Table of

Contents/Authority for Part 2914


Subpart 2914.2-Solicitation of Bids
2914.203 Methods of soliciting bids.
2914.203-2 Dissemination of information concerning invitation for bids.
2914.205 Solicitation mailing lists.
2914.205-1 Establishment of lists.

Subpart 2914.4-Opening of Bids and Award of Contract
2914.404 Rejection of bids.
2914.404-1 Cancellation of invitations after opening.
2914.406 Mistakes in bids.
2914.406-3 Other mistakes disclosed before award.
2914.406-4 Disclosure of mistakes after award.
2914.407 Award.
2914.407-8 Protests against award.
2914.407-70 Award when only one bid is received.

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

Source: 50 FR 8925, Mar. 5, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
2914.203 Methods of soliciting bids.