Lucas Jackson / Reuters
Disgraced financier Bernard Madoff is escorted by police and photographed by the media as he departs U.S. Federal Court after a hearing in New York, January 5, 2009.

Bernie Madoff's Victims: Why Some Have No Recourse

Some lucky Madoff victims will get big checks from the government while others won't. Maybe it's time for new rules


The Curious Capitalist

Citigroup and Durbin Rewrite Bankruptcy, But What About the Investors?

Mortgage servicers (who in many cases are also the original lenders) have long been saying they can't simply cut interest rates...

Nerd World

Growing Up Star Wars


That Viral Thing

Mashup of 2008's Top Tunes

From the latest YouTube hits to video games (or actual footage) of world leaders kicking butt, TIME examines the latest viral videos spreading across the web


Family Tech: The Pico Projector

TIME's Josh Quittner demos one of his favorite gadgets, the Optoma Pico PK-101 pocket projector, in his favorite room in the house


China's Electronic Waste Village

Guiyu, China breaks down much of the world's discarded electronics, slowly poisoning itself in the process

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MICHELLE OBAMA, from a 12-year-old interview published recently by French newspaper Le Monde, describing the hype surrounding Barack Obama during his first year at Harvard