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Statements for the Record: Any individual or organization wanting to present their views for inclusion in the hearing record should submit a typewritten, single-spaced statement, not exceeding 10 pages in length. Title and date of the hearing, and the full name and address of the individual or organization must appear on the first page of the statement. Statements must be received no later than two weeks following the conclusion of the hearing.

Statements should be mailed ( not faxed) to:

Senate Committee on Finance
Attn. Editorial and Document Section
Rm. SD-219

Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510-6200b

December 2006

12-5-06 Hearing on Pending Nominations

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12-5-06 Report Card on Tax Exemptions and Incentives for Higher Education: Pass, Fail, or Need Improvement?

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November 2006

11-16-06 The CHIP Program From the States’ Perspective

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11-14-06 Hearing on Pending Nominations

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September 2006

9-28-06 America’s Public Debt: How Do We Keep It From Rising?

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9-26-06 Health Savings Accounts: The Experience So Far.

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9-21-06 Hearing to Consider the Nominations of Mr. John K. Veroneau, of Virginia, to be Deputy United States Trade Representative, with the Rank of Ambassador, Executive Office of the President; and Robert K. Steel, of Connecticut, to be Under Secretary, Department of the Treasury

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9-20-06 Our Business Tax System: Objectives, Deficiencies, and Options for Reform

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9-13-06 Taking the Pulse of Charitable Care and Community Benefits at Nonprofit Hospitals

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9-12-06 Breaking the Methamphetamine Supply Chain: Law Enforcement Challenges

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9-11-06 NAFTA at Year Twelve

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9-6-06 Executive Compensation: Backdating to the Future/Oversight of current issues regarding executive compensation including backdating of stock options; and tax treatment of executive compensation, retirement and benefits

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August 2006

8-3-06 To consider a committee substitute to S. 2010, the Elder Justice Act

8-3-06 Kick-Off for Tax Reform: Tackling the Tax Code

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8-2-06 “Border Insecurity, Take Two: Fake IDs Foil the First Line of Defense.”

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July 2006

7-27-06 To review and make recommendations on proposed legislation implementing the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, and to consider favorably reporting S. 3495, to authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to the products of Vietnam

7-26-06 A Closer Look at the Size and Sources of the Tax Gap

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7-25-06 How Much Should Borders Matter?: Tax Jurisdiction in the New Economy

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7-25-06 CHIP at 10: A Decade of Covering Children

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7-13-06 To consider the nomination of Mr. Eric Solomon, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury, vice Pamela Olson, resigned.

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7-12-06 To hear testimony on “S.3495—A bill to authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to the products of Vietnam”

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June 2006

6-29-06 The U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement

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6-29-06 Small Business Pension Plans: How Can We Increase Worker Coverage?

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6-28-06 To consider S. 1321, the "Telephone Excise Tax Repeal Act of 2005", and an amendment that incorporates S. 832, the "Taxpayer Protection and Assistance Act of 2005". The Committee will also consider favorably reporting S. 3569, the "U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act".

6-27-06 To consider the nomination of Mr. Henry M. Paulson Jr., to be Secretary of the Treasury.

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6-13-06 A Tune-Up On Corporate Tax Issues: What’s Going On Under The Hood?

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6-8-06 To consider original bills entitled, the “Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Indian Health Care Improvement Act of 2006”, and the “Improving Outcomes for Children Affected by Meth Act of 2006”

May 2006

5-23-06 Encouraging Economic Self-Determination in Indian Country

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5-22-03 To consider favorably reporting the nomination of Susan C. Schwab to be United States Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Executive Office of the President, vice Robert J. Portman

5-18-06 To consider proposed legislation implementing the U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement, and the nomination of W. Ralph Basham, of Virginia, to be Commissioner of Customs, Department of Homeland Security

5-17-06 Physician-Owned Specialty Hospitals: Profits before Patients?

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5-16-06 To consider the nomination of Susan C. Schwab to be United States Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Executive Office of the President, vice Robert J. Portman

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5-16-06 To review and make recommendations on proposed legislation implementing the U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement. Has been postponed.

5-16-06 To consider favorably reporting the nomination of W. Ralph Basham, of Virginia, to be Commissioner of Customs, Department of Homeland Security, vice Robert C. Bonner, resigned. Has been postponed.

5-10-06 Fostering Permanence: Progress Achieved and Challenges Ahead for America’s Child Welfare System

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April 2006

4-26-06 Authorizations of Customs and Trade Functions

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4-25-06 The Social and Economic Effects of the Methamphetamine Epidemic on America’s Child Welfare System

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4-6-06 Saving for the 21st Century: Is America Saving Enough to be Competitive in the Global Marketplace?

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4-6-06 Health Care Coverage for Small Businesses: Challenges and Opportunities

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4-05-06 To consider the nomination of Mr. W. Ralph Basham, to be Commissioner of Customs, Department of Homeland Security

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4-04-06 Preparing Your Taxes: How Costly Is It?

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March 2006

3-29-06 U.S. China Economic Relations Revisited

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3-16-06 Cuno and Competitiveness: Where to Draw the Line

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3-14-06 Administrative Challenges Facing the Social Security Administration

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3-8-06 Taking a checkup on the nation's health care tax policy: a prognosis

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3-6-06 The U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement

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February 2006

2-16-06 The Administration’s Trade Agenda for 2006

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2-9-06 The President’s Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Proposal

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2-8-06 Implementation of the New Medicare Drug Benefit

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2-7-06 The President’s Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Proposal

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