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Bush says attack on homeland still major threat

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U.S. President George W. Bush holds a news conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House January 12, 2009 in Washington, DC. Bush spent nearly an hour fielding questions during his last news conference as president of the United States before President-elect Barack Obama is sworn in on January 20. (Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images)
U.S. President George W. Bush holds a news conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House January 12, 2009 in Washington, DC. Bush spent nearly an hour fielding questions during his last news conference as president of the United States before President-elect Barack Obama is sworn in on January 20. (Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images)
WASHINGTON (AP) - President George W. Bush says the "most urgent threat" that Barack Obama will face is the potential for an "attack on our homeland."

He says the president-elect will be facing an enemy that "would like to inflict damage" on Americans. He says that'll be the major threat facing Obama and those who follow him.

At a farewell news conference Monday, Bush spoke of other threats posed by members of what he once referred to as an "axis of evil." He said North Korea is "still a problem" - and that it's important that talks on that country's nuclear program bring about a "strong verification regime."

He also described Iran as "still dangerous."

The President also acknowledged a list of mistakes or disappointments during his time.

Here's his list:

-He said, "Clearly, putting 'Mission Accomplished' on an aircraft carrier was a mistake." The banner went up shortly after Saddam Hussein was toppled from power.

-Bush also said that "some of my rhetoric" has been a mistake. He has been widely criticized for proclaiming "Bring it on!" to terrorists around the world.

-He said he probably miscalculated in going immediately for an overhaul of the Social Security program, rather than seeking reform, in the wake of his re-election to a second term in 2004.

-Bush also cited his "disappointment" with the revelations of abuses at the Abu Graib detention camp in Iraq and in never turning up weapons of mass destruction in the country.

To read the transcript of the final press conference President Bush held, click here.

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