News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Boosts Funding for Hanford in Senate Bill

Senator increases money for cleanup by $32 million

For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) today successfully increased funding for cleanup at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation by $32 million in the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations bill.

The President’s budget – submitted to Congress in February – cut $297 million from cleanup efforts at Hanford, including $148 million from the Office of River Protection and $149 million from the Richland Operations Office.

“In tight budget times, we have a responsibility to fund projects that improve the health, vitality and economic strength of our communities. I am pleased to have been able to increase funding in the Senate for cleanup at Hanford under very trying budget constraints,” Senator Murray said.

The funding secured by Murray will specifically be used to support the tank farm program under the Office of River Protection. The President’s budget cuts the tank farm program by $89 million.

“The President’s budget has guaranteed a delay in the start of the waste treatment plant and is in violation of the Tri-Party agreement. I am pleased to have been able to improve on the President’s request, but by slashing funding for Hanford this Administration has broken its promise to the residents of the Tri-Cities and put the safety of the community at risk.”

Over the past five years, Senator Murray has been the leading champion of Hanford cleanup funding and is co-chair of the Senate’s bipartisan Nuclear Cleanup Caucus.

The funding Murray secured today will now go before the full Senate Appropriations Committee for approval.
