Z39.50 Hosts Available for Testing

Procedures governing this list of test servers

British Library

Port: 9909
database: BLAC
syntax: SUTRS

Contact: John Lowery
Updated/Verified: August 2004

University of Southern California

Address: (library.usc.edu)
Port: 2200
database: unicorn
Authorization: No authorization necessary for OPAC searching.

Contact: Brian Helstien
Updated/Verified: February 2003

Hacer Sistemas: Alejandría Z39.50

  1. Address: www.bolivar.ula.ve
    Port: 9999
    • bolivar
    • revistaActual
    • lgula
  2. Address: www.saber.ula.ve
    Port: 9999
    • saber
    • vereda
Contact: Valeria León
Updated/Verified: February 2003

The TeraText Database System, InQuirion Pty Ltd / RMIT University

Address: z3950.inquirion.com
Port: 210
databases: Marc (and a dynamic list of others)
Validation: not required

Version: 3
Services and Facilities: Search, Present, Delete, Scan, Resource Control, Access Control, Explain, Extended services
Syntaxes: SUTRS, GRS-1, usmarc (OPAC and Summary if requested)

Contact: Alan Kent
More Information

Last Updated/Verified: July 2002

RLG Information Center

Address: zinc.rlg.org
Validation :none

Version: 2
Services and Facilities : Scan, Sort, Resource Control, Close

Note: Developers may contact Lennie Stovel for complementary access to RLG's databases for testing clients.

Contact : Lennie Stovel

Configuration Guidelines

More Information

Last Updated/Verified: July 2002

Cosmotron Test Server

Address: rlw.savba.sk
Port: 8888


  • 'test_un_cat' - bibliographic UNIMARC
  • 'test_un_auth' - authority UNIMARC

    Services: search, scan, present, database update

Contact: Robert Spiegel

Last Updated/Verified: June 2002

Lucent Technologies Library Network

Address: z3950.bell-labs.com
databases: books, gils, netlib, factbook
Validation : The "books" database is also available under the name "acc1" which requires a login, as well as "acc2", which requires a login and password. - any login and password accepted.

Version: V3 (will negotiate V2)
Services and Facilities :Access Control, Scan, extendedServices, Explain

Contact : Bob Waldstein

Last Updated/Verified: June 2002

Library of Congress

Address: z3950.loc.gov
Port: 7090
database: Voyager
Validation : none

Version: 2-3

Contact: Larry Dixson

More Information

Last Updated/Verified: June 2002


Address: z3950.copac.ac.uk
Port: 2020

Test version of COPAC target; supports Explain:"TargetInfo", "DatabaseInfo", "CategoryList", "AttributeSetInfo", "TermListInfo", "TermListDetails", "AttributeDetails", "SortDetails"

Contact: Ashley Sanders

Last Updated/Verified: June 2002

University of California. Library Automation

Address: melvyl.ucop.edu;
databases: CAT, TEN, PE, xxdefault
Validation : not required

Version: 2
Services and Facilities : Resource Control Service

Contact : Margery Tibbetts

Last Updated/Verified: June 2002

The State Library of South Australia

Port: 210

Databases available for testing:

  • innopac
  • arch
  • pict


  • MAIN : author,title,subject,word
  • PICT : word,title,name
  • ARCH : word,title,name

MAIN : Books, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, non print and electronic library materials held in the Bray Reference Library, Mortlock Library of South Australiana and Rare Books and Named Collections

PICT: Photographs and other pictorial material from the Mortlock Library's collections, and references to articles and other citations from selected South Australian published material held in the Library

ARCH: This database contains Personal, business and society archives and the J.D.Somerville Oral History Collection

Contact: Elvio Pederzolli

Florida SUS Library catalogs

Address: fc1n01e.fcla.edu
Port: 210


  • AM (Florida A&M University)
  • FA (Florida Atlantic University)
  • FI ((Florida International University)
  • FS (Florida State University)
  • GC (Florida Gulf Coast University)
  • CF (University of Central Florida)
  • NF (University of North Florida)
  • SF (University of South Florida)
  • UF (University of Florida)
  • WF (University of West Florida)
  • RF (Union list of the above libraries)
Citation databases:
  • RE (ERIC (1988-current) )
  • RR (ERIC (1967-1987) )
  • FO (FORMIS Ant Bibliography)
  • ST (Sea Turtles Bibliography)
  • SR (Florida State Documents)
  • QE (Everglades Online)
  • QB (Florida Entomologist)
  • QC (Florida Environments Online)

Services:Init, search, present, scan, terminate

Contact: Mark Hinnebusch
More information

Universite catholique de Louvain (louvain-la-Neuve)

Address: bib.sia.ucl.ac.be
Port: 3520
userId/password: guest/guest

databases: DEFAULT
Services: Search, Present, Scan

Support for US-MARC / ISO 2709 and Unicode (UTF-8)

Following bib-1 Use attributes Supported:

  • 7: ISBN
  • 8: ISSN
  • 20: Call Number
  • 29: local subject index
  • 4: Title
  • 1002: name
  • 1003: author
  • 1004: author-name personal
  • 1005: author-name corporate
  • 1006: author-name conference
  • 1016: All indexes
Contact: Antoinette Lemaire lemaire@sia.ucl.ac.be;
Benoit Erken erken @sia.ucl.ac.be

CARL Corporation

Address: wdev.carl.org


AIM Aims Community College
ARA Arapaho Community College
BEM Bemis Library, Littleton CO
CDE Colorado Dept. of Education
CSP Colorado State Publications
DPL Denver Public Library
EST Estes Park Library
FTM Fort Morgan Library
LAM Lamar Community College
LUT Luther College
MCC Morgan Community College
MIN Colorado School of Mines
NEL Northeastern University Law
NEU Northeastern University
NJC Northeastern Colorado Junior College
OTE Otero Junior College
PPC Pikes Peak Community College
PUE Pueblo Community College
RGU Regis University
RRC Red Rocks Community College
STR Sterling Public Library
TKO Teikyo Loretto University
TRI Trinidad Junior College
WYO University of Wyoming

Following bib-1 attributes supported:

  • USE: 1,2,3,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1009 are mapped to the CARL NAME index, which references MARC tags 100,110,111, 100,410,411,508,511,600,611,692,693,694,700,705,710,711, 715,765,767,780,785,787,800,810,811,870,872.

    USE: 5 is mapped to a SERIES search referencing MARC tags 400,410,411,440,490,800,810,811,830,840.

    USE: 4,6 and 33 through 44 are mapped to a TITLE browse referencing tags 130,240,245,246,247,730,740.

    USE: 9 is mapped to a LC Control Number search.

    USE: 16 through 19 and 53 are mapped to a CALL NUMBER browse search.

    All other USE attributes are mapped to our WORD search, which references MARC tags 100,110,111,130,240,245,246,247,400,410,411,440,490, 502,505,520,533,538,600,610,611,630,650,651,652,653,690,691,692, 693,694,695,700,705,710,711,715,730,740,752,765,767,780,785,787, 800,810,811,830,840,898.

  • RELATION: Ignored (effectively Equal)
  • POSITION: Ignored (effectively Any)
  • STRUCTURE: Ignored (effectively Word List)
  • TRUNCATION: Ignored (effectively Do Not Truncate)
  • COMPLETENESS: Ignored (effectively Incomplete Subfield)
The server is based on the YAZ toolkit from Index Data.

Contact : Karyn German
More Information

Finsiel S.p.A., Pisa, Italy

Zeta target.

Address: www.promemoria.net:2100 (

  • querini_oa (good query 1=2035 bella)
  • querini_s (good query 1=2035 meulen)
  • guggenheim (good query 1=2035 picasso)
  • cini (good query 1=2035 bettini)
  • civici (good query 1=2035 dal ponte)
Services and Features : GRS-1 and SUTRS syntaxes; bib-1 attribute set; CIMI profile.

ZETA proxy is also available www.promemoria.net:2111.
Can be used as an intermediary to reach the final target. Construct database name according to the syntax: hostname:port/database[!profile]

  • ibm2.loc.gov:2210/books
  • ibm2.loc.gov:2210/books!BIB
  • tecfirew.tecsiel.it:2100/cimizit!CIMI
Contact : Rocco Carbone
More Information

Stowe Computing Australia

Server for testing Union Catalogue Profile



Services and Facilities :

  • Scan and Search
    • Author (1002)
    • Title (4)
    • Keyword -- 1035 (Search)
    • Subject -- 21
    • ISBN -- 7 (Scan)
    • Date -- 30 (Search)
    USMARC output

  • Update -- record insert
    • USMARC bibliographic record
    • update response includes date / time stamp in 005
    • diagnostic messages from Bib 1 and Union Catalogue Profile
  • Update --record replace
      USMARC bibliographic record
    • version verified from 005 tag from within the MARC
    • diagnostic messages from Bib 1 and Union Catalogue Profile
  • Update -- record delete
  • Update -- record insert of holdings from fields in a MARC record

Validation : None, unless testing Update. If so, to obtain a password, contact

Contact : Margaret Allen.

Acadia University

Address: jasper.acadiau.ca
Port: 2200
databases: UNICORN

Additional Information: sirsi Unicorn system

Contact : Stephen MacNeil

Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School

Address: supct.law.cornell.edu
databases: SYLLABI (synopses of Supreme Court opinions) and HERMES (full text of the opinions)

Additional Information: Running Isite

Contact : Thomas Bruce


Address: bibli.iei.pi.cnr.it
Port: 2100
database: IEI-Books

Version: v3
Services and Facilities : Delete, Explain

Contact : baldacci@iei.pi.cnr.it
More Information

Wheeling Jesuit University (SIRSI)

Port: 2200
databases: UNICORN

Contact : Barbara Miller, System Administrator

OCLC - FirstSearch

Address: tikal.dev.oclc.org (
databases: Demo versions of all FirstSearch databases. See: Complete List
Validation : None necessary. However if you wish to test Id/authentication use Authorization: 100-118-439 Password: z3950test

Version: 2
Services and Facilities : Scan, extendedServices, Trigger-resource-control

Contact : Ron Buckley

More Information


Address: z3950.ovid.com
Port: 2213
databases: pmed, eric, chid
Validation : None

Version: 3
Services and Facilities : AccessControl and Scan.

Manufacturer and Model : Ovid/Continental

Contact : Kevin Thomas, Ovid, kevint@ovid.comKevin Thomas, Ovid

Servicios de Teledocumentacion S.A.

Address: www.baratz.es
databases: absyse
Contact :Pedro Corral

Z39.50 Maintenance Agency
Network Development & MARC Standards Office
Comments on this document: z3950@loc.gov
Updated: November 22, 2004

Library of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk