The President & His Leadership Team The President's Management Agenda Tools for Success
  |   The Scorecard Grading implementation of the PMA.   |     |   The Five Initatives Updates on five aspects of the PMA.   |     |   Department Updates Departments report on the PMA.   |     |   How They Did It Stories about achieving breakthrough results in government.   |     |   Other Reforms Additional management improvements.   |     |   FAQ Frequently asked questions about the PMA.
View the President's Management Agenda, an aggressive strategy to achieve the Administration¹s policy and program goals through reform of federal management and improved program performance. >   |   View PDF

"Government likes to begin things - to declare grand new programs and causes. But good beginnings are not the measure of success. What matters in the end is completion. Performance. Results. Not just making promises, but making good on promises."

Management Scorecard Update
September 30, 2003 -- The Office of Management and Budget unveiled the latest Management Scorecard.

Getting to Green - Initiative Criteria
November 14, 2003 -- See which agencies have performed best in meeting the component parts of the PMA initiatives.

Johnson Reports on Status of PMA
November 14, 2003 -- Clay Johnson, Deputy Director of OMB for Management, writes, "Think about what you are in the process of doing with the President's Management Agenda. Yes, you're moving from red to yellow by the end of this fiscal year, on average; and yes, to varying degrees you're all assessing program, personnel, IT project and human capital investment performance and managing accordingly. But what's really significant, perhaps most important of all, is you're causing the federal government to become results oriented."

Five Initiatives Update
November 14, 2003 -- Read updates from the owners of the Five Initiatives. Robert Shea, owner of the Budget and Performance Integration Initiative, says, "Undeterred by the winds of Hurricane Isabel, Clay Johnson testified before the House Government Reform Committee about the Administration's effort to make the government more results-oriented. He said, 'Managing for results is still a new way of thinking for the Federal government. But it is doable and, because we are managing in times of continued budgetary constraints, it is necessary. This will happen. We will bring about this historic change in government management together.' The way we are bringing about this results orientation is by achieving the goals of the Budget and Performance Integration Initiative."

Clay Johnson Answers Questions in Online Chat
July 22, 2003 -- Clay Johnson, Deputy Director for Management at OMB, answers questions about the President's Management Agenda as part of the"Ask the White House" series on Among other things, Clay addresses concerns about competitive sourcing and what the President's Management Agenda means to taxpayers.

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