                                    702-784-5251
      Oakland, CA.                                                 510-637-3431
      Sacramento, CA.                                              916-498-5100
      Salt Lake City, UT.                                          801-524-5853
      San Francisco, CA. (Arson Group)                             415-744-7012
      Seattle Field Dvision:                                       206-220-6440
      Agana, GUAM                                                  671-472-7129
      Anchorage, AK.                                               907-271-5701
      Billings, MT.                                                406-657-6886
      Boise, ID.                                                   208-334-1983
      Cheyenne, WY.                                                307-772-2346
      Helena, MT.                                                  406-441-1101
      Honolulu, HI.                                                808-541-2670
      Portland, OR.                                                503-326-2171
      Seattle, WA. (Arson Group)                                   206-220-6450  
      Spokane, WA.                                                 509-353-2862
      Yakima, WA.                                                  509-454-4403
      St. Louis Field Division:                                    314-425-5560
      Cape Girardeau, MO.                                          573-335-3163
      Fairview Heights, IL.                                        618-632-9380
      St. Louis, MO. (Field Offices)                               314-425-5563/5551
      St. Paul Field Division:                                     612-290-3092
      Fargo, ND.                                                   701-239-5176
      Milwaukee, WI.                                               414-297-3937
      Sioux Falls, SD.                                             605-330-4368
      St. Paul, MN.(Field Office)                                  612-290-3459
      WASHINGTON FIELD DIVISION:                                   202-219-7751
      Bristol, VA.                                                 540-466-2727
      Falls Church, VA. (Arson Group)                              703-285-2551
      Norfolk, VA.                                                 804-441-3190
      Richmond, VA.                                                804-560-0005
      Roanoke, VA.                                                 540-857-2300

    Federal Bureau of Investigation

    FBI Field Office       Phone Number     FBI Field Office       Phone Number
    ----------------       ------------     ----------------       ------------
    Albany, NY              518-465-7551    Memphis, TN            901-747-4300
    Albuquerque, NM         505-224-2000    Miami, FL              305-944-9101
    Anchorage, AK           907-258-5322    Milwaukee, WI          414-276-4684
    Atlanta, GA             404-679-9000    Minneapolis, MN        612-376-3200
    Baltimore, MD           410-265-8080    Mobile, AL             334-438-3674
    Birmingham, AL          205-252-7705    Newark, NJ             201-622-5613
    Boston, MA              617-742-5533    New Haven, CT          203-777-6311
    Buffalo, NY             716-856-7800    New Orleans, LA        504-522-4671
    Charlotte, NC           704-377-9200    New York City, NY      212-384-1000
    Chicago, IL             312-431-1333    Norfolk, VA            804-455-0100
    Cincinnati, OH          513-421-4310    Oklahoma City, OK      405-842-7471
    Cleveland, OH           216-522-1400    Omaha, NE              402-493-8688
    Columbia, SC            803-254-3011    Philadelphia, PA       215-829-2700
    Dallas, TX              214-720-2200    Phoenix, AZ            602-279-5511
    Denver, CO              303-629-7171    Pittsburgh, PA         412-471-2000
    Detroit, Ml             313-965-2323    Portland, OR           503-224-4181
    El Paso, TX             915-533-7451    Richmond, VA           804-261-1044
    Honolulu, HI            808-521-1411    Sacramento, CA         916-481-9110
    Houston, TX             713-868-2266    St. Louis, MO          314-241-5357
    Indianapolis, IN        317-639-3301    Salt Lake City, UT     801-579-1400
    Jackson, MS             601-948-5000    San Antonio, TX        210-225-6741
    Jacksonville, FL        904-721-1211    San Diego, CA          619-565-1255
    Kansas City, MO         816-221-6100    San Francisco, CA      415-553-7400
    Knoxville, TN           423-544-0751    San Juan, PR           809-754-6000
    Las Vegas, NV           702-385-1281    Seattle, WA            206-622-0460
    Little Rock, AR         501-221-9100    Springfield, IL        217-522-9675
    Los Angeles, CA         310-477-6565    Tampa, FL              813-273-4566
    Louisville, KY          502-583-3941    Washington Metro, DC   202-252-7801

This was last updated on August 25, 1998