U.S. Geological Survey       National Strong-Motion Project





Currently Active Stations

Click here to view the complete currently active Station List sorted by station number(updated 12/03/2008)
Click here to view the complete currently active Station List sorted by state and name (California is divided into Northern and Southern regions).
(updated 10/09/2008)
Click here to download an Excel version of the currently active Station List
(updated 12/03/2008)

The precision of the station latitude and longitude varies depending on the method used to obtain  the coordinates (i.e. topographic map, GPS, differential GPS).


Currently Active Stations (updated 03/13/2007)

Dial-up Station Maps (updated 08/01/2007)

Real-time Station Maps (updated 08/01/2007)

Distribution of Stations

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The NSMP National Strong-Motion Network (NSMN) currently operates over 1,000 strong-motion devices at approximately 700 permanent stations (STATION LIST (updated  10/09/2008), Maps (updated 08/01/2007) located in 33 States and the Caribbean (distribution of strong-motion stations by state; updated 02/08/2007). Recorders are currently installed at approximately 210 structures, which includes 133 buildings, 17 bridges and over crossings, and 60 dams.  Over 40 instrumented buildings have 6 or more seismic sensors and several have 36 or more seismic sensors (ex: Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Region).   The NSMN is primarily the result of cooperative efforts with many other federal, state, and local agencies, private companies, and academic institutions (LIST; updated 02/08/2007). Key participants for which the NSMP presently maintains instrumentation include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

Instrumentation in the NSMN is currently comprised of approximately 79% digital recorders (distribution of strong-motion instruments by type; updated 02/08/2007).  The analog ground stations generally contain Kinemetrics, Inc. optical-mechanical model SMA-1 recorders with internal triaxial force-balance accelerometers.  Time is typically provided by either an internal clock or WWVB radio receiver.  Accelerations are recorded on 70-mm photographic film.  These battery-operated recorders remain in a standby mode until triggered by significant ground motion.  Analog structural instrumentation is similar but contains multiple (typically 12 or more) sensors located throughout a structure, which are hard-wired to a single film recorder at a remote location. The NSMN has approximately 762 digital recorders, located primarily in California, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Pacific northwest. Instrumentation is similar to the analog recorders but records in solid state or flash-card memory rather than on film; operates in a triggered mode but contains a pre-event memory; and provides timing via a GPS receiver. Ground stations may contain 3-6 channels while structure stations may contain 12-72 remote channels.

Four hundred and twenty NSMP digital recorders (330 dial-up and 90 real-time; total updated 02/22/2007)  are hooked up to telephone lines for rapid retrieval and interpretation of on-scale (strong-motion) measurements in urbanized areas for near-real time damage assessments and emergency response evaluation and deployment.  The NSMP Near-Real-Time Acquisition System has been in operation since 1999. Maps (updated 08/01/2007)

The NSMP Network Operations Database  (NOD) facilitates the coordination of station, recorder, transducer, and inspection data with earthquake and record information.

The NSMP General Earthquake Observation System (GEOS) project maintains 95 high-fidelity, wide-dynamic range recorders for operation of arrays and for critical post earthquake response studies.  Tables of station locations, event locations, ordered arrival lists, and trigger are available via the GEOS Home Page.

This page was last modified on 12/04/2008.

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