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GreenScapesThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) GreenScapes program provides cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for landscaping. The program is designed to help preserve natural resources and prevent waste and pollution by encouraging more holistic decisions regarding waste, water, chemicals, energy and land use. Use the regional and national links shown below to learn more about greenscaping practices.

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EPA New England


Pesticides in Your Garden (8 pp., 542 KB, about PDF)
Tips about pesticides and alternatives

Residential Green Building Guide: A Web Source Book for New England (38 pp., 421 KB, about PDF)
Information and resources on ecological landscaping practices

Storm Water

National EPA

Techniques and resources for homeowners, large-scale landscapers, and commercial and government land managers. Includes fact sheets, tools such as cost calculators, and informational brochures:

Green Infrastructure
A cost effective and environmentally friendly approach to reduce stormwater and other excess flows entering combined or separate sewer systems, using natural systems such as Green Roofs, Urban Forestry (Trees and Tree Boxes), Rain Gardens, and Grassed Swales to cleanse water and to reduce excess volumes by filtering and treating it using plants, soils and microbes.

Green Roofs

Green Landscaping Resources, Green Landscaping with Native Plants
Fact sheets, slideshows, and publications on natural landscaping with native plants.

Presentations from GreenScapes Workshops conducted at the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) 2006 Annual Meeting & Expo- Building Sustainable Sites From the Ground Up


  • Publications
    Fact sheets, reports and other links about innovative uses of compost.

Water-Efficient Landscaping: Preventing Pollution and Using Resources Wisely, U.S EPA (19 pp., 1.64 MB, about PDF)

WaterSense: Efficiency Made Easy

Integrating Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping into Your Environmental Management System (13 pp., 101 KB, about PDF)
Practical guidance, suggested language, and examples of environmentally beneficial landscaping practices for each EMS element.

Stormwater Best Management Practices - National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices
GreenScaping designs strategies for meeting Phase II Stormwater requirements for Post-Construction Stormwater Management in new development and redevelopment. Includes fact sheets on Compost Blankets, Compost Filter Berms, and Compost Filter Socks.

Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox
Web-based resources to assist communities with watershed education and outreach activities. Includes a searchable catalog of print, radio, and TV ads and outreach materials and resources on lawn and garden care.

Nonpoint Source Pollution

Make Sure What You Put on Your Lawn Satyas on Your Lawn ( 1p., 368 KB, PDF)

Heat Island Effect
Includes information on mitigating urban heat islands using Green Roofs, Trees and Vegetation

Low Impact Development (LID)
A portal to EPA and non-EPA resources and publications


Greenscapes Massachusetts Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
A collaborative education and outreach effort. Find resources, techniques, and special offers for sustainable landscaping, including the Greenscapes Guide and email newsletter.

A Homeowners Guide to Environmentally Sound Lawncare, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources - Pesticide Bureau, 1997 (25 pp., 124 KB, about PDF) Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Garden and Landscaping Water Conservation Tips, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

How to Build and Install a Rain Barrel and Rain Garden, Center for Watershed Protection (2 pp., 1 MB, about PDF)

10,000 Rain Gardens Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
A Kansas City metropolitan area initiative to educate citizens about what they can do to improve water quality and manage stormwater on personal and community property. Includes information on rain gardens, rain banks, and other green solutions for managing stormwater.

Rain Gardens: Reconnecting with the Rain, Massachusetts Riverways Program - Powerpoint Presentation (32 pp., 2.92 MB, about PDF)

The Massachusetts Low Impact Development Toolkit, Metropolitan Area Planning Council Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Includes fact sheets on Low Impact Site Design, roadways and parking areas, permeable paving, bioretention, vegetated swales, filter strips, infiltration trenches and dry wells, cisterns and rain barrels, and green roofs.

Smart Growth Toolkit, Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA) Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Low Impact Development concepts, model bylaw, case studies, power point shows, brochure, and links

Low Impact Development Technologies from the Whole Building Design Guide Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Presents an alternative site design strategy that uses bio-retention cells (or rain gardens), tree box filters, and vegetated swales to control storm water where it is generated.

New England Cooperative Extension Programs:
Find resources on landscaping, gardening, soil testing, turf management, pesticide use and native plants.

New England Wildflower Society Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Promotes conservation of North American native plants through education, research, horticulture, habitat preservation, and advocacy.

Ecological Landscaping Association (ELA) Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
ELA is a nonprofit organization that advocates for environmentally responsible stewardship of land and natural resources in the landscaping and horticultural practices of professionals and the public.

Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA), Organic Land Care Committee Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Contains educational resources on organic land care practices for homeowners and landscape professionals.

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
A not-for profit industry association working to promote the design and installation of green roofs throughout North America.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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