News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Secures Increased Funding for Hanford Cleanup

Full Senate approves money for Washington State as part of FY 2002 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, July 19, 2001

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U. S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) today announced the full Senate approval of over $1.8 billion for Hanford Cleanup within the fiscal year 2002 Appropriations Bill. The funds, which will support a waste treatment plant and cleanup efforts along the Columbia River, passed by a vote of 97-2 as part of the final Energy and Water Appropriations Bill. The funding is $435 million higher than President Bush's budget for Hanford and approximately $20 million more than the House appropriation.

"Today, the United States Senate affirmed its commitment to nuclear cleanup at Hanford and around the country," Senator Murray said. "The health and welfare of both our families and our environment will benefit from this increased support for nuclear cleanup."

Senator Murray is a member of the Energy and Water Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee and co-chair of the Senate Nuclear Clean-up Caucus. Her efforts on the Committee resulted in the higher funding levels for Hanford.

The total funding represents $746.3 million for Richland Operations and $1.022 billion for the Office of River Protection (ORP). This funding, when combined with the $53 million contained in the Supplemental Appropriations bill, brings Richland and ORP to $764 million and $1.070 billion respectively.

The funding for ORP is the level necessary under contract to move forward with the Waste Treatment Plant. The President's budget would have significantly delayed the project.

The funding for Richland Operations surpasses the $762 million necessary to implement Vision 2012, which accelerates cleanup along the Columbia River.

"Now that both the Senate and House have done the right thing by approving money for nuclear cleanup, I hope that the Bush Administration will decide to support our effort as well."

"These funds will allow Hanford to keep its cleanup efforts on target and on schedule. This is great news for the residents of the Tri-Cities who sacrificed to help us win World War II and the Cold War."
