BERRY, George Leonard, (1882 - 1948)

Senate Years of Service: 1937-1938
Party: Democrat

BERRY, George Leonard, a Senator from Tennessee; born in Lee Valley, Hawkins County, Tenn., September 12, 1882; attended the common schools; employed as a pressman from 1891 to 1907 in various cities; served during the First World War in the American Expeditionary Forces, with the rank of major, in the Railroad Transportation Engineers 1918-1919; president of the International Pressmen and Assistants’ Union of North America 1907-1948; also engaged in agricultural pursuits and banking; delegate to many national and international labor conventions; appointed on May 6, 1937, as a Democrat to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Nathan L. Bachman and served from May 6, 1937, to November 8, 1938, when a successor was elected; unsuccessful candidate for nomination in 1938 to fill the vacancy; resumed the presidency of the International Pressmen and Assistants’ Union of North America, and also his agricultural pursuits at Pressmen’s Home, Tenn., until his death on December 4, 1948; interment in Pressmen’s Home Cemetery.


Dictionary of American Biography; Spencer, Thomas T. “Printer and Politician: The Political Career of George L. Berry, 1907-1948. Tennessee Historical Quarterly (Fall 1997): 213-229; Berry, George L. Labor Conditions Abroad. Rogersville, TN: Technical Trade School, Printing Pressman and Assistants’ Union, 1913.