[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 2]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR173.435]

[Page 616-622]
                        TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION
               Subpart I--Class 7 (Radioactive) Materials
Sec. 173.435  Table of A1 and A2 values for radionuclides.

    The table of A1 and A2 values for 
radionuclides is as follows:

                                                                                                                               Specific activity
     Symbol of radionuclide      Element and atomic     A1 (TBq)         A1 (Ci)         A2 (TBq)          A2 (Ci)    ----------------------------------
                                       number                                                                               (TBq/g)           (Ci/g)
Ac-225.........................  Actinium(89)......  0.6             16.2            1x10-2            0.270           2.1x103           5.8x104
Ac-227.........................                      40              1080            2x10-5            5.41x10-4       2.7               7.2x101
Ac-228.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.4               10.8            8.4x104           2.2x106
Ag-105.........................  Silver(47)........  2               54.1            2                 54.1            1.1x103           3.0x104
Ag-108m........................                      0.6             16.2            0.6               16.2            9.7x10-1          2.6x101
Ag-110m........................  ..................  0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            1.8x102           4.7x103
Ag-111.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            5.8x103           1.6x105
Al-26..........................  Aluminum(13)......  0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            7.0x10-4          1.9x10-2
Am-241.........................  Americium(95).....  2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       1.3x10-1          3.4
Am-242m........................  ..................  2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       3.6x10-1          1.0x101
Am-243.........................                      2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       7.4x10-3          2.0x10-1
Ar-37..........................  Argon(18).........  40              1080            40                1080            3.7x103           9.9x104
Ar-39..........................  ..................  20              541             20                541             1.3               3.4x101
Ar-41..........................                      0.6             16.2            0.6               16.2            1.5x106           4.2x107
Ar-42..........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            9.6               2.6x102
As-72..........................  Arsenic(33).......  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            6.2x104           1.7x106
As-73..........................                      40              1080            40                1080            8.2x102           2.2x104
As-74..........................                      1               27.0            0.5               13.5            3.7x103           9.9x104
As-76..........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            5.8x104           1.6x106
As-77..........................                      20              541             0.5               13.5            3.9x104           1.0x106
At-211.........................  Astatine(85)......  30              811             2                 54.1            7.6x104           2.1x106
Au-193.........................  Gold(79)..........  6               162             6                 162             3.4x104           9.2x105
Au-194.........................                      1               27.0            1                 27.0            1.5x104           4.1x105
Au-195.........................                      10              270             10                270             1.4x102           3.7x103
Au-196.........................                      2               54.1            2                 54.1            4.0x103           1.1x105
Au-198.........................                      3               81.1            0.5               13.5            9.0x103           2.4x105
Au-199.........................                      10              270             0.9               24.3            7.7x103           2.1x105
Ba-131.........................  Barium(56)........  2               54.1            2                 54.1            3.1x103           8.4x104
Ba-133m........................                      10              270             0.9               24.3            2.2x104           6.1x105
Ba-133.........................                      3               81.1            3                 81.1            9.4               2.6x102
Ba-140.........................                      0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            2.7x103           7.3x104
Be-7...........................  Beryllium(4)......  20              541             20                541             1.3x104           3.5x105
Be-10..........................                      20              541             0.5               13.5            8.3x10-4          2.2x10-2
Bi-205.........................  Bismuth(83).......  0.6             16.2            0.6               16.2            1.5x103           4.2x104
Bi-206.........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            3.8x103           1.0x105
Bi-207.........................                      0.7             18.9            0.7               18.9            1.9               5.2x101
Bi-210m........................                      0.3             8.11            3x10-2            0.811           2.1x10-5          5.7x10-4
Bi-210.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            4.6x103           1.2x105
Bi-212.........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            5.4x105           1.5x107
Bk-247.........................  Berkelium(97).....  2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       3.8x10-2          1.0
Bk-249.........................                      40              1080            8x10-2            2.16            6.1x101           1.6x103
Br-76..........................  Bromine(35).......  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            9.4x104           2.5x106
Br-77..........................                      3               81.1            3                 81.1            2.6x104           7.1x105

[[Page 617]]

Br-82..........................  ..................  0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            4.0x104           1.1x106
C-11...........................  Carbon(6).........  1               27              0.5               13.5            3.1x107           8.4x108
C-14...........................                      40              1080            2                 54.1            1.6x10-1          4.5
Ca-41..........................  Calcium(20).......  40              1080            40                1080            3.1x10-3          8.5x10-2
Ca-45..........................                      40              1080            0.9               24.3            6.6x102           1.8x104
Ca-47..........................                      0.9             24.3            0.5               13.5            2.3x104           6.1x105
Cd-109.........................  Cadmium(48).......  40              1080            1                 27.0            9.6x101           2.6x103
Cd-113m........................                      20              541             9x10-2            2.43            8.3x104           2.2x102
Cd-115m........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            9.4x102           2.5x104
Cd-115.........................                      4               108             0.5               13.5            1.9x104           5.1x105
Ce-139.........................  Cerium(58)........  6               162             6                 162             2.5x1026          .8x103
Ce-141.........................                      10              270             0.5               13.5            1.1x103           2.8x104
Ce-143.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            2.5x104           6.6x105
Ce-144.........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            1.2x102           3.2x103
Cf-248.........................  Californium (98)..  30              811             3x10-3            8.11x10-2       5.8x101           1.6x103
Cf-249.........................                      2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       1.5x10-1          4.1
Cf-250.........................                      5               135             5x10-4            1.35x10-2       4.0               1.1x102
Cf-251.........................                      2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       5.9x10-2          1.6
Cf-252.........................                      0.1             2.70            1x10-3            2.70x10-2       2.0x101           5.4x102
Cf-253.........................                      40              1080            6x10-2            1.62            1.1x103           2.9x104
Cf-254.........................                      3x10-3          8.11x10-2       6x10-4            1.62x10-2       3.1x102           8.5x103
Cl-36..........................  Chlorine (17).....  20              541             0.5               13.5            1.2x10-3          3.3x10-2
Cl-38..........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            4.9x106           1.3x108
Cm-240.........................  Curium(96)........  40              1080            2x10-2            0.541           7.5x102           2.0x104
Cm-241.........................                      2               54.1            0.9               24.3            6.1x102           1.7x104
Cm-242.........................                      40              1080            1x10-2            0.270           1.2x102           3.3x103
Cm-243.........................                      3               81.1            3x10-4            8.11x10-3       1.9               5.2x101
Cm-244.........................  ..................  4               108             4x10-4            1.08x10-2       3.0               8.1x101
Cm-245.........................                      2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       6.4x10-3          1.7x10-1
Cm-246.........................                      2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       1.1x10-2          3.1x10-1
Cm-247.........................                      2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       3.4x10-6          9.3x10-5
Cm-248.........................                      4x10-2          1.08            5x10-5            1.35x10-3       1.6x10-4          4.2x10-3
Co-55..........................  Cobalt(27)........  0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            1.1x105           3.1x106
Co-56..........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            1.1x103           3.0x104
Co-57..........................                      8               216             8                 216             3.1x102           8.4x103
Co-58m.........................                      40              1080            40                1080            2.2x105           5.9x106
Co-58..........................                      1               27.0            1                 27.0            1.2x103           3.2x104
Co-60..........................                      0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            4.2x101           1.1x103
Cr-51..........................  Chromium(24)......  30              811             30                811             3.4x103           9.2x104
Cs-129.........................  Cesium(55)........  4               108             4                 108             2.8x104           7.6x105
Cs-131.........................                      40              1080            40                1080            3.8x103           1.0x105
Cs-132.........................                      1               27.0            1                 27.0            5.7x103           1.5x105
Cs-134m........................                      40              1080            9                 243             3.0x105           8.0x106
Cs-134.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            4.8x101           1.3x103
Cs-135.........................                      40              1080            0.9               24.3            4.3x10-5          1.2x10-3
Cs-136.........................                      0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            2.7x103           7.3x104
Cs-137.........................                      2               54.1            0.5               13.5            3.2               8.7x101
Cu-64..........................  Copper(29)........  5               135             0.9               24.3            1.4x105           3.9x106
Cu-67..........................                      9               243             0.9               24.3            2.8x104           7.6x105
Dy-159.........................  Dysprosium(66)....  20              541             20                541             2.1x102           5.7x103
Dy-165.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            3.0x105           8.2x106
Dy-166.........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            8.6x103           2.3x105
Er-169.........................  Erbium(68)........  40              1080            0.9               24.3            3.1x103           8.3x104
Er-171.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            9.0x104           2.4x106
Es-253.........................  Einsteinium(99)a..  200             5400            2.1x10-2          5.4x100-1       ................  ...............
Es-254.........................                      30              811             3x10-3            8.11x10-2                         ...............
Es-254m........................                      0.6             16.2            0.4               10.8                              ...............
Es-255.........................                      ..............                  ................                  ................  ...............
Eu-147.........................  Europium(63)......  2               54.1            2                 54.1            1.4x103           3.7x104
Eu-148.........................                      0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            6.0x102           1.6x104
Eu-149.........................                      20              541             20                541             3.5x102           9.4x103
Eu-150.........................  ..................  0.7             18.9            0.7               18.9            6.1x104           1.6x106
Eu-152m........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            8.2x104           2.2x106
Eu-152.........................                      0.9             24.3            0.9               24.3            6.5               1.8x102
Eu-154.........................                      0.8             21.6            0.5               13.5            9.8               2.6x102
Eu-155.........................  ..................  20              541             2                 54.1            1.8x101           4.9x102
Eu-156.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            2.0x103           5.5x104
F-18...........................  Fluorine(9).......  1               27.0            0.5               13.5            3.5x106           9.5x107
Fe-52..........................  Iron(26)..........  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            2.7x105           7.3x106
Fe-55..........................                      40              1080            40                1080            8.8x101           2.4x103
Fe-59..........................  ..................  0.8             21.6            0.8               21.6            1.8x103           5.0x104
Fe-60..........................                      40              1080            0.2               5.41            7.4x10-4          2.0x10-2

[[Page 618]]

Fm-255.........................  Fermium(100)b.....  40              1080            0.8               21.6                              ...............
Fm-257.........................  ..................  10              270             8x10-3            21.6x10-1       ................  ...............
Ga-67..........................  Gallium(31).......  6               162             6                 162             2.2x104           6.0x105
Ga-68..........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            1.5x106           4.1x107
Ga-72..........................                      0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            1.1x105           3.1x106
Gd-146.........................  Gadolinium(64)....  0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            6.9x102           1.9x104
Gd-148.........................  ..................  3               81.1            3x10-4            8.11x10-3       1.2               3.2x101
Gd-153.........................                      10              270             5                 135             1.3x102           3.5x103
Gd-159.........................                      4               108             0.5               13.5            3.9x104           1.1x106
Ge-68..........................  Germanium(32).....  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            2.6x102           7.1x103
Ge-71..........................                      40              1080            40                1080            5.8x103           1.6x105
Ge-77..........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            1.3x105           3.6x106
H-3............................  Hydrogen(1) SeeT-                   ..............                    ..............                    ...............
Hf-172.........................  Hafnium(72).......  0.5             13.5            0.3               8.11            4.1x101           1.1x103
Hf-175.........................                      3               81.1            3                 81.1            3.9x102           1.1x104
Hf-181.........................                      2               54.1            0.9               24.3            6.3x102           1.7x104
Hf-182.........................                      4               108             3x10-2            0.811           8.1x10-6          2.2x10-4
Hg-194.........................  Mercury(80).......  1               27.0            1                 27.0            1.3x10-1          3.5
Hg-195m........................                      5               135             5                 135             1.5x104           4.0x105
Hg-197m........................                      10              270             0.9               24.3            2.5x104           6.7x105
Hg-197.........................                      10              270             10                270             9.2x103           2.5x105
Hg-203.........................                      4               108             0.9               24.3            5.1x102           1.4x104
Ho-163.........................  Holmium(67).......  40              1080            40                1080            2.7               7.6x101
Ho-166m........................                      0.6             16.2            0.3               8.11            6.6x10-2          1.8
Ho-166.........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            2.6x104           7.0x105
I-123..........................  Iodine(53)........  6               162             6                 162             7.1x104           1.9x106
I-124..........................                      0.9             24.3            0.9               24.3            9.3x103           2.5x105
I-125..........................                      20              541             2                 54.1            6.4x102           1.7x104
I-126..........................                      2               54.1            0.9               24.3            2.9x103           8.0x104
I-129..........................                      Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       6.5x10-6          1.8x10-4
I-131..........................                      3               81.1            0.5               13.5            4.6x103           1.2x105
I-132..........................                      0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            3.8x105           1.0x107
I-133..........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            4.2x104           1.1x106
I-134..........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            9.9x105           2.7x107
I-135..........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            1.3x105           3.5x106
In-111.........................  Indium(49)........  2               54.1            2                 54.1            1.5x104           4.2x105
In-113m........................                      4               108             4                 108             6.2x105           1.7x107
In-114m........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            8.6x102           2.3x104
In-115m........................                      6               162             0.9               24.3            2.2x105           6.1x106
Ir-189.........................  Iridium(77).......  10              270             10                270             1.9x103           5.2x104
Ir-190.........................                      0.7             18.9            0.7               18.9            2.3x103           6.2x104
Ir-192.........................                      1               27.0            0.5               13.5            3.4x102           9.2x103
Ir-193m........................                      10              270             10                270             2.4x103           6.4x104
Ir-194.........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            3.1x104           8.4x105
K-40...........................  Potassium(19).....  0.6             16.2            0.6               16.2            2.4x10-7          6.4x10-6
K-42...........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            2.2x105           6.0x106
K-43...........................                      1.0             27.0            0.5               13.5            1.2x105           3.3x106
Kr-81..........................  Krypton(36).......  40              1080            40                1080            7.8x10-4          2.1x10-2
Kr-85m.........................                      6               162             6                 162             3.0x105           8.2x106
Kr-85..........................                      20              541             10                270             1.5x101           3.9x102
Kr-87..........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            1.0x106           2.8x107
La-137.........................  Lanthanum(57).....  40              1080            2                 54.1            1.6x10-3          4.4x10-2
La-140.........................                      0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            2.1x104           5.6x105
Lu-172.........................  Lutetium(71)......  0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            4.2x103           1.1x105
Lu-173.........................                      8               216             8                 216             5.6x101           1.5x103
Lu-174m........................                      20              541             8                 216             2.0x102           5.3x103
Lu-74..........................                      8               216             4                 108             2.3x101           6.2x102
Lu-177.........................                      30              811             0.9               24.3            4.1x103           1.1x105
MFP............................  ..................  (see Sec.       ..............  (see Sec.         ..............  ................  ...............
                                                      173.433)                        173.433)
Mg-28..........................  Magnesium(12).....  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            2.0x105           5.4x106
Mn-52..........................  Manganese(25).....  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            1.6x104           4.4x105
Mn-53..........................                      Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       6.8x10-5          1.8x10-3
Mn-54..........................                      1               27.0            1                 27.0            2.9x102           7.7x103
Mn-56..........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            8.0x105           2.2x107
Mo-93..........................  Molybdenum(42)....  40              1080            7                 189             4.1x10-2          1.1
Mo-99..........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5c           1.8x104           4.8x105
N-13...........................  Nitrogen(7).......  0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            5.4x107           1.5x109
Na-22..........................  Sodium(11)........  0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            2.3x102           6.3x103
Na-24..........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            3.2x105           8.7x106
Nb-92m.........................  Niobium(41).......  0.7             18.9            0.7               18.9            5.2x103           1.4x105

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Nb-93m.........................                      40              1080            6                 162             8.8               2.4x102
Nb-94..........................                      0.6             16.2            0.6               16.2            6.9x10-3          1.9x10-1
Nb-95..........................                      1               27.0            1                 27.0            1.5x103           3.9x104
Nb-97..........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            9.9x105           2.7x107
Nd-147.........................  Neodymium(60).....  4               108             0.5               13.5            3.0x103           8.1x104
Nd-149.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            4.5x105           1.2x107
Ni-59..........................  Nickel(28)........  40              1080            40                1080            3.0x10-3          8.0x10-2
Ni-63..........................                      40              1080            30                811             2.1               5.7x101
Ni-65..........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            7.1x105           1.9x107
Np-235.........................  Neptunium(93).....  40              1080            40                1080            5.2x101           1.4x103
Np-236.........................                      7               189             1x10-3            2.70x10-2       4.7x10-4          1.3x10-2
Np-237.........................                      2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       2.6x10-5          7.1x10-4
Np-239.........................                      6               162             0.5               13.5            8.6x103           2.3x105
Os-185.........................  Osmium(76)........  1               27.0            1                 27.0            2.8x102           7.5x103
Os-191m........................                      40              1080            40                1080            4.6x104           1.3x106
Os-191.........................                      10              270             0.9               24.3            1.6x103           4.4x104
Os-193.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            2.0x104           5.3x105
Os-194.........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            1.1x101           3.1x102
P-32...........................  Phosphorus(15)....  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            1.1x104           2.9x105
P-33...........................                      40              1080            0.9               24.3            5.8x103           1.6x105
Pa-230.........................  Protactinium(91)..  2               54.1            0.1               2.70            1.2x103           3.3x104
Pa-231.........................                      0.6             16.2            6x10-5            1.62x10-3       1.7x10-3          4.7x10-2
Pa-233.........................                      5               135             0.9               24.3            7.7x102           2.1x104
Pb-201.........................  Lead(82)..........  1               27.0            1                 27.0            6.2x104           1.7x106
Pb-202.........................                      40              1080            2                 54.1            1.2x10-4          3.4x10-3
Pb-203.........................                      3               81.1            3                 81.1            1.1x104           3.0x105
Pb-205.........................                      Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       4.5x10-6          1.2x10-4
Pb-210.........................                      0.6             16.2            9x10-3            0.243           2.8               7.6x101
Pb-212.........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            5.1x104           1.4x106
Pd-103.........................  Palladium(46).....  40              1080            40                1080            2.8x103           7.5x104
Pd-107.........................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       1.9x10-5          5.1x10-4
Pd-109.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            7.9x104           2.1x106
Pm-143.........................  Promethium(61)....  3               81.1            3                 81.1            1.3x102           3.4x103
Pm-144.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.6               16.2            9.2x101           2.5x103
Pm-145.........................                      30              811             7                 189             5.2               1.4x102
Pm-147.........................                      40              1080            0.9               24.3            3.4x101           9.3x102
Pm-148m........................                      0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            7.9x102           2.1x104
Pm-149.........................                      0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            1.5x104           4.0x105
Pm-151.........................                      3               81.1            0.5               13.5            2.7x104           7.3x105
Po-208.........................  Polonium(84)......  40              1080            2x10-2            0.541           2.2x101           5.9x102
Po-209.........................                      40              1080            2x10-2            0.541           6.2x10-1          1.7x101
Po-210.........................                      40              1080            2x10-2            0.541           1.7x102           4.5x103
Pr-142.........................  Praseodymium (59).  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            4.3x104           1.2x106
Pr-143.........................                      4               108             0.5               13.5            2.5x103           6.7x104
Pt-188.........................  Platinum(78)......  0.6             16.2            0.6               16.2            2.5x103           6.8x104
Pt-191.........................  ..................  3               81.1            3                 81.1            8.7x103           2.4x105
Pt-193m........................  ..................  40              1080            9                 243             5.8x103           1.6x105
Pt-193.........................  ..................  40              1080            40                1080            1.4               3.7x101
Pt-195m........................  ..................  10              270             2                 54.1            6.2x103           1.7x105
Pt-197m........................  ..................  10              270             0.9               24.3            3.7x105           1.0x107
Pt-197.........................  ..................  20              541             0.5               13.5            3.2x104           8.7x105
Pu-236.........................  Plutonium(94).....  7               189             7x10-4            1.89x10-2       2.0x101           5.3x102
Pu-237.........................  ..................  20              541             20                541             4.5x102           1.2x104
Pu-238.........................  ..................  2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       6.3x10-1          1.7x101
Pu-239.........................  ..................  2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       2.3x10-3          6.2x10-2
Pu-240.........................  ..................  2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       8.4x10-3          2.3x10-1
Pu-241.........................  ..................  40              1080            1x10-2            0.270           3.8               1.0x102
Pu-242.........................  ..................  2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       1.5x10-4          3.9x10-3
Pu-244.........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       6.7x10-7          1.8x10-5
Ra-223.........................  Radium(88)........  0.6             16.2            3x10-2            0.811           1.9x103           5.1x104
Ra-224.........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            6x10-2            1.62            5.9x103           1.6x105
Ra-225.........................  ..................  0.6             16.2            2x10-2            0.541           1.5x103           3.9x104
Ra-226.........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            2x10-2            0.541           3.7x10-2          1.0
Ra-228.........................  ..................  0.6             16.2            4x10-2            1.08            1.0x101           2.7x102
Rb-81..........................  Rubidium(37)......  2               54.1            0.9               24.3            3.1x105           8.4x106
Rb-83..........................  ..................  2               54.1            2                 54.1            6.8x102           1.8x104
Rb-84..........................  ..................  1               27.0            0.9               24.3            1.8x103           4.7x104
Rb-86..........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            3.0x103           8.1x104
Rb-87..........................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       3.2x10-9          8.6x10-8
Rb (natural)...................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       6.7x106           1.8x108

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Re-183.........................  Rhenium(75).......  5               135             5                 135             3.8x102           1.0x104
Re-184m........................  ..................  3               81.1            3                 81.1            1.6x102           4.3x103
Re-184.........................  ..................  1               27.0            1                 27.0            6.9x102           1.9x104
Re-186.........................  ..................  4               108             0.5               13.5            6.9x103           1.9x105
Re-187.........................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       1.4x10-9          3.8x10-8
Re-188.........................  ..................  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            3.6x104           9.8x105
Re-189.........................  ..................  4               108             0.5               13.5            2.5x104           6.8x105
Re (natural)...................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       ----              2.4x108
Rh-99..........................  Rhodium(45).......  2               54.1            2                 54.1            3.0x103           8.2x104
Rh-101.........................  ..................  4               108             4                 108             4.1x101           1.1x103
Rh-102m........................  ..................  2               54.1            0.9               24.3            2.3x102           6.2x103
Rh-102.........................  ..................  0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            4.5x101           1.2x103
Rh-103m........................  ..................  40              1080            40                1080            1.2x106           3.3x107
Rh-105.........................  ..................  10              270             0.9               24.3            3.1x104           8.4x105
Rn-222.........................  Radon(86).........  0.2             5.41            4x10-3            0.108           5.7x103           1.5x105
Ru-97..........................  Ruthenium(44).....  4               108             4                 108             1.7x104           4.6x105
Ru-103.........................  ..................  2               54.1            0.9               24.3            1.2x103           3.2x104
Ru-105.........................  ..................  0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            2.5x105           6.7x106
Ru-106.........................  ..................  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            1.2x102           3.3x103
S-35...........................  Sulfur(16)........  40              1080            2                 54.1            1.6x103           4.3x104
Sb-122.........................  Antimony(51)......  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            1.5x104           4.0x105
Sb-124.........................  ..................  0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            6.5x102           1.7x104
Sb-125.........................  ..................  2               54.1            0.9               24.3            3.9x101           1.0x103
Sb-126.........................  ..................  0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            3.1x103           8.4x104
Sc-44..........................  Scandium(21)......  0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            6.7x105           1.8x107
Sc-46..........................  ..................  0.5             13.5            0.5               13.5            1.3x103           3.4x104
Sc-47..........................  ..................  9               243             0.9               24.3            3.1x104           8.3x105
Sc-48..........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            5.5x104           1.5x106
Se-75..........................  Selenium(34)......  3               81.1            3                 81.1            5.4x102           1.5x104
Se-79..........................  ..................  40              1080            2                 54.1            2.6x10-3          7.0x10-2
Si-31..........................  Silicon(14).......  0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            1.4x106           3.9x107
Si-32..........................  ..................  40              1080            0.2               5.41            3.9               1.1x102
Sm-145.........................  Samarium(62)......  20              541             20                541             9.8x101           2.610 3
Sm-147.........................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       8.5x10-10         2.3x10-8
Sm-151.........................  ..................  40              1080            4                 108             9.7x10-1          2.6x101
Sm-153.........................  ..................  4               108             0.5               13.5            1.6x104           4.4x105
Sn-113.........................  Tin(50)...........  4               108             4                 108             3.7x102           1.0x104
Sn-117m........................  ..................  6               162             2                 54.1            3.0x103           8.2x104
Sn-119m........................  ..................  40              1080            40                1080            1.4x102           3.7x103
Sn-121m........................  ..................  40              1080            0.9               24.3            2.0               5.4x101
Sn-123.........................  ..................  0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            3.0x102           8.2x103
Sn-125.........................  ..................  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            4.0x103           1.1x105
Sn-126.........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            1.0x10-3          2.8x10-2
Sr-82..........................  Strontium(38).....  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            2.3x103           6.2x104
Sr-85m.........................  ..................  5               135             5                 135             1.2x106           3.3x107
Sr-85..........................  ..................  2               54.1            2                 54.1            8.8x102           2.4x104
Sr-87m.........................  ..................  3               81.1            3                 81.1            4.8x105           1.3x107
Sr-89..........................  ..................  0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            1.1x103           2.9x104
Sr-90..........................  ..................  0.2             5.41            0.1               2.70            5.1               1.4x102
Sr-91..........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            1.3x105           3.6x106
Sr-92..........................  ..................  0.8             21.6            0.5               13.5            4.7x105           1.3x107
T..............................  Tritium(1)........  40              1080            40                1080            3.6x102           9.7x103
Ta-178.........................  Tantalum(73)......  1               27.0            1                 27.0            4.2x106           1.1x108
Ta-179.........................  ..................  30              811             30                811             4.1x101           1.1x103
Ta-182.........................  ..................  0.8             21.6            0.5               13.5            2.3x102           6.2x103
Tb-157.........................  Terbium(65).......  40              1080            10                270             5.6x10-1          1.5x101
Tb-158.........................  ..................  1               27.0            0.7               18.9            5.6x10-1          1.5x101
Tb-160.........................  ..................  0.9             24.3            0.5               13.5            4.2x102           1.1x104
Tc-95m.........................  Technetium(43)....  2               54.1            2                 54.1            8.3x102           2.2x104
Tc-96m.........................  ..................  0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            1.4x106           3.8x107
Tc-96..........................  ..................  0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            1.2x104           3.2x105
Tc-97m.........................  ..................  40              1080            40                1080            5.6x102           1.5x104
Tc-97..........................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       5.2x10-5          1.4x10-3
Tc-98..........................  ..................  0.7             18.9            0.7               18.9            3.2x10-5          8.7x10-4
Tc-99m.........................  ..................  8               216             8                 216             1.9x105           5.3x106
Tc-99..........................  ..................  40              1080            0.9               24.3            6.3x10-4          1.7x10-2
Te-118.........................  Tellurium(52).....  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            6.8x103           1.8x105
Te-121m........................  ..................  5               135             5                 135             2.6x102           7.0x103
Te-121.........................  ..................  2               54.1            2                 54.1            2.4x103           6.4x104
Te-123m........................  ..................  7               189             7                 189             3.3x102           8.9x103
Te-125m........................  ..................  30              811             9                 243             6.7x102           1.8x104

[[Page 621]]

Te-127m........................  ..................  20              541             0.5               13.5            3.5x102           9.4x103
Te-127.........................  ..................  20              541             0.5               13.5            9.8x104           2.6x106
Te-129m........................  ..................  0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            1.1x103           3.0x104
Te-129.........................  ..................  0.6             16.2            0.5               13.5            7.7x105           2.1x107
Te-131m........................  ..................  0.7             18.9            0.5               13.5            3.0x104           8.0x105
Te-132.........................  ..................  0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            1.1x104           3.0x105
Th-227.........................  Thorium(90).......  9               243             1x10-2            0.270           1.1x103           3.1x104
Th-228.........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            4x10-4            1.08x10-2       3.0x101           8.2x102
Th-229.........................  ..................  0.3             8.11            3x10-5            8.11x10-4       7.9x10-3          2.1x10-1
Th-230.........................  ..................  2               54.1            2x10-4            5.41x10-3       7.6x10-4          2.1x10-2
Th-231.........................  ..................  40              1080            0.9               24.3            2.0x104           5.3x105
Th-232.........................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       4.0x10-9          1.1x10-7
Th-234.........................  ..................  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            8.6x102           2.3x104
Th (natural)...................  ..................  Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       8.1x10-9          2.2x10-7
Ti-44..........................  Titanium(22)......  0.5             13.5            0.2               5.41            6.4               1.7x102
Tl-200.........................  Thallium(81.1)....  0.8             21.6            0.8               21.6            2.2x104           6.0x105
Tl-201.........................  ..................  10              270             10                270             7.9x103           2.1x105
Tl-202.........................                      2               54.1            2                 54.1            2.0x103           5.3x104
Tl-204.........................                      4               108             0.5               13.5            1.7x101           4.6x102
Tm-167.........................  Thulium(69).......  7               189             7                 189             3.1x103           8.5x104
Tm-168.........................                      0.8             21.6            0.8               21.6            3.1x102           8.3x103
Tm-170.........................                      4               108             0.5               13.5            2.2x102           6.0x103
Tm-171.........................                      40              1080            10                270             4.0x101           1.1x103
U-230..........................  Uranium(92).......  40              1080            1x10-2            0.270           1.0x103           2.7x104
U-232..........................                      3               81.1            3x10-4            8.11x10-3       8.3x10-1          2.2x101
U-233..........................                      10              270             1x10-3            2.70x10-2       3.6x10-4          9.7x10-3
U-234..........................                      10              270             1x10-3            2.70x10-2       2.3x10-4          6.2x10-3
U-235..........................                      Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       8.0x10-8          2.2x10-6
U-236..........................                      10              270             1x10-3            2.70x10-2       2.4x10-6          6.5x10-5
U-238..........................                      Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       1.2x10-8          3.4x10-7
U (natural)....................                      Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       2.6x10-8          7.1x10-7
U (enriched 5% or less)........                      Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       ------            (see Sec.
U (enriched more than 5%)......                      10              270             1x10-3            2.70x10-2       ----              (see Sec.
U (depleted)...................                      Unlimited       Unlimited       Unlimited         Unlimited       ----              (see Sec.
V-48...........................  Vanadium(23)......  0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            6.3x103           1.7x105
V-49...........................                      40              1080            40                1080            3.0x102           8.1x103
W-178..........................  Tungsten(74)......  1               27.0            1                 27.0            1.3x10-3          3.4x104
W-181..........................                      30              811             30                811             2.2x102           6.0x103
W-185..........................                      40              1080            0.9               24.3            3.5x102           9.4x103
W-187..........................                      2               54.1            0.5               13.5            2.6x104           7.0x105
W-188..........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            3.7x102           1.0x104
Xe-122.........................  Xenon(54).........  0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            4.8x104           1.3x106
Xe-123.........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            4.4x105           1.2x107
Xe-127.........................                      4               108             4                 108             1.0x103           2.8x104
Xe-131m........................                      40              1080            40                1080            3.1x103           8.4x104
Xe-133.........................                      20              541             20                541             6.9x103           1.9x105
Xe-135.........................                      4               108             4                 108             9.5x104           2.6x106
Y-87...........................  Yttrium(39).......  2               54.1            2                 54.1            1.7x104           4.5x105
Y-88...........................                      0.4             10.8            0.4               10.8            5.2x102           1.4x104
Y-90...........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            2.0x104           5.4x105
Y-91m..........................                      2               54.1            2                 54.1            1.5x106           4.2x107
Y-91...........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            9.1x102           2.5x104
Y-92...........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            3.6x105           9.6x106
Y-93...........................                      0.2             5.41            0.2               5.41            1.2x105           3.3x106
Yb-169.........................  Ytterbium(70).....  3               81.1            3                 81.1            8.9x102           2.4x104
Yb-175.........................                      30              811             0.9               24.3            6.6x103           1.8x105
Zn-65..........................  Zinc(30)..........  2               54.1            2                 54.1            3.0x102           8.2x103
Zn-69m.........................                      2               54.1            0.5               13.5            1.2x105           3.3x106
Zn-69..........................                      4               108             0.5               13.5            1.8x106           4.9x107
Zr-88..........................  Zirconium(40).....  3               81.1            3                 81.1            6.6x102           1.8x104
Zr-93..........................                      40              1080            0.2               5.41            9.3x10-5          2.5x10-3
Zr-95..........................                      1               27.0            0.9               24.3            7.9x102           2.1x104
Zr-97..........................                      0.3             8.11            0.3               8.11            7.1x104           1.9x106
a International shipments of Einsteinium require multilateral approval of A1 and A2 values.

[[Page 622]]

b International shipments of Fermium require multilateral approval of A1 and A2 values.
c 20 Ci for Mo99 for domestic use.
MFP: For mixed fission products, use formula for mixtures or table 10 in Sec.  173.433.
Note: The activity per gram of radionuclide quantities are technical information that might not provide a direct relationship between the activity and
  total mass of material contained in a package.

[Amdt. 173-244, 60 FR 50307, Sept. 28, 1995, as amended by Amdt. 173-
244, 61 FR 20752, May 8, 1996; Amdt. 173-253, 61 FR 27175, May 30, 1996; 
65 FR 58630, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45184, Aug. 28, 2001]