[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 2]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR173.315]

[Page 574-585]
                        TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION
               Subpart G--Gases; Preparation and Packaging
Sec. 173.315  Compressed gases in cargo tanks and portable tanks.

    (a) Liquefied compressed gases that are transported in UN portable 
tanks must be loaded and offered for transportation in accordance with 
portable tank provision T50 in Sec. 172.102 of this subchapter. A 
liquefied compressed gas offered for transportation in a cargo tank 
motor vehicle or a portable tank must be prepared in accordance with 
this section, Sec. 173.32, Sec. 173.33 and subpart E or subpart G of 
part 180 of this subchapter, as applicable. For cryogenic liquids, see 
Sec. 173.318. For marking requirements, see Secs. 172.326 and 172.328 of 
this subchapter. Except for UN portable tanks, a liquefied compressed 
gas must be loaded and offered for transportation in accordance with the 
following table:

                                     Maximum permitted filling density       Specification container required
           Kind of gas                                 Percent by volume
                                   Percent by weight   (see par. (f) of    Type (see Note 2)    Minimum design
                                     (see Note 1)        this section)                          pressure (psig)
Ammonia, anhydrous or Ammonia     56................  82, See Note 5....  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 265; See Note 17.
 solutions with greater than 50                                            331; See Notes 12
 percent ammonia (see Notes 14                                             and 17.
 and 17).
Ammonia solutions with more than  See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 100; See par. (c)
 35 percent but not more than 50   this section.                           331; see Note 12.   of this section.
 percent ammonia.
Bromotrifluoromethane (R-13B1 or  133...............  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 365.
 H-1301); (See Note 9).                                                    331.
Butadiene, stabilized...........  See par. (b) of     See par. (b) of     DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 100.
                                   this section.       this section.       331.
Carbon dioxide, refrigerated      See par. (c)(1) of  95................  ......do..........  200; see Note 3.
 liquid.                           this section.
Chlorine........................  125...............  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 225; See Notes 4
                                                                           331.                and 8.
Chlorodifluoroethane (R-142b) (1- 100...............  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 100.
 Chloro 1,1-difluoroethane);                                               331.
 (See Note 9).
Chlorodifluoromethane (R-22);     105...............  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 250.
 (See Note 9).                                                             331.
Chloropentafluoroethane (R-115);  See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See par. (c) of
 (See Note 9).                     this section.                           331.                this section.
Chlorotrifluoromethane (R-13);    See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See par. (c) of
 (See Note 9).                     this section.                           331.                this section.
Dichlorodifluoromethane (R-12);   119...............  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 150.
 (See Note 9).                                                             331.

[[Page 575]]

Difluoroethane (R-152a); (See     79................  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 150.
 Note 9).                                                                  331.
Dimethyl ether (see Note 16)....  59................  ......do..........  ......do..........  200.
Dimethylamine, anhydrous........  59................  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 150.
Division 2.1, materials not       See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See Note 18.
 specifically provided for in      this section.                           331.
 this table.
Division 2.2, materials not       See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See Note 19.
 specifically provided for in      this section.                           331.
 this table.
Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A,      See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See Note 20.
 materials not specifically        this section.                           331; See Note 23.
 provided for in this table.
Division 2.3, Hazard Zone B,      See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See Note 20.
 materials not specifically        this section.                           331; See Note 23.
 provided for in this table.
Division 2.3, Hazard Zone C,      See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See Note 21.
 materials not specifically        this section.                           331; See Note 24.
 provided for in this table.
Division 2.3, Hazard Zone D,      See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See Note 22.
 materials not specifically        this section.                           331; See Note 25.
 provided for in this table.
Ethane, refrigerated liquid.....  ..................  See par. (c) of     MC-331, MC-338....  100; see Note 11.
                                                       this section.
Ethane-propane mixture,           ..................  See par. (c) of     MC-331, MC-338....  275; see Note 11.
 refrigerated liquid.                                  this section.
Hexafluoropropylene.............  110...............  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 250.
Hydrogen chloride, refrigerated   103.0.............  See Note 7........  MC-331, MC-338....  100; see Note 11.
                                  91.6..............  ......do..........  ......do..........  300; see Note 11.
                                  86.7..............  ......do..........  ......do..........  450; see Note 11.
Liquefied petroleum gas (see      See par. (b) of     See par. (b) of     DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See par. (c) of
 Note 15).                         this section.       this section.       331; See Note 26.   this section.
Methylacetylene-propadiene,       53................  90................  DOT 51, MC 330, MC  200.
 stabilized (see Note 13).                                                 331.
Methylamine, anhydrous..........  60................  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- ..................
Methyl chloride.................  84................  88.5..............  ......do..........  150.
Methyl chloride (optional         ......do..........  See Note 6........  DOT-51............  225.
 portable tank 2,000 pounds
 water capacity, fusible plug).
Methyl mercaptan................  80................  90................  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 100.
                                                                           331; See Note 23.
Nitrous oxide, refrigerated       See par. (c)(1) of  95................  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 200; See Note 3.
 liquid.                           this section.                           331.
Refrigerant gas, n.o.s. or        See par. (c) of     See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- See par. (c) of
 Dispersant gas, n.o.s. (See       this section.                           331.                this section.
 Note 9).
Sulfur dioxide (tanks not over    125...............  87.5..............  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 150; See Note 4.
 1,200 gallons water capacity).                                            331; See Note 24.
Sulfur dioxide (tanks over 1,200  125...............  87.5..............  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 125; See Note 4.
 gallons water capacity).                                                  331; See Note 24.
Sulfur dioxide (optional          125...............  See Note 6........  DOT-51; See Note    225.
 portable tank 1,000-2,000                                                 24.
 pounds water capacity, fusible
Trimethylamine, anhydrous.......  57................  See Note 7........  DOT-51, MC-330, MC- 150.
Vinyl chloride..................  84 (see Note 13)..  See Note 7........  MC-330, MC-331....  150.
Vinyl fluoride, stabilized......  66................  ......do..........  ......do..........  250; see Note 11.
Vinyl methyl ether..............  68................  See Notes 7 and 13  ......do..........  100.
Note 1: Maximum filling density for liquefied gases is hereby defined as the percent ratio of the weight of gas
  in the tank to the weight of water that the tank will hold. For determining the water capacity of the tank in
  pounds, the weight of a gallon (231 cubic inches) of water at 60  deg.F. in air shall be 8.32828 pounds.
Note 2: See Sec.  173.32 for authority to use other portable tanks and for manifolding cargo tanks, see
  paragraph (q) of this section. Specifications MC 330 cargo tanks may be painted as specified for MC 331 cargo
Note 3: If cargo tanks and portable tank containers for carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid and nitrous oxide,
  refrigerated liquid are designed to conform to the requirements of the ASME Code for Low Temperature
  Operation, the design pressure may be reduced to 100 p.s.i.g. or the controlled pressure, whichever is

[[Page 576]]

Note 4: Material must be steel. Packagings must have a corrosion allowance of 20 percent or 0.10 inch, whichever
  is less, added to the metal thickness. The minimum wall thickness for chlorine packagings is 0.300 inch for
  stainless steel or 0.625 inch for carbon steel, including corrosion allowance.
Note 5: Unlagged cargo tanks and portable tank containers for liquid anhydrous ammonia may be filled to 87.5
  percent by volume provided the temperature of the anhydrous ammonia being loaded into such tanks is determined
  to be not lower than 30  deg.F. or provided the filling of such tanks is stopped at the first indication of
  frost or ice formation on the outside surface of the tank and is not resumed until such frost or ice has
Note 6: Tanks equipped with fusible plugs must be filled by weight.
Note 7: Tanks must be filled by weight.
Note 8: Chlorine packagings may be shipped only if the contents are to be unloaded at one unloading point.
Note 9: This gas may be transported in authorized cargo tanks and portable tanks marked ``dispersant gas,'' or
  ``refrigerant gas.''
Note 10: [Reserved]
Note 11: MC-330, MC-331 and MC-338 cargo tanks must be insulated. Cargo tanks must meet all the following
  requirements. Each tank must have a design service temperature of minus 100  deg.F., or no warmer than the
  boiling point at one atmosphere of the hazardous material to be shipped therein, whichever is colder, and must
  conform to the low-temperature requirements of the ASME Code. When the normal travel time is 24 hours or less,
  the tank's holding time as loaded must be at least twice the normal travel time. When the normal travel time
  exceeds 24 hours, the tank's holding time as loaded must be at least 24 hours greater than the normal travel
  time. The holding time is the elapsed time from loading until venting occurs under equilibrium conditions. The
  cargo tank must have an outer jacket made of steel when the cargo tank is used to transport a flammable gas.
Note 12: No aluminum, copper, silver, zinc or an alloy of any of these metals shall be used in packaging
  construction where it comes into contact with the lading.
Note 13: All parts of valves and safety devices in contact with contents of tank must be of a metal or other
  material suitably treated if necessary, which will not cause formation of any acetylides.
Note 14: Specifications MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks constructed of other than quenched and tempered steel
  ``(NQT)'' are authorized for all grades of anhydrous ammonia. Specifications MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks
  constructed of quenched and tempered steel ``(QT)'' (see marking requirements of Sec.  172.328(c) of this
  subchapter) are authorized for anhydrous ammonia having a minimum water content of 0.2 percent by weight. Any
  tank being placed in anhydrous ammonia service or a tank which has been in other service or has been opened
  for inspection, test, or repair, must be cleaned of the previous product and must be purged of air before
  loading. See Sec.  172.203(h) of this subchapter for special shipping paper requirements.
Note 15: Specifications MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks constructed of other than quenched and tempered steel
  (NQT) are authorized for all grades of liquefied petroleum gases. Only grades of liquefied petroleum gases
  determined to be ``noncorrosive'' are authorized in Specification MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks constructed of
  quenched and tempered steel (QT). ``Noncorrosive'' means the corrosiveness of the gas does not exceed the
  limitations for classification 1 of the ASTM Copper Strip Classifications when tested in accordance with ASTM
  D1838-64, ``Copper Strip Corrosion by Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases.'' (For (QT) and (NQT) marking
  requirements see Sec.  172.328(c) of this subchapter. For special shipping paper requirements, see Sec.
  172.203(h) of this subchapter.)
Note 16: Openings, inlets, and outlets on MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks must conform to Sec.  178.337-8(a) of
  this subchapter. MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks must be equipped with emergency discharge control equipment as
  specified in Sec.  178.337-11(a) of this subchapter.
Note 17: A Specification MC-330 or MC-331 cargo tank or a nonspecification cargo tank meeting, and marked in
  conformance with, the edition of the ASME Code in effect when it was fabricated, may be used for the
  transportation of anhydrous ammonia if it:
(1) Has a minimum design pressure not lower than 250 psig;
(2) Was manufactured in conformance with the ASME Code prior to January 1, 1981, according to its ASME name
  plate and manufacturer's data report;
(3) Is painted white or aluminum;
(4) Complies with Note 12 of this paragraph;
(5) Has been inspected and tested in accordance with subpart E of part 180 of this subchapter as specified for
  MC 331 cargo tanks.
(6) Was used to transport anhydrous ammonia prior to January 1, 1981;
(7) Is operated exclusively in intrastate commerce (including its operation by a motor carrier otherwise engaged
  in interstate commerce) in a state where its operation was permitted by the laws of that State (not including
  the incorporation of this subchapter) prior to January 1, 1981; and
(8) Is operated in conformance with all other requirements of this subchapter.
Note 18: The minimum packaging design pressure must not be less than the vapor pressure at the reference
  temperature of the lading plus one percent or 173.4 kPa (25 psig), whichever is less.
Note 19: The minimum packaging design pressure must not be less than the vapor pressure at the reference
  temperature of the lading.
Note 20: The minimum packaging design pressure must not be less than 1.5 times the vapor pressure of the lading
  at 46  deg.C (115  deg.F).
Note 21: The minimum packaging design pressure must not be less than 1.3 times the vapor pressure of the lading
  at 46  deg.C (115  deg.F).
Note 22: The minimum packaging design pressure must not be less than 1.1 times the vapor pressure of the lading
  at 46  deg.C (115  deg.F).
Note 23: Packagings must be made of stainless steel except that steel other than stainless steel may be used in
  accordance with the provisions of Sec.  173.24b(b) of this part. Thickness of stainless steel for shell and
  heads must be the greater of 7.62 mm (0.300 inch) or the thickness required for the packaging at its minimum
  design pressure.
Note 24: Packagings must be made of stainless steel except that steel other than stainless steel may be used in
  accordance with the provisions of Sec.  173.24b(b) of this part. Thickness of stainless steel for shell and
  heads must be the greater of 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) or the thickness required for the packaging at its minimum
  design pressure. For sulphur dioxide, this Note does not apply until October 1, 1994.
Note 25: Packagings must be made of stainless steel except that steel other than stainless steel may be used in
  accordance with the provisions of Sec.  173.24b(b) of this part. Thickness for shell and heads must be as
  calculated for the packaging at its minimum design pressure.
Note 26: Non-specification cargo tanks may be used for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas, subject to
  the conditions prescribed in paragraph (k) of this section.

[[Page 577]]

    (b) Maximum permitted filling densities for cargo and portable tank 
containers for transportation of butadiene, stabilized, and liquefied 
petroleum gas are as follows:

                                                     Maximum permitted
                                                    filling density in
                                                   percent of the water-
                                                  weight capacity of the
 Maximum specific gravity of the liquid material    tanks (percent) See
                  at 60  deg.F.                           Note 1
                                                  gallons or   Over 1200
                                                     less       gallons
0.473 to 0.480..................................          38          41
0.481 to 0.488..................................          39          42
0.489 to 0.495..................................          40          43
0.496 to 0.503..................................          41          44
0.504 to 0.510..................................          42          45
0.511 to 0.519..................................          43          46
0.520 to 0.527..................................          44          47
0.528 to 0.536..................................          45          48
0.537 to 0.544..................................          46          49
0.545 to 0.552..................................          47          50
0.553 to 0.560..................................          48          51
0.561 to 0.568..................................          49          52
0.569 to 0.576..................................          50          53
0.577 to 0.584..................................          51          54
0.585 to 0.592..................................          52          55
0.593 to 0.600..................................          53          56
0.601 to 0.608..................................          54          57
0.609 to 0.617..................................          55          58
0.618 to 0.626..................................          56          59
0.627 and over..................................          57          60
Note 1: Filling is permitted by volume provided the same filling density
  is used as permitted by weight, except when using fixed length dip
  tube or other fixed maximum liquid level indicators (paragraph (f) of
  this section), in which case the maximum permitted filling density
  shall not exceed 97 percent of the maximum permitted filling density
  by weight contained in the table.

    (1) Odorization. All liquefied petroleum gas shall be effectively 
odorized as required in Note 2 of this paragraph to indicate positively, 
by a distinctive odor, the presence of gas down to a concentration in 
air of not over one-fifth the lower limit of combustibility: Provided, 
however, That odorization is not required if harmful in the use or 
further processing of the liquefied petroleum gas, or if odorization 
will serve no useful purpose as a warning agent in such use or further 

    Note 1: The lower limits of combustibility of the more commonly used 
liquefied petroleum gases are: Propane, 2.15 percent; butane, 1.55 
percent. These figures represent volumetric percentages of gas-air 
mixtures in each case.
    Note 2: The use of 1.0 pound of ethyl mercaptan, 1.0 pound of 
thiophane, or 1.4 pounds of amyl mercaptan per 10,000 gallons of 
liquefied petroleum gas shall be considered sufficient to meet the 
requirements of Sec. 173.315(b)(1). This note does not exclude the use 
of any other odorant in sufficient quantity to meet the requirements of 
Sec. 173.315(b)(1).

    (c) Except as otherwise provided, the loading of a liquefied gas 
into a cargo tank or portable tank shall be determined by weight or by a 
suitable liquid level gauging device. The vapor pressure (psig) at 115 
deg.F. must not exceed the design pressure of the cargo tank or portable 
tank container. The outage and filling limits for liquefied gases must 
be as prescribed in Sec. 173.24b of this part, except that this 
requirement does not apply to:
    (1) A tank containing carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid or nitrous 
oxide, refrigerated liquid. Such tank is required to be equipped with 
suitable pressure control valves and may not be filled to a level 
exceeding 95 percent of the volumetric capacity of the tank.
    (2) A tank containing ethane, refrigerated liquid; ethane-propane 
mixture, refrigerated liquid; or hydrogen chloride, refrigerated liquid. 
Such tank must be filled to allow at least two percent outage below the 
inlet of the pressure relief valve or pressure control valve under 
conditions of incipient opening, with the tank in a level attitude.
    (d) If the loading of cargo tanks and portable tank containers with 
liquefied gases is to be determined by weight, the gross weight shall be 
checked after the filling line is disconnected in each instance. The 
gross weight shall be calculated from the tank capacity and tare weight 
set forth on the metal plate required by the specification, and the 
maximum filling density permitted for the material being loaded into the 
tank as set forth in the table, paragraph (a) of this section.
    (e) If the loading of cargo tanks and portable tank containers with 
liquefied gases is to be determined by adjustable liquid level device, 
each tank and each compartment thereof shall have a thermometer well, so 
that the internal liquid temperature can easily be determined, and the 
amount of liquid in the tank shall be corrected to a 60  deg.F. basis. 
Liquid levels shall not exceed a level corresponding to the maximum 
filling density permitted for the material being loaded into the tank as 
set forth in the table in paragraph (a) of this section.

[[Page 578]]

    (f) When the loading of cargo tanks and portable tank containers 
with liquefied gases is determined only by fixed length dip tube or 
other fixed maximum liquid level indicator, the device shall be arranged 
to function at a level not to exceed the maximum permitted volume 
prescribed by the table, paragraph (a) of this section. Loading shall be 
stopped when the device functions.
    (g) Containers, the liquid level of which has been determined by 
means of a fixed length dip tube gauging device, shall not be acceptable 
for stowage as cargo on vessels in commerce subject to the jurisdiction 
of the United States Coast Guard. Nothing contained in this section 
shall be so construed as to prohibit the transportation on car floats or 
car ferries of motor vehicles laden with containers nor cargo tanks the 
liquid level of either of which has been determined by means of fixed 
length dip tube devices.
    (h) Each cargo tank and portable tank, except a tank filled by 
weight, must be equipped with one or more of the gauging devices 
described in the following table which indicate accurately the maximum 
permitted liquid level. Additional gauging devices may be installed but 
may not be used as primary controls for filling of cargo tanks and 
portable tanks. Gauge glasses are not permitted on any cargo tank or 
portable tank. Primary gauging devices used on cargo tanks of less than 
3500 gallons water capacity are exempt from the longitudinal location 
requirements specified in paragraphs (h)(2) and (3) of this section 
provided: The tank length does not exceed three times the tank diameter; 
and the cargo tank is unloaded within 24 hours after each filling of the 

                                             Gaging device permitted for
                Kind of gas                       filling purposes
Anhydrous ammonia.........................  Rotary tube; adjustable slip
                                             tube; fixed length dip
Anhydrous dimethylamine...................  None.
Anhydrous monomethylamine.................      Do.
Anhydrous trimethylamine..................      Do.
Aqua ammonia solution containing anhydrous  Rotary tube; adjustable slip
 ammonia.                                    tube; fixed length dip
Butadiene, stabilized.....................      Do.
Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid.......      Do.
Chlorine..................................  None.
Dichlorodifluoromethane...................      Do.
Difluoroethane............................      Do.
Difluoromonochloroethane..................      Do.
Dimethyl ether............................      Do.
Ethane, refrigerated liquid...............  Rotary tube; adjustable slip
                                             tube; fixed length dip
Ethane-propane mixture, refrigerated            Do.
Hexafluoropropylene.......................  None.
Hydrogen chloride, refrigerated liquid....      Do.
Liquefied petroleum gases.................  Rotary tube; adjustable slip
                                             tube; fixed length dip
Methyl chloride...........................  Fixed length dip tube.
Methyl mercaptan..........................  Rotary tube; adjustable slip
                                             tube; fixed length dip
Monochlorodifluoromethane.................  None.
Nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid........  Rotary tube; adjustable slip
                                             tube; fixed length dip
Methylacetylenepropadiene, stabilized.....      Do.
Refrigerant gas, n.o.s. or Dispersant gas,  None.
Sulfur dioxide............................  Fixed length dip tube.
Vinyl chloride............................  None.
Vinyl fluoride, inhibited.................      Do.

    (1) The design pressure of the liquid level gauging devices shall be 
at least equal to the design pressure of the tank.
    (2) If the primary gauging device is adjustable, it must be capable 
of adjustment so that the end of the tube will be in the location 
specified in paragraph (h)(3) of this section for at least one of the 
ladings to be transported, at the filling level corresponding to an 
average loading temperature. Exterior means must be provided to indicate 
this adjustment. The gauging device must be legibly and permanently 
marked in increments not exceeding 20 Fahrenheit degrees (or not 
exceeding 25 p.s.i.g. on tanks for carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid 
or nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid), to indicate the maximum levels 
to which the tank may be filled with liquid at temperatures above 20 
deg.F. However, if it is not practicable to so mark the gauging device, 
this information must be legibly and permanently marked on a plate 
affixed to the tank adjacent to the gauging device.
    (3) A dip tube gauging device consists of a pipe or tube with a 
valve at its outer end with its intake limited by an orifice not larger 
than 0.060 inch in diameter. If a fixed length dip tube is

[[Page 579]]

used, the intake must be located midway of the tank both longitudinally 
and laterally and at maximum permitted filling level. In tanks for 
liquefied petroleum gases, the intake must be located at the level 
reached by the lading when the tank is loaded to maximum filling density 
at 40  deg.F.
    (4) Except on a tank used exclusively for the transportation of 
carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid or nitrous oxide, refrigerated 
liquid, each opening for a pressure gauge must be restricted at or 
inside the tank by an orifice no larger than 0.060 inch in diameter. For 
carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid or nitrous oxide, refrigerated 
liquid service, the pressure gauge need only be used during the filling 
    (i) Each tank must be provided with one or more pressure relief 
devices which, unless otherwise specified in this part, must be of the 
spring-loaded type. Each valve must be arranged to discharge upward and 
unobstructed to the outside of the protective housing to prevent any 
impingement of escaping gas upon the tank. For each chlorine tank the 
protective housing must be in compliance with the requirements set forth 
in the applicable specification.
    (1) The safety relief valves on each tank must meet the following 
    (i) The total relieving capacity, as determined by the flow formulas 
contained in Section 5 of CGA Pamphlet S-1.2, must be sufficient to 
prevent a maximum pressure in the tank of more than 120 percent of the 
design pressure;
    (ii) The flow capacity rating, testing and marking must be in 
accordance with Sections 5, 6 and 7 of CGA Pamphlet S-1.2.
    (iii) For an insulated tank, the required relieving capacity of the 
relief devices must be the same as for an uninsulated tank, unless the 
insulation will remain in place and will be effective under fire 
conditions. In this case, except for UN portable tanks, each insulated 
tank must be covered by a sheet metal jacket of not less than 16 gauge 
thickness. For UN portable tanks where the relieving capacity of the 
valves has been reduced on the basis of the insulation system, the 
insulation system must remain effective at all temperatures less than 
649  deg.C (1200.2  deg.F) and be jacketed with a material having a 
melting point of 700  deg.C (1292.0  deg.F) or greater.
    (iv) An MC 330 cargo tank that has relief valves sized by Fetterly's 
formula dated November 27, 1928, may be continued in service.
    (2) Each safety relief valve must be arranged to minimize the 
possibility of tampering. If the pressure setting or adjustment is 
external to the valve, the safety relief valve must be provided with 
means for sealing the adjustment and it must be sealed.
    (3) Each safety relief valve on a portable tank, other than a UN 
portable tank, must be set to start-to-discharge at pressure no higher 
than 110% of the tank design pressure and no lower than the design 
pressure specified in paragraph (a) of this section for the gas 
transported. For UN portable tanks used for liquefied compressed gases 
and constructed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 178.276 of 
this subchapter, the pressure relief device(s) must conform to 
Sec. 178.276(e) of this subchapter.
    (4) Except for UN portable tanks, each safety relief valve must be 
plainly and permanently marked with the pressure in p.s.i.g. at which it 
is set to discharge, with the actual rate of discharge of the device in 
cubic feet per minute of the gas or of air at 60  deg.F (15.6  deg.C) 
and 14.7 p.s.i.a., and with the manufacturer's name or trade name and 
catalog number. The start-to-discharge valve marking must be visible 
after the valve is installed. The rated discharge capacity of the device 
must be determined at a pressure of 120% of the design pressure of the 
tank. For UN portable tanks, each pressure relief device must be clearly 
and permanently marked as specified in Sec. 178.274(f)(1) of this 
    (5) Each safety relief valve must have direct communication with the 
vapor space in the tank.
    (6) Each connection to a safety relief valve must be of sufficient 
size to provide the required rate of discharge through the safety relief 
    (7) [RESERVED]
    (9) On tanks for carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid or nitrous 
oxide, refrigerated liquid each safety relief device must be installed 
and located so

[[Page 580]]

that the cooling effect of the contents will not prevent the effective 
operation of the device. In addition to the required safety relief 
valves, these tanks may be equipped with one or more pressure 
controlling devices.
    (10) Each tank for carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid also may be 
equipped with one or more non-reclosing pressure relief devices set to 
function at a pressure not over two times nor less than 1.5 times the 
design pressure of the tank.
    (11) Each portion of connected liquid piping or hose that can be 
closed at both ends must be provided with a safety relief valve without 
an intervening shut-off valve to prevent excessive hydrostatic pressure 
that could burst the piping or hose.
    (12) Subject to conditions of paragraph (a) of this section for the 
methyl chloride and sulfur dioxide optional portable tanks, one or more 
fusible plugs examined by the Bureau of Explosives and approved by the 
Associate Administrator may be used on these tanks in place of safety 
relief valves of the spring-loaded type. The fusible plug or plugs must 
be in accordance with CGA Pamphlet S-1.2, to prevent a pressure rise in 
the tank of more than 120 percent of the design pressure. If the tank is 
over 30 inches long, each end must have the total specified safety 
discharge area.
    (13) A safety relief valve on a chlorine cargo tank must conform to 
one of the following standards of The Chlorine Institute, Inc.: Type 
1\1/2\ JQ225, Dwg. H51970, dated October 7, 1968; or Type 1\1/2\ JQ225, 
Dwg. H50155, Revision A, dated April 28, 1969.
    (j) Storage containers for liquefied petroleum gas for permanent 
installation on consumer premises may be shipped by private motor 
carrier only under the following conditions:
    (1) Each container must be constructed in compliance with the 
requirements of the ASME Code (containers built in compliance with 
earlier editions starting with 1943 are authorized) and must be marked 
to indicate compliance in the manner specified by the respective Code.
    (2) Each container must be equipped with safety devices in 
compliance with the requirements for safety devices on containers as 
specified in NFPA Pamphlet No. 58.
    (3) The containers shall be so braced or otherwise secured on the 
vehicle as to prevent relative motion while in transit. Valves or other 
fittings shall be adequately protected against damage during 
transportation. (See Sec. 177.834(g) of this subchapter.)
    (4) Except as provided in paragraph (j)(5) of this section, 
containers shall not be shipped when charged with liquefied petroleum 
gas to more than 5 percent of their water capacity.
    (5) Storage containers of less than 1,042 pounds water capacity (125 
gallons) may be shipped when charged with liquefied petroleum gas in 
compliance with DOT filling density.
    (k) A nonspecification cargo tank meeting, and marked in conformance 
with, the edition of the ASME Code in effect when it was fabricated may 
be used for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas provided it 
meets all of the following conditions:
    (1) It must have a minimum design pressure no lower than 250 psig.
    (2) It must have a capacity of 13,247.5 L (3,500 water gallons) or 
    (3) It must have been manufactured in conformance with the ASME Code 
prior to January 1, 1981, according to its ASME name plate and 
manufacturer's data report.
    (4) It must conform to applicable provisions of NFPA Pamphlet 58, 
except to the extent that provisions of Pamphlet 58 are inconsistent 
with requirements in parts 178 and 180 of this subchapter.
    (5) It must be inspected, tested, and equipped in accordance with 
subpart E of part 180 of this subchapter as specified for MC 331 cargo 
tank motor vehicles.
    (6) Except as provided in this paragraph (k), it must be operated 
exclusively in intrastate commerce, including its operation by a motor 
carrier otherwise engaged in interstate commerce, in a state where its 
operation was permitted by law (not including the incorporation of this 
subchapter) prior to January 1, 1981. A cargo tank motor vehicle 
operating under authority of this section may cross state lines to 
travel to and from a qualified assembly, repair, maintenance, or 
requalification facility. The cargo tank need

[[Page 581]]

not be cleaned and purged, but it may not contain liquefied petroleum 
gas in excess of five percent of the water capacity of the cargo tank. 
If the vehicle engine is supplied fuel from the cargo tank, enough fuel 
in excess of five percent of the cargo tank's water capacity may be 
carried for the trip to or from the facility.
    (7) It must have been used to transport liquefied petroleum gas 
prior to January 1, 1981.
    (8) It must be operated in conformance with all other requirements 
of this subchapter.
    (l) Anhydrous ammonia must not be offered for transportation or 
transported in specification MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks constructed 
of quenched and tempered (``QT'') steel except as provided in this 
    (1) The ammonia must have a minimum water content of 0.2 percent by 
weight. Any addition of water must be made using steam condensate, 
deionized, or distilled water.
    (2) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, each person 
offering for transportation or transporting anhydrous ammonia shall 
perform a periodic analysis for prescribed water content in the ammonia. 
The analysis must be performed:
    (i) From a sample of the ammonia in storage taken at least once 
every 7 days, or each time ammonia is added to the storage tanks, 
whichever is less frequent; or
    (ii) At the time the cargo tanks are loaded, then a sample of the 
ammonia taken from at least one loaded cargo tank out of each 10 loads, 
or from one cargo tank every 24 hours, whichever is less frequent; or
    (iii) At the same frequency as described in paragraph (l)(2)(ii) of 
this section, from a sample taken from the loading line to the cargo 
    (3) If water is added at the time of loading:
    (i) The sample for analysis must be taken from a point in the 
loading line between the water injection equipment and the cargo tank; 
    (ii) Positive provisions must be made to assure water injection 
equipment is operating.
    (4) If water injection equipment becomes inoperative, suitable 
corrective maintenance must be performed after which a sample from the 
first loaded cargo tank must be analyzed for prescribed water content.
    (5) The analysis method for water content must be as prescribed in 
CGA Pamphlet G-2.2, titled ``Tentative Standard Method for Determining 
Minimum of 0.2 per cent water in Anhydrous Ammonia,'' 1975 edition.
    (6) Records indicating the results of the analysis taken, as 
required by this paragraph, must be retained for 2 years and must be 
open to inspection by a representative of the Department.
    (7) Each person receiving anhydrous ammonia containing 0.2 per cent 
water by weight may offer for transportation or transport that ammonia 
without performing the prescribed analysis for water content provided:
    (i) The ammonia received was certified as containing 0.2 percent 
water as prescribed in Secs. 172.203(h)(l)(i) and 177.817(a) of this 
subchapter; and
    (ii) The amount of water in the ammonia has not been reduced by any 
    (m) A cargo tank (commonly known as a nurse tank and considered an 
implement of husbandry) transporting anhydrous ammonia, and operated by 
a private carrier exclusively for agricultural purposes does not have to 
meet the specification requirements of part 178 of this subchapter if 
    (1) Has a minimum design pressure of 250 psig and meets the 
requirements of the edition of the ASME code in effect at the time it 
was manufactured and is marked accordingly;
    (2) Is equipped with safety relief valves meeting the requirements 
of CGA pamphlet S1.2;
    (3) Is painted white or aluminum;
    (4) Has capacity of 3,000 gallons or less;
    (5) Is loaded to a filling density no greater than 56 percent;
    (6) Is securely mounted on a farm wagon; and
    (7) Is in conformance with the requirements of part 172 of this 
subchapter except that shipping papers are not required; and it need not 
be marked or placarded on one end if that end contains valves, fittings, 
regulators or gauges when those appurtenances prevent the markings and

[[Page 582]]

placard from being properly placed and visible.
    (n) Emergency discharge control for cargo tank motor vehicles in 
liquefied compressed gas service.--(1) Required emergency discharge 
control equipment. Each cargo tank motor vehicle in liquefied compressed 
gas service must have an emergency discharge control capability as 
specified in the following table:

[[Page 583]]

                                                                                                                Required emergency discharge control
     Sec.  173.315(n)(1)(*)                          Material                        Delivery service                        capability
(i).............................  Division 2.2 materials with no subsidiary      All.....................  None.
                                   hazard, excluding anhydrous ammonia.
(ii)............................  Division 2.3 materials.......................  All.....................  Paragraph (n)(2) of this section.
(iii)...........................  Division 2.2 materials with a subsidiary       Other than metered        Paragraph (n)(2) of this section.
                                   hazard, Division 2.1 materials, and            delivery service.
                                   anhydrous ammonia.
(iv)............................  Division 2.2 materials with a subsidiary       Metered delivery service  Paragraph (n)(3) of this section.
                                   hazard, Division 2.1 materials, and
                                   anhydrous ammonia in a cargo tank motor
                                   vehicle with a capacity of 13,247.5 L (3,500
                                   water gallons) or less.
(v).............................  Division 2.2 materials with a subsidiary       Metered delivery service  Paragraph (n)(3) of this section, and, for
                                   hazard, Division 2.1 materials, and                                      obstructed view deliveries where permitted
                                   anhydrous ammonia in a cargo tank motor                                  by Sec.  177.840(p) of this subchapter,
                                   vehicle with a capacity greater than                                     paragraph (n)(2) or (n)(4) of this section.
                                   13,247.5 L (3,500 water gallons).

[[Page 584]]

    (2) Cargo tank motor vehicles in other than metered delivery 
service. A cargo tank motor vehicle in other than metered delivery 
service must have a means to automatically shut off the flow of product 
without the need for human intervention within 20 seconds of an 
unintentional release caused by a complete separation of a liquid 
delivery hose (passive shut-down capability).
    (i) Designed flow of product through a bypass in the valve is 
acceptable when authorized by this subchapter.
    (ii) The design for the means to automatically shut off product flow 
must be certified by a Design Certifying Engineer. The certification 
must consider any specifications of the original component manufacturer 
and must explain how the passive means to shut off the flow of product 
operates. It must also outline the parameters (e.g., temperature, 
pressure, types of product) within which the passive means to shut off 
the flow of product is designed to operate. All components of the 
discharge system that are integral to the design must be included in the 
certification. A copy of the design certification must be provided to 
the owner of the cargo tank motor vehicle on which the equipment will be 
    (iii) Installation must be performed under the supervision of a 
Registered Inspector unless the equipment is installed and removed as 
part of regular operation (e.g., a hose). The Registered Inspector must 
certify that the equipment is installed and tested, if it is possible to 
do so without damaging the equipment, in accordance with the Design 
Certifying Engineer's certification. The Registered Inspector must 
provide the certification to the owner of the cargo tank motor vehicle.
    (3) Cargo tank motor vehicles in metered delivery service. When 
required by the table in paragraph (n)(1) of this section, a cargo tank 
motor vehicle must have an off-truck remote means to close the internal 
self-closing stop valve and shut off all motive and auxiliary power 
equipment upon activation by a qualified person attending the unloading 
of the cargo tank motor vehicle (off-truck remote shut-off). It must 
function reliably at a distance of 45.72 m (150 feet). The off-truck 
remote shut-off activation device must not be capable of reopening the 
internal self-closing stop valve after emergency activation.
    (i) The emergency discharge control equipment must be installed 
under the supervision of a Registered Inspector. Each wireless 
transmitter/receiver must be tested to demonstrate that it will close 
the internal self-closing stop valve and shut off all motive and 
auxiliary power equipment at a distance of 91.44 m (300 feet) under 
optimum conditions. Emergency discharge control equipment that does not 
employ a wireless transmitter/receiver must be tested to demonstrate its 
functioning at the maximum length of the delivery hose.
    (ii) The Registered Inspector must certify that the remote control 
equipment is installed in accordance with the original component 
manufacturer's specifications and is tested in accordance with paragraph 
(n)(3)(i) of this section. The Registered Inspector must provide the 
owner of the cargo tank motor vehicle with this certification.
    (4) Query systems. When a transmitter/receiver system is used to 
satisfy the requirements of paragraph (n)(1)(v) of this section, it must 
close the internal self-closing stop valve and shut off all motive and 
auxiliary power equipment unless the qualified person attending the 
unloading operation prevents it from doing so at least once every five 
minutes. Testing and certification must be as specified in paragraph 
(n)(3) of this section.
    (5) Compliance dates. (i) Each specification MC 331 cargo tank motor 
vehicle with a certificate of construction issued two or more years 
after July 1, 1999, must have an appropriate emergency discharge control 
capability as specified in this paragraph (n).
    (ii) No MC 330, MC 331, or nonspecification cargo tank motor vehicle 
authorized under paragraph (k) of this section may be operated unless it 
has an appropriate emergency discharge control capability as specified 
in this paragraph (n) no later than the date of its first scheduled 
pressure retest required after July 1, 2001. No MC 330, MC 331 or 
nonspecification cargo tank

[[Page 585]]

motor vehicle authorized under paragraph (k) of this section may be 
operated after July 1, 2006, unless it has been equipped with emergency 
discharge control equipment as specified in this paragraph (n).
    (iii) No MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank motor vehicle with a capacity 
over 13,247 L (3,500 gallons) used in metered delivery service may be 
operated unless it has an appropriate discharge control capability as 
specified in this paragraph (n) no later than July 1, 2003, or the date 
of its first scheduled pressure retest required after July 1, 2001, 
whichever is earlier.
    (o) Chlorine cargo tank motor vehicles. Each cargo tank motor 
vehicle used for the transportation of chlorine must meet the 
requirements in the following:
    (1) Any hose, piping, or tubing used for loading or unloading that 
is mounted or carried on the motor vehicle may not be attached to any 
valve and must be capped at all ends to prevent the entry of moisture, 
except at the time of loading or unloading. Except at the time of 
loading and unloading, the pipe connection of each angle valve must be 
closed with a screw plug which is chained or otherwise fastened to 
prevent misplacement.
    (2) Each chlorine cargo tank motor vehicle angle valve must be 
tested to be leak free at not less than 225 psig using dry air or inert 
gas before installation and thereafter every 2 years when performing the 
required periodic retest in Sec. 180.407(c) of this subchapter. Prior to 
each loading, the cargo tank motor vehicle must be inspected and the 
angle valves and gasketed joints must be examined and tested at a 
pressure of not less than 50 psig to determine that they are not leaking 
and are in proper condition for transportation. Any leaks must be 
corrected before the cargo tank motor vehicle is offered for 
    (3) Excess flow valves on the cargo tank motor vehicle must meet the 
requirements of paragraph (n) of this section.
    (p) Fusible elements. Each MC 330, MC 331, or nonspecification cargo 
tank authorized under paragraph (k) of this section must have a thermal 
means of closure for each internal self-closing stop valve as specified 
in Sec. 178.337-8(a)(4) of this subchapter.
    (q) Manifolding is authorized for cargo tanks containing anhydrous 
ammonia provided each individual cargo tank is equipped with a pressure 
relief device or valves and gauging devices as required by paragraphs 
(h) and (i) of this section. Each valve must be tightly closed while the 
cargo tank is in transit. Each cargo tank must be filled separately.

[29 FR 18743, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]

    Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting 
Sec. 173.315, see the List of CFR Sections Affected which appears in the 
Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.