[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 28, Volume 2]

[Revised as of July 1, 2005]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 28CFR90.17]

[Page 430]








    Subpart B_The STOP (Services  Training  Officers 

    Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program


Sec. 90.17  Matching requirements.

    (a) The Federal share of a subgrant made under the State formula 

program may not be expended for more than 75% of the total costs of the 

individual projects described in a State's implementation plan. Section 

2002(f). A 25% non-Federal match is required. This 25% match may be cash 

or in-kind services. States are expected to submit a narrative that 

identifies the source of the match.

    (b) In-kind match may include donations of expendable equipment, 

office supplies, workshop or classroom materials, work space, or the 

monetary value of time contributed by professional and technical 

personnel and other skilled and unskilled labor if the services they 

provide are an integral and necessary part of a funded project. The 

value placed on loaned or donated equipment may not exceed its fair 

rental value. The value placed on donated services must be consistent 

with the rate of compensation paid for similar work in the organization 

or the labor market. Fringe benefits may be included in the valuation. 

Volunteer services must be documented and, to the extent feasible, 

supported by the same methods used by the recipient organization for its 

own employees. The value of donated space may not exceed the fair rental 

value of comparable space as established by an independent appraisal of 

comparable space and facilities in a privately owned building in the 

same locality. The basis for determining the value of personal services, 

materials, equipment, and space must be documented.

    (c) The match expenditures must be committed for each funded project 

and cannot be derived from other Federal funds. Nonprofit, 

nongovernmental victim services programs funded through subgrants are 

exempt from the matching requirement; all other subgrantees must provide 

a 25% match.

    (d) Indian tribes, who are subgrantees of a State under this 

Program, may meet the 25% matching requirement for programs under this 

subpart B by using funds appropriated by Congress for the activities of 

any agency of an Indian tribal government or for the activities of the 

Bureau of Indian Affairs performing law enforcement functions on any 

Indian lands.

    (e) All funds designated as match are restricted to the same uses as 

the Violence Against Women Program funds and must be expended within the 

grant period. The State must ensure that match is identified in a manner 

that guarantees its accountability during an audit.