United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
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Cornyn: Forthcoming Hearing On Border Patrol Agents' Prosecution "Important" And "Overdue"

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, Ranking Member of the Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship subcommittee, made the following statement regarding today’s announcement by the Senate Judiciary Committee that it will convene a hearing next Tuesday to  “Examine the Prosecution of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.”  Senator Cornyn has been involved in this issue since last fall, making inquiries, etc. He requested an oversight hearing in a January 17th letter he sent to Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt).  

“It is critical that Congress fulfills its oversight responsibilities when it comes to the federal government’s commitment to protecting those Americans who live and work along the border.  I’ll have some tough questions at this long overdue hearing.”

“It is important that the American people have faith and trust in our justice system.  A number of questions remain regarding the prosecution of these two Border Patrol agents.  I recognize the strong public interest in a case where the American public sees two border patrol agents serving long prison sentences while an admitted drug dealer remains free.

“Similarly, it’s my understanding that the Justice Department believes all the facts have not come out on this prosecution and would welcome the opportunity to explain its decisions.

“It is my hope that this hearing will serve an important purpose because it will air for the American people the facts of this case so that they can review for themselves some of the more controversial aspects of this case.” 


  • On January 17, 2007, Senator Cornyn sent a letter to Chairman Leahy stating, in part, “We have been working with Sen. Specter as the committee investigated this issue and I understand that the Justice Department believes all the facts have not come out on this prosecution and would welcome the opportunity to explain its decisions. Specifically, the committee should investigate the Department’s decision to grant immunity to the drug dealer in exchange for his testimony against the agents. I request a separate oversight hearing—and hope you will agree that this incident merits the committee’s prompt attention.”
  • On April 19, 2007, Senator Cornyn again raised this issue at a Judiciary Committee oversight hearing on the Justice Department, stating, in part, “I know a hearing was scheduled, and then it was postponed. And my hope is that it can be rescheduled and we can have that oversight hearing to make sure all of the facts get out, not rumor, innuendo and speculation, but the facts, so we can conduct our proper oversight responsibilities and the American people can be reassured of what the facts actually are.”

July 2007 News Releases

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