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Armenian Manuscript of the
Book of Adam
Near East Section,
Library of Congress

Acquisitions of Armenian Materials for the Library of Congress


The Library of Congress is dedicated to building and preserving a comprehensive collection of materials in all formats (e.g., manuscripts, books, serials, newspapers, electronic media, motion pictures, music, etc.) on the Republic of Armenia and on the influential and centuries old Armenian Diaspora. These may be both in the Armenian or other languages and encompass all subjects that deal with the past, present, and future of Armenian life and culture, and published in the Republic or in the Diaspora, (with the exception of the countries of the Middle East).

Acquisitions of Armenian language materials in all formats from the countries of North Africa, Anatolia and the Middle East are handled by the Library Congress's Overseas Office which is located in Cairo, Egypt. For all matters concerning the acquisitions of these materials from these countries, whether by sale or through exchange, please direct your questions to:

Library of Congress Office
U.S. Embassy
Garden City
Cairo, Egypt

There are four basic means that the Library of Congress employs to collect materials. These are briefly described below. If you have questions about the scope of the collection or the suitability of materials you have for the Library’s collections, please contact:

Dr. Levon Avdoyan
Armenian and Armenian Area Specialist
Near East Section
African and Middle Eastern Division
The Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4823

Phone: (202) 707-5680
FAX: (202) 252-3180

All materials and items from the Republic of Armenia and from the Diaspora (with the exception of the countries of the Middle East), however, should be sent to:

Library of Congress
African/Asian Acquisitions and Overseas Operations Division
101 Independence Ave. S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20540-4151

Attention: Ms. Lola Pickering


The Library of Congress actively purchases materials from vendors, book dealers, and private individuals. We would welcome receipt of any catalogs or offers you have. Please send these for consideration to:

Dr. Levon Avdoyan
Armenian and Armenian Area Specialist
Near East Section
African and Middle Eastern Division
The Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4823

Phone: (202) 707-5680
FAX: (202) 252-3180


Under the terms of section 407 of the U.S. Copyright Law, the best edition of works published in the United States must be sent to the Library of Congress for possible inclusion in its collections. The law mandates that two copies of English language monographs and one copy of foreign language monographs published in the U.S. be submitted; one copy of serials and newspapers, no matter what the language of publication, must be submitted. For additional information on this aspect of the Copyright Law and on other related matters, see the U.S. Copyright office web site. Please note that this is the case even if you do not choose to register the copyright that already exists on your works.

If you choose not to register your copyrights, please send these works, with a note stating that they are being deposited in accordance with section 407 of the U.S. Copyright Law, to:

Library of Congress
African/Asian Acquisitions and Overseas Operations Division
101 Independence Ave. S.E.,
Washington, D.C. 20540-4151

Attention: Ms. Lola Pickering


The Library of Congress sponsors a vigorous exchange program of materials with a variety of institutional partners throughout the world. Such exchanges have long been a part of the collections development strategy of gathering materials from Armenia and have proved of mutual benefit both to the Library and to our exchange partners. The Library is always seeking to strengthen and expand the scope of this program.

For those of you who represent either an institution or organization with which the Library already has an exchange agreement or one that you believe could benefit from the establishment of such a program, please consult the following two sets of guidelines and instructions:

Library of Congress Acquisitions Directorate: Duplicate Materials Exchange Program Armenia

The Library of Congress Additional Guidelines Regarding the Duplicate Materials Exchange Program Armenia


The collections of the Library of Congress have benefited from the generous donation of materials from individuals and institutions. You may send such donations to:

Library of Congress
African/Asian Acquisitions and Overseas Operations Division
101 Independence Ave. S.E.,
Washington, D.C. 20540-4151

Attention: Ms. Lola Pickering

The breadth of the Library’s collections are truly astounding. Before sending such gifts, we recommend that you either search our online catalogs or contact

Dr. Levon Avdoyan
Armenian and Armenian Area Specialist
Near East Section
African and Middle Eastern Division
The Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4823

Phone: (202) 707-5680
FAX: (202) 252-3180
to determine whether the Library already possesses these materials. We are always happy to discuss such issues with you.

In 1949, the Committee for the Armenian Collections of the Library of Congress created a special bookplate to be placed in donated Armenian language materials. These have been edited to allow for naming of the donor, or honoring or memorializing a person by sending such a donation. Please see the accompanying illustrations of the three variations and let us know which of the bookplates you would like placed in the materials you have sent and also the exact form of the names as they will appear.


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  April 29, 2004
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