J. Scott Applewhite / AP
President George W. Bush, during his last news conference at the White House

Bush's Last Press Conference: Full of Disappointment

A maudlin President Bush reflects on the disappointments of his tenure and struggles to own to his mistakes



Obama Asks for TARP Money

Obama today sent a letter asking to allocate the second half of the $700 billion TARP funds passed by Congress last year.

Real Clear Politics

The One and Only 'No' Vote

You're looking at a picture of Illinois Democratic State Representative Milt Patterson, who today goes down in history as the lone vote in the State Legislature against impeaching Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.



TIME explores the history of impeachment, from the Constitution to Clinton and — possibly — Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich


The Remains of Detroit

Photographer Sean Hemmerle finds an elegiac sign of America's fading industrial might in the crumbling urban ruins of the Motor City


Walter Iooss' 'Athlete'

The great sports photographer assembles the best work from his extraordinary career in one rich volume

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MICHELLE OBAMA, from a 12-year-old interview published recently by French newspaper Le Monde, describing the hype surrounding Barack Obama during his first year at Harvard