The Coalition for Health Services Research is the advocacy arm of AcademyHealth providing a unified voice for advancing the field of health services research.


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New! Take Action: Influence Your Elected Officials

New! Regulations: Comments Sought on Part D Data Public Use Files

New! FR Notices: AcademyHealth Comments on AHRQ's New Innovations Portfolio

New! Appropriations: President Signs Continuing Resolution

Strengthening HSR: Policy Priorities for 2008


Legislation: Bills Related to Health Services Research

Comprehensive Summary of CER Legislation
AcademyHealth recently released the attached summary of comparative effectiveness research (CER) bills in the 110th Congress, providing a side-by-side description of each bill's provisions related to CER scope, placement, governance, finance, and dissemination and use.

Treading Water

Treading Water: The No-Growth Investment in HSR
HSR funding is dwindling even as health costs soar. Where funding is available, there has been an alarming decrease in research grants in favor of government contracts. This article explores the current funding environment and the promise for its future.

2007 Federal Funding for Health Services Research
February 2008
This fifth annual baseline report documents health services research expenditures across the federal government. We estimate that approximately $1.5 billion was expended for health services research and related activities in FY 2007.

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