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History & Culture
History and Culture titleimage of Glen Echo neon lighting

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  American Battlefield Protection Program
Technical assistance and grants to communities to help protect and interpret significant battlefields.

  American Indian Liaison Office
Consultation, outreach, technical assistance, education, and advisory services to improve relationships between American Indian tribes, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and the National Park Service.

National leadership on all aspects of archeological resource management in national parks; works with partners on laws, policies, and technical guidance for archeological resources

  Common Ground
Award-winning quarterly magazine offers in-depth look at heritage preservation.

  Conservation Study Institute
Helps the NPS and its partners stay in touch with the evolving field of conservation and develop more sophisticated partnerships and new tools and strategies.

CRM Journal
Biannual scholarly journal covers cultural resource management issues in the U.S. and abroad.

Cultural Resources Diversity Program
Manage national diversity internship program, publish Heritage Matters newsletter, promote the study and recognition of cultural resources associated with diverse groups, and promote workforce diversity in cultural resources management.

Cultural Resources Geographic Information Systems
Develops standards and provides technical assistance to historic preservation organizations on the use of computer mapping, Global Positioning Systems, and satellite photography in surveying, evaluating, and preserving cultural resources.

Federal Agency Preservation Assistance Program
Assist federal agencies in meeting their historic preservation

Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives
Encourage private investment in historic preservation through tax credits for rehabilitating income-producing historic properties.

Federal Preservation Institute
Information and training to help federal agencies carry out their historic preservation responsibilities.

Harpers Ferry Center

Heritage Education Services Program
Develops and coordinates education, training, and public awareness activities relating to cultural resources in parks and communities.

Heritage News
Monthly e-newsletter for the heritage

Heritage Preservation Services
Technical and financial assistance to help citizens and communities identify, evaluate, protect, and preserve historic buildings, landscapes, landmarks, archeological sites, battlefields, and tribal communities.

Historic American Buildings Survey
Create a permanent archive of the nation's architectural heritage, promote the use of documentation as a preservation and planning tool, and train future professionals in architectural documentation.

Historic American Engineering Record
Create a permanent archive of the nation's industrial and engineering heritage, promote the use of documentation as a preservation and planning tool, and train future professionals in the documentation of industrial and engineering sites.

Historic American Landscapes Survey
Create a permanent archive of the nation's landscape heritage, promote the use of documentation as a preservation and planning tool, and train future professionals in landscape documentation.

Historic Landscape Initiative
Develop guidance for sound preservation practice on landscapes from parks and gardens to rural villages and agricultural

Historic Preservation Grants Division
Grants to Federal, State, and local governments, American Indian Tribes, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions for preservation projects.

Historic Preservation Internship Training Program
Undergraduate and graduate student opportunities for short-term research and administrative projects with the National Park Service.

Historic Preservation Planning Program
Develop national policy related to preservation planning, monitor statewide preservation planning efforts of State Historic Preservation Offices, and deliver technical assistance in preservation planning.

Historic Preservation Training Center
Preservation education and skills and crafts development; preservation treatments for park, federal, state, locally-owned historic properties.

Historic Surplus Property Program
Help State and local governments obtain surplus federal historic properties.

Maritime Heritage Program
Survey, evaluate, and preserve historic maritime resources and promote maritime history and education.

Midwest Archeological Center
Study, interpretation, and preservation of archeological resources in the National Park System; professional support and consultation to Federal, State, and local government agencies.

National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
Advances the application of science and technology to historic preservation through research, training, education, technology transfer, and partnerships.

National Heritage Areas Program
Technical and financial assistance to Congressionally designated national heritage areas.

National Historic Landmarks Program
Manages the process by which the most significant places in American history are identified, evaluated and designated by the Secretary of the Interior, and provides technical assistance for their preservation.

National Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Program
Manages the process for museums and federal agencies to return Native American cultural items to lineal descendants, culturally affiliated Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations.

National Register of Historic Places
Maintains the official inventory of the nation's historic places worthy of preservation; provides public access to these records for research, education and tourism; and develops technical guidance to facilitate listings.

NR Reference


National Underground Network to Freedom Program
Coordinate preservation and education efforts nationwide and integrate local historical places, museums, and interpretive programs associated with the Underground Railroad into a mosaic of community, regional, and national stories.

Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation
Strengthen the capacity of parks and historic properties to manage cultural landscapes as part of our national heritage.

Park Ethnography
Ethnographic research, outreach, consultation, technical assistance, and volunteer mentoring in national parks.

Park Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes
Protection and preservation of prehistoric and historic structures and cultural units of the National Park System.

Park History
Promote excellence and innovation in historical research and writing on national parks; help parks meet their historical research, resource stewardship, and educational goals.

Park Museum Management
Develops policies, and provides staff advice and technical assistance for managing NPS museums collections; produces online exhibits, maintains a servicewide catalog and complies museum collections statistics.

Park Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Program
Technical and compliance assistance to national

Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program
Collaborate with private property owners, nonprofit organizations, and local, State, Federal, and tribal governments to identify, prioritize, and address Route 66 preservation needs.

Submerged Cultural Resources Center
Inventory and evaluate submerged resources in the National Park System; assist other agencies, nationally and internationally, with underwater heritage resource issues.

Technical Preservation Services for Hisitoric Buildings
Information and guidance on the care of historic buildings.

Tribal Preservation Program
Assists American Indian tribes in preserving their historic properties and cultural traditions through the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Tribal Project Grants programs.

Image of Creek Indians at Ocmulgee national Monument Did You Know?
Native groups have ties to parks throughout the nation. A park can be in the original homeland of a tribe forcibly resettled in the 19th century; in such cases ethnographers may help repatriate objects in the museum collections

History and Culture