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Responding to the Crisis in East Timor

Address of

José Ramos-Horta
1996 Recipient of the
Nobel Peace Prize

Audio Files

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St.
Washington, D.C.


Jose Ramos-Horta at USIP

José Ramos-Horta spoke at the
Institute on September 17th.

José Ramos-Horta discussed the August 30th East Timor autonomy referendum, the ensuing violence, and the future of East Timor with Indonesia relations, amongst other topics.

Biography of José Ramos-Horta

The following 13 files contain the entire address. You may listen to them in series or separately.

Archived Audio (Available by Segment)

Ramos Remarks Part 1
Ramos-Horta discusses the mood of East Timorese towards the Republic of Indonesia and its possible participation in the UN Multinational Force.
Running Time - 2 min • 912K Download*

Ramos Remarks Part 2
Ramos-Horta discusses the difficulty of integrating Indonesian soldiers in the UN Multinational Force.
Running Time - 2 min • 888K Download

Ramos Remarks Part 3
Ramos-Horta discusses the Indonesian security forces, the militias, and the August 30 autonomy referendum.
Running Time - 2 min • 890K Download

<Ramos Remarks Part 4
Ramos-Horta discusses violence in the East and West Timor border region, and its intended impact on the New York Agreement.
Running Time - 2 min • 970K Download

Ramos Remarks Part 5
Ramos-Horta discusses attacks by Indonesian forces in Dili prior to the referendum vote.
Running Time - 2 min • 876K Download

Ramos Remarks Part 6
Ramos-Horta discusses the destabilizing nature of the Indonesian Army; the the de facto independence of East Timor.
Running Time - 2 min • 888K Download

Ramos Remarks Part 7
Ramos-Horta discusses the New York Agreement; war crimes in East Timor.
Running Time - 2 min • 888K Download

Ramos Remarks Part 8
Ramos-Horta discusses war crimes on East Timor; the need for self-defense.
Running Time - 2 min • 964K Download

Ramos Remarks Part 9
Ramos-Horta discusses the self-defense on East Timor and deterring future atrocities; the forced removal of East Timorese.
Running Time - 2 min • 896K Download

Ramos Remarks Part 10
Ramos-Horta discusses the sanctions against Indonesia to force the return of removed East Timor; devastation on East Timor.
Running Time - 2 min • 924K Download

Ramos Remarks Part 11
Running Time - 2 hr 27 min • 33M Download*
Ramos-Horta discusses the personal impact of the violence since the referendum.
Running Time - 2 min • 1M Download

Ramos Remarks Part 12
Ramos-Horta discusses the future foreign relations of an independent East Timor.
Running Time - 2 min • 1M Download

Ramos Remarks Part 13
Ramos-Horta discusses state directed destruction on East Timor; Indonesian opposition to the UN Multinational Force.
Running Time - 2 min • 776K Download

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