[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 34, Volume 3]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 34CFR607.21]

[Page 242-243]
                           TITLE 34--EDUCATION
                         DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
            Subpart C--How Does the Secretary Make an Award?
Sec. 607.21  What are the selection criteria for planning grants?

    The Secretary uses the following criteria to evaluate an application 
to determine whether the applicant will produce a good comprehensive 
development plan and a fundable Strengthening Institutions Program 
    (a) Design of the planning process. (Total: 60 points) The Secretary 
reviews each application to determine the quality of the planning 
process that the applicant will use to develop a comprehensive 
development plan and an application for a development grant based on the 
extent to which--
    (1) The planning process is clearly and comprehensively described 
and based on sound planning practice (15 points);
    (2) The president or chief executive officer, administrators and 
other institutional personnel, students, and governing board members 
systematically and consistently will be involved in the planning process 
(15 points);
    (3) The applicant will use its own resources to help implement the 
project (10 points); and
    (4) The planning process is likely to achieve its intended results 
(20 points).

[[Page 243]]

    (b) Key personnel. (Total: 20 points) The Secretary reviews each 
application to determine the quality of key personnel to be involved in 
the project based on the extent to which--
    (1) The past experience and training of key personnel such as the 
project coordinator and persons who have key roles in the planning 
process are suitable to the tasks to be performed (10 points); and
    (2) The time commitments of key personnel are adequate (10 points).
    (c) Project Management. (Total: 15 points) The Secretary reviews 
each application to determine the quality of the plan to manage the 
project effectively based on the extent to which--
    (1) The procedures for managing the project are likely to ensure 
effective and efficient project implementation (10 points); and
    (2) The project coordinator has sufficient authority, including 
access to the president or chief executive officer, to conduct the 
project effectively (5 points).
    (d) Budget. (Total: 5 points) The Secretary reviews each application 
to determine the extent to which the proposed project costs are 
necessary and reasonable.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1057-1059, 1066-1069)