[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 34, Volume 3]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 34CFR644.32]

[Page 309]
                           TITLE 34--EDUCATION
                         DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
          Subpart D--What Conditions Must Be Met by a Grantee?
Sec. 644.32  What other requirements must a grantee meet?

    (a) Eligibility of participants. (1) A grantee shall determine the 
eligibility of each participant in the project at the time that the 
individual is selected to participate.
    (2) A grantee shall determine the status of a low-income individual 
on the basis of the documentation described in section 402A(e) of the 
    (b) Number of participants. In each budget period, a grantee shall 
serve a minimum of 1,000 participants who reside in the target area. 
However, the Secretary may reduce the minimum number of these 
participants if the amount of the grant for the budget period is less 
than $180,000.
    (c) Recordkeeping. For each participant, a grantee shall maintain a 
record of--
    (1) The basis for the grantee's determination that the participant 
is eligible to participate in the project under Sec. 644.3;
    (2) The services that are provided to the participant; and
    (3) The specific educational benefits received by the participant.
    (d) Project director. (1) A grantee shall employ a full-time project 
director unless paragraph (d)(3) of this section applies.
    (2) The grantee shall give the project director sufficient authority 
to administer the project effectively.
    (3) The Secretary waives the requirement in paragraph (d) (1) of 
this section if the applicant demonstrates that the requirement will 
hinder coordination--
    (i) Among the Federal TRIO Programs (sections 402A through 402F of 
the HEA); or
    (ii) Between the programs funded under sections 402A through 410 of 
the HEA and similar programs funded through other sources.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1070a-11 and 1070a-16).