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E-Mail Lists

Action Network: Environmental Defense

Bible Veggies
Bible Veggies is the place to wander through the Bible from beginning to end as vegetarians, with other vegetarians, or until you tire of the journey.

Bicycle Transportation List
Discussions regarding bicycle commuting logistics

Bioremediation Discussion Group (BioGroup)
A technical forum for discussing enhanced bioremediation science/engineering and monitored natural attenuation.

Building Vegetarian Culture
The task of building vegetarian culture has been undertaken throughout the millennia by religious and spiritual communities, vegetarians with a worldview, and the vegetarian diet is intertwined in their understanding with all their other beliefs.

Cambridge Climate Calendar
Weekly calendar of Massachusetts and New England climate and environmental events. Available by listserv and website. To subscribe to listserv, send blank email to: CambClimCal-subscribe@topica.com

Daily Grist
Free email summary of the top environmental news from around the globe, served up with a touch of humor.

Dallas-Fort Worth Vegetarian Happenings Newsletter
Vegetarian Happenings is published free 2-3 times monthly and covers Dallas-Fort Worth, TX vegetarian events, restaurants, and dining plus recipes and news. Send name and email address to dfwveg@dfwnetmall.com

EarthSave Canada Weekly Email Update
Subscribe to EarthSave Canada's weekly email update, sent out once per week. The weekly email update features information about EarthSave's upcoming events and articles in line with its mission of educating on the benefits of a plant-based diet.

A biweekly email that gives you a quick hit look at environmental news around the world.

Green Vibrations
A group for people concerned about environmental, animal welfare, and animal rights issues.

Grizzly Environmental Watch
This is a watch-dog discussion of concerns/information about hydrology - water -issues around the world; preservation, guardianship and activism included.

The first and only, free, weekly, electronic newsletter covering the latest new on science and conservation related to reptiles and amphibians.

Muslim Vegetarians
Vegetarian Muslims need venues and ways to network with one another. This is one such venue.

National Association of Environmental Professionals: Roundtable Discussion
THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONAL (EP) ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION is an electronic forum for active environmental professionals interested in the exploring the world of Internet communications.

Ohio Valley Consumers and Producers for Sustainable Agriculture
This is the place to learn, share and band together to ensure a bountiful and safe future for growers and consumers.

Pagan and Vegan
Open to all... vegetarians, vegans, pagans.

PCRM Breaking Medical News
Whether you're a doctor, student, dietitian, or layperson, Physician Comittee for Responsible Medicine's new eNewsletter will provide you with the latest breaking news in nutrition, innovations in medical research, and preventive medicine.

Pennsylvania Environmental Network (PEN) is a statewide support network for grassroots community groups fighting for environmental justice.

PtVo - Pennsylvania Teen Veg*an Organization
PtVo is a mailing list for Pennsylvania Teen Veg*ns.

Rachel's Environment & Health News
News and resources for environmental justice

Safe Drinking Water Trust eBulletin
The Safe Drinking Water Trust eBuletin is a FREE resource that will provide you with the tools to focus on the large issue-providing clean drinking water-while making informed decisions that will benefit your community, keep you in compliance with EPA regulations, and maintain your water quality in a most proactive way.

Sprawl Watch
Sprawl Watch, the on-line newsletter devoted to the latest news and research on sprawl, smart growth and livable communities.

To subscribe, send your request to VRC@IVU.org with an explanation of your desire to subscribe to the veg-biz list and how your list membership would contribute to the life on the list and the advancement of the discussion, or the improvement of business opportunities and success for and among vegetarians, and/or services and goods provided TO vegetarians and to the rest of the general public who are exploring plant-based food options.

To subscribe, send your request to VRC@IVU.org with an explanation of your desire to subscribe to the veg-edu list and how your list membership would contribute to the life on the list and the advancement of the discussion.

Veg-News E-Mail List
Veg-News provides a mechanism for the exchange of news and information pertaining to the issues of vegetarianism and may be considered to be a public news wire.

For vegetarians who are key decision makers in local vegetarian organizations, or organizers of vegetarian groups and events. To subscribe, send your request to VRC@IVU.org with an explanation of your desire to subscribe to the veg-org list.

To subscribe, send an e-mail request to VRC@IVU.org with an explanation of your desire to subscribe to the veg-parent list Include your names.

Discussion is limited to recipe requests, questions about recipes, ingredients, preparation, food, cookbooks, etc." To subscribe, see http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/Veg-Recipes

Vegetarian discussion of religion. To subscribe, send your request to VRC@IVU.org with an explanation of your desire to subscribe to the veg-rel list.

To subscribe, send an e-mail to VRC@IVU.org with an explanation of your desire to subscribe to the veg-teen list. Include your names.

To subscribe, send email to listproc@envirolink.org with the following request in the body of the message and no subject line: subscribe vegan-l

Vegan-Straightedge -- To subscribe, send an e-mail to listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu with the following request in the body of the message and no subject line: subscribe VsXe Firstname Lastname

Vegan.it (Vegan Discussion List in Italiano)
Italian mailing list dedicated to veganism. La mailing list VEGAN-IT nasce per aiutare a diffondere informazioni sullo stile di vita vegan.

VeganForLife List
Linked to the VeganForLife website, the VeganForLife mailing list is for all who are interested in veganism and its solutions to environmental degradation, world hunger, animal cruelty and animal and; human rights issues.

The intent of this list is to bring together all individuals and groups from Connecticut (U.S.A) working for the liberation of non-human animals. However, activists and groups from other areas are welcomed. This list is for posting action alerts, news, newsletters, schedules of actions and protests, and discussions about animal rights and animal rights advocacy.

Vegetarian Admins
Vegetarians who work in administrative, clerical, secretarial, and support positions have many issues to sort, not only those of their employer, but also ethical and strategic issues related to that employment.

The Vegetarian-Engineer e-mail list is for vegetarians who are (a) professional engineers or (b) students or faculty in engineering schools. (c) We may also welcome solutions-oriented vegetarians who work in engineering or engineering-education environments.

vegi-bodybuilders (Vegetarian Bodybuilders and Powerlifters)
A group devoted to sharing info. about bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, and weightlifting as veg*ns. This group is for sharing diet info., specific program info., etc.

VEGLIFE is a privately owned discussion list that is made available, free of any membership fees, to the international community of vegetarians and non-vegetarians. This bulletin was created for you, the subscriber, to avoid any misunderstandings and inform you of what VEGLIFE is about regarding its rules, regulations, guidelines, and what is expected of you as a guest on this list. Please read the bulletin in its entirety since it contains important subscriber information, and then store it somewhere safe for future reference. To subscribe, send e-mail to - LISTSERV@LISTSERV.VT.EDU - in text of message - sub veglife your_real_name .

Whether you're just getting ready to take that first step into vegetarianism or you're a long-time vegan, VegList is THE mail list for you.

VegManiacs is a general vegan/vegetarian mailing list with a wide variety of people. There are practically no rules, anything can be discussed.

VegMusicians is about making EVERY vegetarian a musician, about singing and musically performing "the vegetarian experience," about lifting every vegetarian voice and celebrating in the most joyful, exuberant ways the wondrous joys of being vegetarian.

VegScience was created to fulfill two purposes: (1) Provide an online forum for researchers in various disciplines to share information relating to vegetarianism and (2) Provide an online forum for the general public interested in vegetarianism to obtain information on current research.

VRG Parents
Are you raising a vegetarian or vegan child? If so The Vegetarian Resource Group, invites you to be a part of a network of vegetarian parents interested in exchanging ideas on various topics such as creating tasty snacks for toddlers, the challenges of non-vegetarian family/friend gatherings, how to talk with your child about vegetarianism, helping kids handle peer pressure, even shopping resources for leather/wool alternatives.

World Oil Boycott
A world wide group dedicated to changing the world by reducing oil consumption and increasing the consumption of renewable energy.

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