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Selected Internet Resources

Finno-Ugrian (Uralic) Resources

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

This page provides links to general sources dealing with the Finno-Ugrian (Uralic) languages and peoples.

Electronic Catalog in the Finno-Ugrian Languages (
Hosted by the National Library of Russia (NLR). Contains 13,200 bibliographic entries (as of September 2008) for publications in these languages, including all works added by the National Literature Section of the NLR since 2000, as well as older entries taken from the catalogs of the libraries in the Finno-Ugrian republics, National Library of Finland / Helsinki University Library, and the Research Institute for the Languages of Finland. In Russian.

Finno-Ugrian Information Center (
Informatsionnyi centr finno-ugorskikh narodov. Maintained by the Komiinform Information Center, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia. News and cultural links. In Russian.

Finno-Ugrian Society (
Suomalais Ugrilainen Seura. Main page and site in Finnish, some English.

Information Centre of Finno-Ugric Peoples (SURI) (
SURI aims to collect and disseminate information on Uralic (Finno-Ugric) studies. Includes news and events, documents, links, papers, and more. In English, Estonian, and Russian.

Komi Republic (
Server of the government information office. In Russian.

M.A. Castrén Society (
M.A. Castrénin seura. In Finnish; introduction also in English.

Marii-El (
Official server of the Mari Republic. In Russian.

Ministry of Education and Research. Language (
Includes links to information on Estonia's language initiative, national language policies, Estonian language in Estonia, and phrases issued by speech synthesizers. Searchable. In Estonian and Russian, some English.

Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire (
Handbook of ethnic groups, with a population of 30,000 or less, residing on the territory of the former Russian empire. Includes several Finno-Ugrian groups. From the Institute of the Estonian Language.

Republic of Karelia (
Server of the government information office. In Russian, Karelian, and Finnish.

Republic of Mordovia (
Server of the government information office. In Russian, as well as the Erzia and Moksha dialects of Mordvin.

Some Finno-Ugrian Links (
General information, as well as links to research institutions, organizations, linguistic sites, universities, academic journals, other publications, and more. Maintained by the University of Helsinki. Last updated April 2002. In English and Finnish.

Udmurt Republic (
Server of the government information office. In Russian and English.

Uralic Studies in Germany (
Includes catalogs, Web sites, databases, bibliographies, electronic libraries, and library organizations.

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  September 29, 2008
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