United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
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Cornyn Introduces Judge Elrod At Confirmation Hearing To Serve On Federal Bench

'I commend this outstanding lawyer, judge and Texan, and urge that this Committee act promptly and favorably on her nomination'

Thursday, July 19, 2007

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WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, introduced Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod, of Port Arthur and Houston, during her confirmation hearing on Thursday to serve on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.  

“I’ve been overwhelmingly impressed by Judge Elrod’s qualifications for this job,” Sen. Cornyn said. “She has a reputation as a fair, hard-working and thoughtful judge recognized for her low reversal rate. By all accounts, Judge Elrod has exercised her judicial duties with nothing but neutrality and commitment to fundamental fairness for every litigant to appear before her. I am confident that Judge Elrod has demonstrated her ability to fairly and impartially resolve cases before her. I commend this outstanding lawyer, judge and Texan, and urge that this Committee act promptly and favorably on her nomination.”

Judge Elrod graduated from Baylor University in 1988 and from Harvard Law School in 1992. From there, she served as a law clerk on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas from 1992 to 1994, was an associate at Baker Botts from 1994-2002, an adjunct professor at the University of Houston Law Center in 1995 and has been a District Court Judge for Harris County since 2002.

--Below are excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks as delivered at the hearing--

“I’ve been overwhelmingly impressed by her qualifications for this job. Sen. Hutchison noted that this is a judicial emergency on the Fifth Circuit, one of our busiest circuit courts in the nation, and we have, of course, two vacancies. Just recently the second nominee has been sent over by the White House, so it’s my hope both of these nominees will be given prompt consideration, and that’s why I’m especially grateful to you and Chairman Leahy for having this prompt hearing on this seat.

“As Sen. Hutchison noted, Judge Elrod graduated from Harvard Law School. It’s interesting though, just sort of a footnote, while she began her legal education at Harvard Law School, she participated in what was known as the James Barr Ames Moot Court Appellate Advocacy Competition. Though her team lost in the final round by a vote of two to one, it did win the vote of one of the panelists, a certain judge from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit by the name of Patrick Higginbotham. It’s perhaps ironic that Judge Elrod now stands before the Senate Judiciary Committee nominated by the President to fill the vacancy created by the Judge Higginbotham’s transition to senior status.

“Sen. Hutchison noted her community service, which is highly significant, considering the fact that she’s married and has two young children, balancing her career as a lawyer and a judge with her desire to further serve the community.

“I think one of the basic questions we all want to know about all judicial nominees is ‘what’s their judicial temperament like?’ And of course Judge Elrod has a demonstrated record of excellent judicial temperament. She understands the difference between being a judge and being and an advocate. This fairness and respect for all is why Judge Elrod’s nomination is supported across the Houston legal community.

“Thank you for allowing me to join Sen. Hutchison in commending this outstanding lawyer, judge and Texan to you and we hope the committee will act promptly on this nomination.”

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services, Judiciary and Budget Committees. In addition, he is Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Border Security and Refugees subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General, Texas Supreme Court Justice, and Bexar County District Judge.

July 2007 News Releases

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