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Annual Tryouts

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Seal Beach Lifeguards

Summer is right around the corner and the Seal Beach Lifeguard Department will be holding its annual tryouts. Anybody interested in trying out should show up at Lifeguard Headquarters on the north side of the Seal Beach Municipal Pier at 7:30 AM on Saturday, April 26. The test will consist of a 1,000 meter swim at 8:00 AM and a 600 meter run-swim-run at 8:45 AM. Top candidates will be assigned a time for a brief oral interview, beginning at 11:00 AM. Upon completion of all testing, a final list of training candidates will be posted at 1:00 PM. There will be a madatory meeting at 1:15 PM to outline the training program to all potential trainees.

Seal Beach's test is one of the last opportunities to obtain an ocean lifeguard position in Southern California. Due to limited job openings the try-out looks to be extremely competitive. For any questions contact the Lifeguard Department at (562) 430-2613

For more detailed information on Lifeguard tryouts, please click here.

Our Mission:

Lifeguards at Seal Beach are responsible for the protection of life, limb, and property of the beach going public. Prevention of aquatic accidents can best be accomplished by the recognition of dangerous situations and advising the public to stay clear. It is not always possible to keep hazards and the public separated so the Lifeguard is also responsible for the rescue of persons in distress or difficulty. Additionally, lifeguards must provide prompt and efficient first-aid, monitor beach regulations and provide educational information on beach related subjects.

Departmental Information

The City of Seal Beach Lifeguard Department provides daily service year-round. We begin duty at 8am every day and go off duty at 5pm during the winter, 6pm for spring and 8pm for the summer season.

Currently, we are active members of the California Surf Lifesaving Association, and certified as an "Advanced Agency" by the United States Lifesaving Association.

We are responsible for 2 miles of beach in Seal Beach and Surfside Colony. Our agency operates with 5 rescue units, 1 28' rescue boat, 1 personal watercraft, 7 field towers, 3 full-time lifeguards, and 40+ seasonal lifeguards. We have citation powers and receive 911 call-outs from the Police Department.

In addition, the Seal Beach Lifeguards also offer an excellent junior lifeguard program that teaches 300 children about ocean safety, lifesaving techniques, and lifesaving competition. Along with our junior lifeguard program, the Department also offers summer surfing instruction to all ages.