Children's Voice Nov/Dec 2007

In This Issue...

Executive Directions
Our Advertisers
About Children's Voice

Executive Directions
A word from CWLA President/CEO Christine James-Brown

Adoption Pioneers
   Two long-time child advocates share thoughts on adoption recruitment.

Adding Advocacy to Mission
   Services to children and families should include giving them a voice.

Helping Children Grieve
   Coping with loss is hard enough for adults, let alone children.

Management Matters
   As agency leaders retire, boards need to address four key questions.

Agency Briefs

Bulletin Board

The Down to Earth Dad
   Parent Eye Contact: How It Builds Children's Self-Esteem

Eye on CWLA

Exceptional Children: Navigating Learning Disabilities and
   Special Education

   Giftedness and LD

National News Roundup

 Read selected articles from previous issues of Children's Voice
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