[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 2]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR173.61]

[Page 458]
                        TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION
    Subpart C--Definitions, Classification and Packaging for Class 1
Sec. 173.61  Mixed packaging requirements.

    (a) An explosive may not be packed in the same outside packaging 
with any other material that could, under normal conditions of 
transportation, adversely affect the explosive or its packaging unless 
packaged by DOD or DOE in accordance with Sec. 173.7(a).
    (b) Hardware necessary for assembly of explosive articles at the 
point-of-use may be packed in the same outside packaging with the 
explosive articles. The hardware must be securely packed in a separate 
inside packaging. Sufficient cushioning materials must be used to ensure 
that all inside packagings are securely packed in the outside packaging.
    (c) The following explosives may not be packed together with other 
Class 1 explosives: UN 0029, UN 0030, UN 0073, UN 0106, UN 0107, UN 
0255, UN 0257, UN 0267, UN 0360, UN 0361, UN 0364, UN 0365, UN 0366, UN 
0367, UN 0408, UN 0409, UN 0410, UN 0455, UN 0456, and NA 0350. These 
explosives may be mix-packed with each other in accordance with the 
compatibility requirements prescribed in paragraph (e).
    (d) Division 1.1 and 1.2 explosives may not be packed with the 
following explosives: UN 0333, UN 0334, UN 0335, UN 0336, and UN 0337.
    (e) Except as prescribed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, 
different explosives may be packed in one outside packaging in 
accordance with the following compatibility requirements:
    (1) Explosives of the same compatibility group and same division 
number may be packed together.
    (2) Explosives of the same compatibility group or authorized 
combination of compatibility group but different division number may be 
packed together, provided that the whole package is treated as though 
its entire contents were comprised of the lower division number. For 
example, a mixed package of Division 1.2 explosives and Division 1.4 
explosives, compatibility group D, must be treated as 1.2D explosives. 
However, when 1.5D explosives are packed together with 1.2D explosives, 
the whole package must be treated as 1.1D explosives.
    (3) Explosives of compatibility group S may be packaged together 
with explosives of any other compatibility group except A or L, and the 
combined package may be treated as belonging to any of the packaged 
compatibility groups except S.
    (4) Explosives of compatibility group L shall only be packed with an 
identical explosive.
    (5) Explosives articles of compatibility groups C, D, or E may be 
packed together and the entire package shall be treated as belonging to 
compatibility group E.
    (6) Explosives articles of compatibility groups C, D, E, or N may be 
packed together and the entire package shall be treated as belonging to 
compatibility group D.
    (7) Explosives substances of compatibility groups C and D may be 
packaged together and the entire package shall be treated as belonging 
to compatibility group D.
    (8) Explosive articles of compatibility group G, except for 
fireworks and articles requiring special packaging, may be packaged 
together with explosive articles of compatibility groups C, D or E and 
the combined package shall be treated as belonging to compatibility 
group E.

[Amdt. 173-224, 55 FR 52617 Dec. 21, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 66267, 
Dec. 20, 1991; 65 FR 50461, Aug. 18, 2000; 66 FR 33429, June 21, 2001; 
66 FR 45381, Aug. 28, 2001]