[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 2]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR173.186]

[Page 511]
                        TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION
Subpart E--Non-bulk Packaging for Hazardous Materials Other Than Class 1 
                               and Class 7
Sec. 173.186  Matches.

    (a) Matches must be of a type which will not ignite spontaneously or 
undergo marked decomposition when subjected for 8 consecutive hours to a 
temperature of 93  deg.C (200  deg.F).
    (b) Definitions. (1) Fusee matches are matches the heads of which 
are prepared with a friction-sensitive igniter composition and a 
pyrotechnic composition which burns with little or no flame, but with 
intense heat.
    (2) Safety matches are matches combined with or attached to the box, 
book or card that can be ignited by friction only on a prepared surface.
    (3) Strike anywhere matches are matches that can be ignited by 
friction on a solid surface.
    (4) Wax ``Vesta'' matches are matches that can be ignited by 
friction either on a prepared surface or on a solid surface.
    (c) Safety matches and wax ``Vesta'' matches must be tightly packed 
in securely closed inner packagings to prevent accidental ignition under 
conditions normally incident to transportation, and further packed in 
outer fiberboard, wooden, or other equivalent-type packagings. These 
matches in outer packagings not exceeding 23 kg (50 pounds) gross weight 
are not subject to any other requirement (except marking) of this 
subchapter. These matches may be packed in the same outer packaging with 
materials not subject to this subchapter.
    (d) Strike-anywhere matches may not be packed in the same outer 
packaging with any material other than safety matches or wax ``Vesta'' 
matches, which must be packed in separate inner packagings.
    (e) Packagings. Strike-anywhere matches must be tightly packed in 
securely closed chipboard, fiberboard, wooden, or metal inner packagings 
to prevent accidental ignition under conditions normally incident to 
transportation. Each inner packaging may contain no more than 700 
strike-anywhere matches and must be packed in outer steel drums (1A2), 
aluminum drums (1B2), steel jerricans (3A2), wooden (4C1, 4C2), plywood 
(4D), reconstituted wood (4F) or fiberboard (4G) boxes, plywood (1D) or 
fiber (1G) drums. Gross weight of fiberboard boxes (4G) must not exceed 
27 kg (60 pounds). Gross weight of other outer packagings must not 
exceed 45 kg (100 pounds).