Entrepreneur.com Daily Dose Blog

CES: Doing The Show Right


Here's another small business I met up with in Vegas that seems to be doing it right: Smartfish Technologies. Founded by Dr. Jack Atzmon, 41, it's a 3-person company based in Englewood, N.J. Their product? The PRO:Motion keyboard. It's a robotic, ergonomic keyboard that changes your hand placements every so often to avoid causing carpal tunnel syndrome.

What makes it robotic is its intelligence, which moves and splits the keyboard into different typing placements depending on your needs.

Atzmon, a chiropractor in a former life, decided to create a product that would help his clients who came in with wrist pain from using traditional keyboards. He launched Smartfish Technologies in July 2007 and told me about how he aggressively pursued angel investments to fund his company.

Two things I liked about the Smartfish folks at CES: They went out and found the media instead of letting the media find them, and they set up shop outside the main show floor. At a show the size of CES, space isn't cheap and it can be more cost-effective to rent a suite where you can enjoy private facetime with the press.

The PRO:Motion keyboard hits shelves this April and should retail for $149.99.

--James Park

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