[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 28, Volume 1]

[Revised as of July 1, 2005]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 28CFR16.97]

[Page 341-347]









      Subpart E_Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act


Sec. 16.97  Exemption of Bureau of Prisons Systems--limited access.

    (a) The following systems of records are exempt from 5 U.S.C. 552a 

(c) (3) and (4), (d), (e) (2) and (3), (e)(4) (H), (e)(8), (f) and (g):

    (1) Custodial and Security Record System (JUSTICE/BOP-001).

    (2) Industrial Inmate Employment Record System (JUSTICE/BOP-003).

    (3) Inmate Administrative Remedy Record System (JUSTICE/BOP-004).

    (4) Inmate Central Record System (JUSTICE/BOP-005).

    (5) Inmate Commissary Accounts Record System (JUSTICE/BOP-006).

    (6) Inmate Physical and Mental Health Record System (JUSTICE/BOP-


    (7) Inmate Safety and Accident Compensation Record System (JUSTICE/


    (8) Federal Tort Claims Act Record System (JUSTICE/BOP-009).

These exemptions apply only to the extent that information in these 

systems is subject to exemption pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j).

    (b) Exemptions from the particular subsections are justified for the 

following reasons:

    (1) From subsection (c)(3) because inmates will not be permitted to 

gain access or to contest contents of these record systems under the 

provisions of subsection (d) of 5 U.S.C. 552a. Revealing disclosure 

accountings can compromise legitimate law enforcement activities and 

Bureau of Prisons responsibilities.

    (2) From subsection (c)(4) because exemption from provisions of 

subsection (d) will make notification of formal disputes inapplicable.

    (3) From subsection (d) because exemption from this subsection is 

essential to protect internal processes by which Bureau personnel are 

able to formulate decisions and policies with regard to federal 

prisoners, to prevent disclosure of information to federal inmates that 

would jeopardize legitimate correctional interests of security, custody, 

or rehabilitation, and to permit receipt of relevant information from 

other federal agencies, state and local law enforcement agencies, and 

federal and state probation and judicial offices.

    (4) From subsection (e)(2) because primary collection of information 

directly from federal inmates about criminal sentences or criminal 

records is highly impractical and inappropriate.

    (5) From subsection (e)(3) because in view of the Bureau of Prisons' 

responsibilities, application of this provision to its operations and 

collection of information is inappropriate.

[[Page 342]]

    (6) From subsection (e)(4)(H) because exemption from provisions of 

subsection (d) will make publication of agency procedures under this 

subsection inapplicable.

    (7) From subsection (e)(8) because the nature of Bureau of Prisons 

law enforcement activities renders notice of compliance with compulsory 

legal process impractical.

    (8) From subsection (f) because exemption from provisions of 

subsection (d) will render compliance with provisions of this subsection 


    (9) From subsection (g) because exemption from provisions of 

subsection (d) will render provisions of this subsection inapplicable.

    (c) The following system of records is exempted pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 

552a(j)(2) from subsections (c)(3) and (4), (d), (e)(1), (2) and (3), 

(e)(5) and (e)(8), and (g). In addition, the following system of records 

is exempted pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2) from subsections (c)(3), 

(d), and (e)(1):

Bureau of Prisons Access Control Entry/Exit, (JUSTICE/BOP-010).

    (d) These exemptions apply only to the extent that information in 

these systems is subject to exemption pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2) or 

(k)(2). Where compliance would not appear to interfere with or adversely 

affect the law enforcement process, and/or where it may be appropriate 

to permit individuals to contest the accuracy of the information 

collected, e.g. public source materials, or those supplied by third 

parties, the applicable exemption may be waived, either partially or 

totally, by the BOP. Exemptions from the particular subsections are 

justified for the following reasons:

    (1) From subsection (c)(3) for similar reasons as those enumerated 

in paragraph (3).

    (2) From subsection (c)(4) to the extent that exemption from 

subsection (d) will make notification of corrections or notations of 

disputes inapplicable.

    (3) From the access provisions of subsection (d) to the extent that 

exemption from this subsection may appear to be necessary to prevent 

access by record subjects to information that may jeopardize the 

legitimate correctional interests of safety, security, and good order of 

Bureau of Prisons facilities; to protect the privacy of third parties; 

and to protect access to relevant information received from third 

parties, such as other Federal State, local and foreign law enforcement 

agencies, Federal and State probation and judicial offices, the 

disclosure of which may permit a record subject to evade apprehension, 

prosecution, etc.; and/or to otherwise protect investigatory or law 

enforcement information, whether received from other third parties, or 

whether developed internally by the BOP.

    (4) From the amendment provisions of subsection (d) because 

amendment of the records would interfere with law enforcement operations 

and impose an impossible administrative burden. In addition to efforts 

to ensure accuracy so as to withstand possible judicial scrutiny, it 

would require that law enforcement and investigatory information be 

continuously reexamined, even where the information may have been 

collected from the record subject. Also, where records are provided by 

other Federal criminal justice agencies or other State, local and 

foreign jurisdictions, it may be administratively impossible to ensure 

compliance with this provision.

    (5) From subsection (e)(1) to the extent that the BOP may collect 

information that may be relevant to the law enforcement operations of 

other agencies. In the interests of overall, effective law enforcement, 

such information should be retained and made available to those agencies 

with relevant responsibilities.

    (6) From subsection (e)(2) because primary collection of information 

directly from the record subject is often highly impractical, 

inappropriate and could result in inaccurate information.

    (7) From subsection (e)(3) because compliance with this subsection 

may impede the collection of information that may be valuable to law 

enforcement interests.

    (8) From subsection (e)(5) because in the collection and maintenance 

of information for law enforcement purposes, it is impossible to 

determine in advance what information is accurate, relevant, timely and 

complete. Data

[[Page 343]]

which may seem unrelated, irrelevant or incomplete when collected may 

take on added meaning or significance as an investigation progresses or 

with the passage of time, and could be relevant to future law 

enforcement decisions.

    (9) From subsection (e)(8) because the nature of BOP law enforcement 

activities renders notice of compliance with compulsory legal process 

impractical and could seriously jeopardize institution security and 

personal safety and/or impede overall law enforcement efforts.

    (10) From subsection (g) to the extent that the system is exempted 

from subsection (d).

    (e) The following system of records is exempt from 5 U.S.C. 552a (c) 

(3) and (4), (d), (e) (2) and (3), (e)(5) and (e)(8), (f) and (g):

Telephone Activity Record System (JUSTICE/BOP-011).

    (f) These exemptions apply only to the extent that information in 

this system is subject to exemption pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (j)(2) 

and/or (k)(2). Where compliance would not appear to interfere with or 

adversely affect the law enforcement process, and/or where it may be 

appropriate to permit individuals to contest the accuracy of the 

information collected, the applicable exemption may be waived, either 

partially or totally, by the BOP. Exemptions from the particular 

subsections are justified for the following reasons:

    (1) From subsection (c)(3) to the extent that this system of records 

is exempt from subsection (d), and for such reasons as those cited for 

subsection (d) in paragraph (f)(3) below.

    (2) From subsection (c)(4) to the extent that exemption from 

subsection (d) makes this exemption inapplicable.

    (3) From the access provisions of subsection (d) because exemption 

from this subsection is essential to prevent access of information by 

record subjects that may invade third party privacy; frustrate the 

investigative process; jeopardize the legitimate correctional interests 

of safety, security, and good order to prison facilities; or otherwise 

compromise, impede, or interfere with BOP or other law enforcement 

agency activities.

    (4) From the amendment provisions from subsection (d) because 

amendment of the records may interfere with law enforcement operations 

and would impose an impossible administrative burden by requiring that, 

in addition to efforts to ensure accuracy so as to withstand possible 

judicial scrutiny, it would require that law enforcement information be 

continuously reexamined, even where the information may have been 

collected from the record subject. Also, some of these records come from 

other Federal criminal justice agencies or State, local and foreign 

jurisdictions, or from Federal and State probation and judicial offices, 

and it is administratively impossible to ensure that the records comply 

with this provision.

    (5) From subsection (e)(2) because the nature of criminal and other 

investigative activities is such that vital information about an 

individual can be obtained from other persons who are familiar with such 

individual and his/her activities. In such investigations it is not 

feasible to rely solely upon information furnished by the individual 

concerning his/her own activities since it may result in inaccurate 


    (6) From subsection (e)(3) because in view of BOP's operational 

responsibilities, application of this provision to the collection of 

information is inappropriate. Application of this provision could 

provide the subject with substantial information which may in fact 

impede the information gathering process or compromise an investigation.

    (7) From subsection (e)(5) because in the collection and maintenance 

of information for law enforcement purposes, it is impossible to 

determine in advance what information is accurate, relevant, timely and 

complete. Material which may seem unrelated, irrelevant or incomplete 

when collected may take on added meaning or significance at a later date 

or as an investigation progresses. Also, some of these records may come 

from other Federal, State, local and foreign law enforcement agencies, 

and from Federal and State probation and judicial offices and it is 

administratively impossible to ensure that the records comply with this 

provision. It would also require that law

[[Page 344]]

enforcement information be continuously reexamined even where the 

information may have been collected from the record subject.

    (8) From subsection (e)(8) because the nature of BOP law enforcement 

activities renders impractical the notice of compliance with compulsory 

legal process. This requirement could present a serious impediment to 

law enforcement such as revealing investigative techniques or the 

existence of confidential investigations, jeopardize the security of 

third parties, or otherwise compromise law enforcement efforts.

    (9)-(10) [Reserved]

    (11) From subsections (f) and (g) to the extent that this system is 

exempt from the access and amendment provisions of subsection (d).

    (g) The following system of records is exempt pursuant to the 

provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2) from subsections (c) (3) and (4), (d), 

(e) (1), (2), and (3), (e)(5) and (e)(8), and (g) of 5 U.S.C. 552a. In 

addition, the following system of records is exempt pursuant to the 

provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a (k)(1) and (k)(2) from subsections (c)(3), 

(d), and (e)(1) of 5 U.S.C. 552a:

Bureau of Prisons, Office of Internal Affairs Investigative Records, 


    (h) These exemptions apply only to the extent that information in 

this system is subject to exemption pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (j)(2), 

(k)(1), and (k)(2). Where compliance would not appear to interfere with 

or adversely affect the law enforcement process, and/or where it may be 

appropriate to permit individuals to contest the accuracy of the 

information collected, e.g., public source materials, the applicable 

exemption may be waived, either partially or totally, by the Office of 

Internal Affairs (OIA). Exemptions from the particular subsections are 

justified for the following reasons:

    (1) From subsection (c)(3) because release of disclosure accounting 

could alert the subject of an investigation of an actual or potential 

criminal, civil, or regulatory violation to the existence of the 

investigation and the fact that they are subjects of the investigation, 

and reveal investigative interest by not only the OIA but also by the 

recipient agency. Since release of such information to the subjects of 

an investigation would provide them with significant information 

concerning the nature of the investigation, release could result in 

activities that would impede or compromise law enforcement such as: the 

destruction of documentary evidence; improper influencing of witnesses; 

endangerment of the physical safety of confidential sources, witnesses, 

and law enforcement personnel; fabrication of testimony; and flight of 

the subject from the area. In addition, release of disclosure accounting 

could result in the release of properly classified information which 

could compromise the national defense or disrupt foreign policy.

    (2) From subsection (c)(4) because this system is exempt from the 

access provisions of subsection (d) pursuant to subsections (j) and (k) 

of the Privacy Act.

    (3) From the access and amendment provisions of subsection (d) 

because access to the records contained in this system of records could 

provide the subject of an investigation with information concerning law 

enforcement activities such as that relating to an actual or potential 

criminal, civil or regulatory violation; the existence of an 

investigation; the nature and scope of the information and evidence 

obtained as to his activities; the identity of confidential sources, 

witnesses, and law enforcement personnel; and information that may 

enable the subject to avoid detection or apprehension. Such disclosure 

would present a serious impediment to effective law enforcement where 

they prevent the successful completion of the investigation; endanger 

the physical safety of confidential sources, witnesses, and law 

enforcement personnel; and/or lead to the improper influencing of 

witnesses, the destruction of evidence, or the fabrication of testimony. 

In addition, granting access to such information could disclose 

security-sensitive or confidential business information or information 

that would constitute an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of 

third parties. Finally, access to the records could result in the 

release of properly classified information which could compromise the 

national defense

[[Page 345]]

or disrupt foreign policy. Amendment of the records would interfere with 

ongoing investigations and law enforcement activities and impose an 

impossible administrative burden by requiring investigations to be 

continuously reinvestigated.

    (4) From subsection (e)(1) because the application of this provision 

could impair investigations and interfere with the law enforcement 

responsibilities of the OIA for the following reasons:

    (i) It is not possible to detect relevance or necessity of specific 

information in the early stages of a civil, criminal or other law 

enforcement investigation, case, or matter, including investigations in 

which use is made of properly classified information. Relevance and 

necessity are questions of judgment and timing, and it is only after the 

information is evaluated that the relevance and necessity of such 

information can be established.

    (ii) During the course of any investigation, the OIA may obtain 

information concerning actual or potential violations of laws other than 

those within the scope of its jurisdiction. In the interest of effective 

law enforcement, the OIA should retain this information as it may aid in 

establishing patterns of criminal activity, and can provide valuable 

leads for Federal and other law enforcement agencies.

    (iii) In interviewing individuals or obtaining other forms of 

evidence during an investigation, information may be supplied to an 

investigator which relates to matters incidental to the primary purpose 

of the investigation but which may relate also to matters under the 

investigative jurisdiction of another agency. Such information cannot 

readily be segregated.

    (5) From subsection (e)(2) because, in some instances, the 

application of this provision would present a serious impediment to law 

enforcement for the following reasons:

    (i) The subject of an investigation would be placed on notice as to 

the existence of an investigation and would therefore be able to avoid 

detection or apprehension, to improperly influence witnesses, to destroy 

evidence, or to fabricate testimony.

    (ii) In certain circumstances the subject of an investigation cannot 

be required to provide information to investigators, and information 

relating to a subject's illegal acts, violations of rules of conduct, or 

any other misconduct must be obtained from other sources.

    (iii) In any investigation it is necessary to obtain evidence from a 

variety of sources other than the subject of the investigation in order 

to verify the evidence necessary for successful litigation.

    (6) From subsection (e)(3) because the application of this provision 

would provide the subject of an investigation with substantial 

information which could impede or compromise the investigation. 

Providing such notice to a subject of an investigation could interfere 

with an undercover investigation by revealing its existence, and could 

endanger the physical safety of confidential sources, witnesses, and 

investigators by revealing their identities.

    (7) From subsection (e)(5) because the application of this provision 

would prevent the collection of any data not shown to be accurate, 

relevant, timely, and complete at the moment it is collected. In the 

collection of information for law enforcement purposes, it is impossible 

to determine in advance what information is accurate, relevant, timely, 

and complete. Material which may seem unrelated, irrelevant, or 

incomplete when collected may take on added meaning or significance as 

an investigation progresses. The restrictions of this provision could 

interfere with the preparation of a complete investigation report, and 

thereby impede effective law enforcement.

    (8) From subsection (e)(8) because the application of this provision 

could prematurely reveal an ongoing criminal investigation to the 

subject of the investigation, and could reveal investigation techniques, 

procedures, and/or evidence.

    (9) From subsection (g) to the extent that this system is exempt 

from the access and amendment provisions of subsection (d) pursuant to 

subsections (j)(2), (k)(1), and (k)(2) of the Privacy Act.

    (i) Consistent with the legislative purpose of the Privacy Act of 

1974 (Pub.

[[Page 346]]

L. 93-579) the BOP has initiated a procedure whereby federal inmates in 

custody may gain access and review their individual prison files 

maintained at the institution of incarceration. Access to these files 

will be limited only to the extent that the disclosure of records to the 

inmate would jeopardize internal decision-making or policy 

determinations essential to the effective operation of the Bureau of 

Prisons; to the extent that disclosure of the records to the inmate 

would jeopardize privacy rights of others, or a legitimate correctional 

interest of security, custody, or rehabilitation; and to the extent 

information is furnished with a legitimate expectation of 

confidentiality. The Bureau of Prisons will continue to provide access 

to former inmates under existing regulations as is consistent with the 

interests listed above. Under present Bureau of Prisons regulations, 

inmates in federal institutions may file administrative complaints on 

any subject under the control of the Bureau. This would include 

complaints pertaining to information contained in these systems of 


    (j) The following system of records is exempted pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 

552a(j) from subsections (e)(1) and (e)(5): Bureau of Prisons Inmate 

Central Records System, (Justice/BOP-005).

    (k) These exemptions apply only to the extent that information in 

this system is subject to exemption pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j). Where 

compliance would not appear to interfere with or adversely affect the 

law enforcement process, and/or where it may be appropriate to permit 

individuals to contest the accuracy of the information collected, e.g. 

public source materials, or those supplied by third parties, the 

applicable exemption may be waived, either partially or totally, by the 

Bureau. Exemptions from the particular subsections are justified for the 

following reasons:

    (1) From subsection (e)(1) to the extent that the Bureau may collect 

information that may be relevant to the law enforcement operations of 

other agencies. In the interests of overall, effective law enforcement, 

such information should be retained and made available to those agencies 

with relevant responsibilities.

    (2) From subsection (e)(5) because in the collection and maintenance 

of information for law enforcement purposes, it is impossible to 

determine in advance what information is accurate, relevant, timely and 

complete. Data which may seem unrelated, irrelevant or incomplete when 

collected may take on added meaning or significance during the course of 

an investigation or with the passage of time, and could be relevant to 

future law enforcement decisions. In addition, because many of these 

records come from the courts and other state and local criminal justice 

agencies, it is administratively impossible for them and the Bureau to 

ensure compliance with this provision. The restrictions of subsection 

(e)(5) would restrict and delay trained correctional managers from 

timely exercising their judgment in managing the inmate population and 

providing for the safety and security of the prisons and the public.

    (l) The following system of records is exempted pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 

552a(j) from subsections (e)(1) and (e)(5): Bureau of Prisons Inmate 

Trust Fund Accounts and Commissary Record System, (Justice/BOP-006).

    (m) These exemptions apply only to the extent that information in 

this system is subject to exemption pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j). Where 

compliance would not appear to interfere with or adversely affect the 

law enforcement process, and/or where it may be appropriate to permit 

individuals to contest the accuracy of the information collected, e.g. 

public source materials, or those supplied by third parties, the 

applicable exemption may be waived, either partially or totally, by the 

Bureau. Exemptions from the particular subsections are justified for the 

following reasons:

    (1) From subsection (e)(1) to the extent that the Bureau may collect 

information that may be relevant to the law enforcement operations of 

other agencies. In the interests of overall, effective law enforcement, 

such information should be retained and made available to those agencies 

with relevant responsibilities.

[[Page 347]]

    (2) From subsection (e)(5) because in the collection and maintenance 

of information for law enforcement purposes, it is impossible to 

determine in advance what information is accurate, relevant, timely and 

complete. Data which may seem unrelated, irrelevant or incomplete when 

collected may take on added meaning or significance as an investigation 

progresses or with the passage of time, and could be relevant to future 

law enforcement decisions. In addition, amendment of the records may 

interfere with law enforcement operations and would impose an impossible 

administrative burden by requiring that law enforcement information be 

continuously reexamined, even where the information may have been 

collected from the record subject or other criminal justice agencies. 

The restrictions of subsection (e)(5) would restrict and delay trained 

correctional managers from timely exercising their judgment in managing 

the inmate population and providing for the safety and security of the 

prisons and the public.

    (n) The following system of records is exempted pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 

552a(j) from subsections (e)(1) and (e)(5): Bureau of Prisons Inmate 

Physical and Mental Health Records System, (Justice/BOP-007).

    (o) These exemptions apply only to the extent that information in 

this system is subject to exemption pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j). Where 

compliance would not appear to interfere with or adversely affect the 

law enforcement process, and/or where it may be appropriate to permit 

individuals to contest the accuracy of the information collected, e.g. 

public source materials, or those supplied by third parties, the 

applicable exemption may be waived, either partially or totally, by the 

Bureau. Exemptions from the particular subsections are justified for the 

following reasons:

    (1) From subsection (e)(1) to the extent that the Bureau may collect 

information that may be relevant to the law enforcement operations of 

other agencies. In the interests of overall, effective law enforcement, 

such information should be retained and made available to those agencies 

with relevant responsibilities.

    (2) From subsection (e)(5) because in the collection and maintenance 

of information for law enforcement purposes, it is impossible to 

determine in advance what information is accurate, relevant, timely and 

complete. Data which may seem unrelated, irrelevant or incomplete when 

collected may take on added meaning or significance during the course of 

an investigation or with the passage of time, and could be relevant to 

future law enforcement decisions. In addition, because many of these 

records come from sources outside the Bureau of Prisons, it is 

administratively impossible for them and the Bureau to ensure compliance 

with this provision. The restrictions of subsection (e)(5) would 

restrict and delay trained correctional managers from timely exercising 

their judgment in managing the inmate population and providing for the 

health care of the inmates and the safety and security of the prisons 

and the public.

[Order No. 645-76, 41 FR 12640, Mar. 26, 1976, as amended by Order No. 

6-86, 51 FR 15479, Apr. 24, 1986; Order No. 113-96, 61 FR 6316, Feb. 20, 

1996; Order No. 114-96, 61 FR 6317, Feb. 20, 1996; Order No. 115-96, 61 

FR 6319, Feb. 20, 1996; Order No. 279-2002, 67 FR 51754, Aug. 9, 2002; 

Order No. 280-2002, 67 FR 51755, Aug. 9, 2002; Order No. 281-2002, 67 FR 

51756, Aug. 9, 2002]