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World Horticultural Trade
and U.S. Export Opportunities
Table of Contents
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On The Cover
Staff Contacts
Featured Articles
  Southern Hemisphere Wine Situation and Outlook      
Asparagus Production and Trade in Selected Countries
World Trade Situation and Trade Policy Updates
Japan Production Shortfall Creates Opportunity for U.S. lettuce
New Zealand Kiwifruit Industry Rejects GMO Technology
Japan Announces Approval of New Apple & Cherry Varieties
Japanese Ban Lifted on New Varieties of Tomatoes
Cochran Dried Fruit and Nuts Team from China Obtains Immediate Results
Organic Updates
Upcoming Promotion Opportunities for U.S. Exporters
Organics in Austria
Spotlight on Two USDA Programs


Export News        
Export Credit Guarantee Program: No activity since last publication
Supplier Credit Guarantee Program: No activity since last publication
Chile’s Wine Production, Supply, and Distribution
Southern Hemisphere Wine Production and Exports
United States Asparagus Production and Area
Fresh Asparagus Production, Supply, and Distribution in Selected Countries
United States Exports of Fresh and Chilled Asparagus
United States Imports of Fresh and Chilled Asparagus


FY 1999 GSM-102 Credit Guarantee Coverage
FY 1999 Supplier Credit Coverage
U.S. Horticultural Product and Market Export Summaries
  U.S. Exports of Horticultural Products      
By Country of Destination
  U.S. Imports of Horticultural Products      
By Country of Origin
Export Summary
U.S. exports of horticultural products to all countries in June totaled $902 million, down slightly from the same month a year earlier. Five of the 15 product categories registered value increases. Categories with the most significant increases in June were fresh non-citrus fruit (up $30.5 million or 21 percent) and nursery products (up $5.3 million or 40 percent). The category with the most significant decrease was fresh citrus (down $20.3 million or 39 percent). For FY 1999 to date (October-June), the total value of U.S. horticultural exports was $7.8 billion, 1 percent below FY 1998 during the same period.


To access FAS Attache Reports online, please reference the following Internet address:
Search through the country and market reports prepared by FAS attaches covering over 20 horticultural and tropical product commodities and nearly 130 countries. Search by keyword, including country and commodity.
All measures not otherwise noted are metric. One kilogram (kg.) = 2.2046 pounds, 1 metric ton = 2,204.62 pounds, 1 liter = 0.2642 gallon, 1 hectoliter (hl.) = 26.42 gallons, and 1 hectare (ha.) = 2.471 acres.

Last modified: Tuesday, May 08, 2001